Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2997 Desperate Counterattack 35 (End)

An Ran couldn't help but be speechless after listening to their inquiry, and said: "Don't you think that if you invaded the Central Plains before, I will just forget it? If you feel that you can't defeat us and don't want to kill more people, you can take the initiative to go further away." Migrate. I heard that there is a vast desert ahead of the desert. I will probably only build the bastion to the edge of the desert and will not build it any further. If you are willing, you can move the whole clan to the other side of the desert. I heard that people can walk through the desert, and I think you can too. If you don’t want to go to the desert, just go to the north. I heard that there is a big lake over there. You move to the opposite side of the lake. From now on, we will use the lake as the boundary, and we will have well water on both sides. Don’t offend the river.”

After hearing An Ran's reply, the people in Xihu Palace couldn't help but want to beat him up.

Whether it was the desert or the big lake, they didn't want to cross it.

It goes without saying how dangerous the desert is. Even in calm conditions, it would take more than a month to walk out of the desert. How would they get there? What if you encounter a desert storm in the desert and all your tribe members die?

The big lake is not that wide, but you have to take a boat to get to the other side of the lake. Their tribesmen, plus the people captured from the Central Plains to serve them, numbering hundreds of thousands, will have to wait until the year of the monkey to get to the other side.

Moreover, whether it is a desert or a large lake, it is not necessarily safe to go to the other side. What if there are residents on the other side and they are not allowed to stay?

But An Ran didn't give them any room to talk, and they didn't want to fight with An Ran. They were afraid that they would be destroyed in the end, so they decided immediately to go to the other side of the lake to have a look.

In any case, the desert is more terrifying than the big lake.

At that moment, the people from Xihu Royal Court decided to go to the other side of the lake.

When An Ran heard that they were willing to leave, she said that based on the friendship we had lived together, as long as they were willing to leave, she was willing to provide some armor and swords for them to survive in the new place.

——An Ran doesn’t want them to go to the other side and be killed by the people on the other side. He also expects them to go to the other side to reproduce. Although it is very likely that there will be no people, they still have to be prepared.

After hearing An Ran's words, the Xihu Royal Court secretly wondered why An Ran was so good, but since they said they would give him armor and swords, they shouldn't tell lies, so they accepted it, thinking that it would be better and more secure.

Alas, since you can't beat Tang Anran, then stay away from her. I heard that the big lake is more than a thousand miles long and nearly two hundred miles wide. At the end of the long lake, there is desert on one side and northern frozen soil on the other. The extremely cold zone is not an easy place to cross, but it can also serve as a barrier between the two sides. In this way, they should be very safe living across the big lake.

——In the past, he might have thought that the lake was so wide that it would be difficult to invade the Central Plains. But now he no longer thinks so, but he feels that with the lake separating them, they don’t have to worry about Tang Anran invading them. It can be seen that he has been defeated. , just be honest.

Soon, the Xihu Royal Court began to migrate, and An Ran also helped provide a large boat so that they could migrate faster.

The people in the Xihu Palace couldn't help but be speechless after seeing this, secretly thinking that they were hoping that they would get out of here as soon as possible.

Since they did not intend to continue fighting with An Ran, and then accepted An Ran's kindness, the people in the Xihu Royal Court did not intend to delay any longer, and soon went to the other side of the lake with the help of An Ran's ship.

Fortunately, there is no country on the other side of the lake at this time, there are only some indigenous people, so it is not a problem for everyone to survive there.

The people from the Enron faction brought these investigation explanations, and Enron didn't care anymore. Now they built the bastion on the shore of the Great Lake to facilitate border defense, and no one was allowed to cross the Great Lake to the other side.

The width of two hundred miles is actually not wide, but as long as the shore is well defended, it will not be easy for the enemy to attack the Central Plains from the waterway, because the width of this lake is much wider than the river. It is so wide that in the In this era, it was almost impossible to cross the lake and attack, so An Ran would be safe as long as he stationed his people by the lake.

As for whether the enemy will attack through the lake as technology develops in the future, that is a matter for future generations. Enron does not need to think so much.

After driving away Xihu, An Ran focused on people's livelihood in the following days.

Although Enron ascended the throne according to the rules of this world, decades later, Enron also began to establish a constitutional monarch.

She doesn't know how the world will develop in the future, but constitutional monarchy should always be good in this era. When the world develops in the future and there is a better system, that will be in the future.

After doing this, An Ran returned to the real world.

As before, the mission was completed, and the evaluation was five stars. Obviously, the original owner was still satisfied with An Ran's actions.

There are no unfinished plots in this world. This is also normal. An Ran guessed that after the death of the original body, Queen Mother Liu and others can continue to live a good life in Jiangnan. They have not been beaten by the Xihu people across the river for a while. In this case , then there’s nothing to write about.

After doing this, An Ran continued to practice.

Based on the current progress, next time, she should be able to reach the ninth level of the foundation building stage, then the great perfection of the foundation building stage, and then the golden elixir stage.

When she thought that victory was right in front of her and she could return to the world outside the secret realm soon, An Ran couldn't help but look forward to it - she didn't know what the outside looked like after being away for so long, and how Lu Zhanxing's business was doing.

The training time passed very quickly, three months passed in the blink of an eye, and An Ran took on another mission.

This time she took on another mission in the modern world.


"Name: Xiao Anran

Cards owned: 0

Welcome to the world of cards!


1. Newbies are eligible to draw cards for free once.

2. A veteran can draw a card once with 100 experience points.

3. There is a chance to draw a card, but it is not 100% that you can get a card; if you draw ten times in a row, you can 100% get an E-level or above card.

4. Unless there are special circumstances, each person can only have a maximum of four card slots, that is, a maximum of four cards can be used during battle.


Yes, the mission An Ran took on this time was another mission invaded by a higher world, and the way of invasion was through cards.

This morning, a screen like this popped up in front of players all over the world, allowing everyone to draw cards.

Many people were overjoyed to see that they could gain extraordinary power, while some were cautious and did not dare to draw the card for fear that there was something wrong with it.

However, An Ran is only doing tasks, and she will leave this world if she completes the tasks. Therefore, she will not care about what tricks the higher world plans to do to this world until she has no ability to care about it. Of course, the main reason is the current situation of the original body. No, he also needed cards to make himself extraordinary, so he confidently and boldly drew the novice card.

However, like the original person, she is a non-chief. She has never been able to draw anything good when drawing cards like this. This time, like the original person, she did not draw anything good.

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