Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3015 Global Card Draw 18

When taking Wang Guokang's money, they naturally have to do things for Wang Guokang. This was the case for these people before the card system appeared, and it is naturally the same now.

After listening to Wang Guokang's words, these people remembered it in their hearts and surrounded An Ran.

As for Wang Guokang, he was afraid of being immobilized by An Ran, so when he talked to An Ran before, he hid far away because he had heard someone say that immobilization cards have a certain casting distance, not no matter how far away they are. .

An Ran saw the bodyguards surrounding him and was not afraid at all. He immediately regarded these people as nothing and walked towards Wang Guokang step by step.

The reason why she treats these people as nothing is naturally because she has damage rebound cards that can rebound damage. And she believes that the attacks of these people will never be higher than those of people who defraud the company. In this way, she cannot break her defense. Yes, it will only be rebounded to death by itself.

In this case, what was she afraid of? Naturally, she regarded them as nothing and went directly to Wang Guokang.

Sure enough, it would be useless for these bodyguards to attack her at the same time, because unless the attacks are at the same time, they will cause superimposed damage. Otherwise, if they do not attack at the same time, the system will attack and defend according to each attack. Calculating the gap, in most cases, the defense cannot be broken.

But these people didn't have the awareness to attack at the same time. Of course, even if they did, it couldn't be such a coincidence that the attacks could fall on An Ran at the same time, so An Ran would rarely encounter superimposed damage, and it was basically fine.

Wang Guokang was shocked when he saw that so many of his bodyguards were attacking An Ran, but it was useless at all. On the contrary, a few of them with low defense even suddenly fell to the ground and died. He immediately understood that An Ran not only had immobilization cards in his hand, but also seemed to have There are high-level rebound damage cards, otherwise it would not be possible to explain why An Ran did not attack those people and why those people died automatically.

If An Ran not only has immobilization cards, but is also powerful enough to have high-level damage rebound cards, then it will be impossible for him to snatch her cards. On the contrary, he is afraid that she will snatch the cards away from her, or even get her revenge. die.

In other words, when Xiao Anran came back, it was not that he was addicted to drugs and wanted to beg him to give him a dupin, but that he had become stronger and wanted to come back to seek revenge from him.

I am afraid that she is addicted to drugs, so he should also find someone with a high-level immunity card to help her clear it. After all, he has heard that immunity cards can not only be immune to card attributes, but can also help people clear debuffs, including Drugs, addictions, etc. can also be eliminated.

In addition, if Xiao Anran can have such a high-level damage rebound card, he must have gone abroad to grab other people's cards. Otherwise, where would the cards come from to upgrade the damage rebound card to a high level?

Speaking of which, if she had the immobilization card, in the early days of the card system, when everyone was not very powerful, it would be really easy to steal someone's card. It's no wonder that her damage rebound card can be upgraded to a high level, and then She dares to trouble herself because she is really confident.

These thoughts may seem like many, but in fact they only passed through Wang Guokang's mind for a moment.

After thinking about this, Wang Guokang quickly turned around and ran out because he didn't want to die.

But he knew it too late. He had escaped and was caught up by An Ran before he left the gate of his big villa.

In the past, Wang Guokang was proud of having such a manor-like villa, because it was a symbol of successful people, but at this moment, he suddenly realized that it was not good for the villa to be too big. An ordinary villa with a small courtyard. He had escaped a long time ago and was safe. After all, Xiao Anran would not dare to snatch his cards in broad daylight. If she did, the police would cause trouble for her. .

But now, he is still in his manor-style villa. People outside have no idea what is happening here, and the bodyguards are also afraid that An Ran will not attack them, but they will die one after another, so they dare not attack. , it was particularly easy for An Ran to catch him.

An Ran caught Wang Guokang and asked Wang Guokang to hand over the card without saying a word. If he didn't give it, he would beat him.

In order to avoid being beaten and hurt, Wang Guokang handed over some of the cards, but not all of them.

Turns out he underestimated Enron's capabilities.

At that moment, An Ran called some bodyguards and interrogated them separately.

Seeing that An Ran was ruthless, these people naturally confessed honestly for fear of being beaten.

Wang Guokang often brags about his card level in front of them, so these people really know what cards Wang Guokang has.

In fact, An Ran also knew what cards Wang Guokang had by monitoring Wang Guokang, but it was inconvenient to tell them without evidence, so he borrowed the mouths of these bodyguards to tell them.

In fact, even if these bodyguards didn't know, An Ran would pretend that the bodyguards said it and then ask Wang Guokang to hand it over.

An Ran asked what cards Wang Guokang had, and then forced Wang Guokang to give him the cards.

Seeing that An Ran was so capable, Wang Guokang asked and had to give the card again.

In the end, he gave away everything, and was beaten by An Ran, who asked him if he still had any hidden ones that he had not given.

Wang Guokang really wanted to die unjustly, because he really gave it.

It happened that he had lied before, making An Ran not believe what he had done, so he suffered so much more. ——In fact, An Ran knew how many cards he had, and the reason why he pretended not to believe it and beat him was just to deliberately find an excuse to beat him.

In fact, he thought about it at this moment, thinking about sending An Ran away first. It would be okay if he didn't have the cards. His company still had money. At worst, he would just sell the company and replace the cards.

An Ran saw that Wang Guokang was beaten to death by splitting tendons and bones, but did not force out more cards. He knew that this should be enough. What he knew about his cards was true, so he stopped torturing him. But he didn't leave. Instead, he asked Wang Guokang to contact the person who provided dupin and ask him to send some dupin.

Wang Guokang thought that she wanted to use it herself, but in the end, she saw that An Ran had used it for him.

"You did this to me back then, and I do this to you now, do you have any objection?"

If Wang Guokang had any objections, he could only drink the adulterated drinks honestly.

I thought it would be okay, I have money, even if I am addicted, I can just find someone with immunity cards to help me get rid of this addiction in the future, don't worry.

An Ran not only let Wang Guokang taste drugs and addiction himself, but also prepared to arrange it for Xiao's father and Xiao's mother.

Didn’t the original person say, tooth for tooth, blood debt must be paid with blood? How can we repay tooth for tooth? It's very simple for Xiao's father and Xiao's mother to poison the original body. Then An Ran also poisons Xiao's father and Xiao's mother to let them taste the taste of dupin. Since they are so poisonous, they should also have a taste of this stuff. !

An Ran thought this way and did the same. She immediately found the residence of Xiao's father and Xiao's mother, arranged the matter for Xiao's father and Xiao's mother, and then brought them to Wang Guokang's side to save her the trouble of having to run both ways every day.

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