Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3012 Global Card Draw 15

However, Wang Guokang also felt that it was not easy to get some cards by himself. Xiao Anran was a young woman with no money, so there was no way to get a lot of cards. It was probably because he was worrying too much.

Not to mention taking risks in chaotic places abroad to earn cards like some people in the Kingdom of Jin did. Xiao Anran was a woman, and Wang Guokang didn't believe she had the courage.

I guess I drew a good card that day and felt that I was powerful and no longer afraid of him, so I ran away.

Now it's showing up again, maybe I have no money to use it or buy dupin, so I'm back obediently.

After all, before the card system appeared, he had never restricted Xiao Anran's freedom. Because Xiao Anran was addicted to drugs, the money he earned was not enough to cover dupin expenses. He needed to pay her to buy dupin, otherwise he would just do it honestly. Never left.

Thinking about it, it's the same now. I thought I was great now that I had the cards, so I ran away, only to find that I still couldn't survive, so I came back again.

Thinking of this, Wang Guokang couldn't help but shuddered again, secretly thinking that rich people are good, what kind of woman do you want to play with? Xiao Anran is still hypocritical and wants to live or die. He was so kind to Xiao Anran, but this little girl was still making trouble. She was so blessed that she didn't know her blessings.

It can be said that the Xiao family is full of garbage from top to bottom, sucking the blood of the original person and scolding the original person from time to time.

An Ran, who Wang Guokang thought was addicted to drugs and had no money to buy Dupin, and who might come back to ask for money to buy Dupin, also found a breakthrough to deal with Wang Guokang.

By tracing all of Wang Guokang's contacts, she discovered that Wang Guokang was connected to a dupin trafficking organization. However, this person was very cautious and did not do anything in this organization. He just bought some dupin from them and controlled some things that he felt needed to be controlled. people.

Therefore, Wang Guokang used dupin to control the original body. He did not buy it casually from the market, but had his own special channels.

Thinking of this, An Ran felt that she could send Wang Guokang's information to the relevant parties. I believe the relevant parties would be happy to see this. After all, the country is also trying to get more cards, and it is definitely not good for the people to contribute, so the country It's more about digging up criminals and collecting cards from criminals. This way it won't affect ordinary people, which is better.

In the past, it was possible to impose harsh sentences and light sentences. After all, in recent years, many jurists have called for the emphasis on human rights and the abolition of death penalty for criminals. Therefore, the trend in recent years has been to give light sentences when possible.

But after the emergence of the card system, let alone light punishments and heavy sentences, it will definitely not be heavy punishments and light sentences. The sentences will be whatever you want.

Then after the verdict, the person is released, and then a wanted order is issued, and the person is captured again, so that the mission reward of the card system can be swiped.

After all, the country is afraid of criticism from directly depriving criminals of their cards, but it is always okay to earn experience points and then use the experience points to draw cards.

Using this method, almost all the criminals in Xia Kingdom have been caught, and public security is better than before.

Of course, it also allowed the country to successfully gain a lot of experience points and draw a lot of cards.

As for Wang Guokang's use of dupin to harm more than one person, once it is exposed, this person will definitely not be able to live with it.

That’s how this matter is going to be exposed.

Because Wang Guokang is very cautious in doing things, he uses dupin to control a group of protective umbrellas. Since they are controlled by him and help him do many bad things, they will naturally not expose themselves, lest they end up badly.

Moreover, Wang Guokang treated these people just like he did with himself, leaving no trace of his actions. It is really difficult to deal with Wang Guokang through this exposure.

Not to mention that An Ran was thinking about how to deal with Wang Guokang, but Xiao's father and Xiao's mother saw An Ran coming out and thought the same thing as Wang Guokang. They also thought that An Ran was addicted to drugs and had no money to buy dupin, so they ran back again and heard what Wang Guokang said. An Ran came back and asked them to see her, then scolded her.

After hearing this, brother Xiao spat and cursed: "You bitch, I have never seen anyone meaner than my sister. Other women know how to make money by using their appearance. She has been so beautiful for nothing. You can’t make any money at all, isn’t it cheap?”

When I think about the emergence of the card system, those rich people spent money to buy a lot of cards, which are very powerful. As for him, he still had the same card he drew at the beginning, plus the power card his mother gave him. There are too few cards.

If Xiao Anran had been honest, listened to them, and made money from those rich people, if they had made a lot of money, then after the card system appeared, they would have used the money to buy a lot of cards, and he would have become It's very powerful, and then it will become famous, and it won't be as unknown as it is now.

When I think of those trend-setters on the Internet who are extremely famous in the new era, they have become powerful people in this new era of cards, and they are very famous. But he, because of damn Xiao Anran's incompetence, did not catch up, and is still unknown, brother Xiao. He was very angry with An Ran and scolded An Ran like this.

Brother Xiao has never thought about why his sister should make money to buy cards for him. Xiao's father and mother have instilled the concept since he was a child, saying that he is the only male in the Xiao family, and all the money earned by everyone in the Xiao family belongs to him. , which has developed the idea that Brother Xiao naturally thinks that the original person should make money for him.

Even his thoughts were those of Xiao's father and Xiao's mother. At that moment, Xiao's mother also scolded: "That's not true! How much money has been spent on her training since she was a child! This is how we repay us! Find a rich man for her. Keep her alive, she’s not happy, if I had known she was so disobedient, I should have crushed her to death when I gave birth to her!”

Father Xiao said: "Stop scolding now. Since she is back, okay, let her go back quickly to please Mr. Wang. Let Mr. Wang give us 10 million at least and let his son buy another card. Now there are fewer cards. No." Good to please my wife.”

Although Brother Xiao is still young, time flies by quickly, and he has to prepare early.

Father Xiao said this, and Mother Xiao and Brother Xiao naturally agreed.

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