Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2988 Desperate Counterattack 26

This time the Xihu people attacked the bastion near the capital. This was to facilitate the maximum mobilization of manpower and food. After all, if they had to attack the bastion in other directions, they would have to march a long distance. It’s also inconvenient to replenish.

However, it is convenient to attack the bastion near the capital, but it also has a disadvantage - once defeated, you will have to bear the consequences of the opponent being too close to the capital, attacking the capital, and driving them away.

Therefore, this battle must be won and cannot be lost.

Seeing the arrival of Xihu's 50,000-strong army, An Ran did not dare to rely on him. He immediately evacuated the people from some forts on the front line, leaving only the army behind.

In this way, the first bastion was lost, and the army retreated to the next bastion to continue fighting.

She was not worried about whether she could defeat the Xihu people or how many bastions she would lose, because in the end, either Xihu found out that they could not defeat them and ran away, or the other party was determined to fight to the death, and finally fell to her side with an army of 50,000 people. In front of the bastion.

They have no idea how many bastions they have built on the northern land. Every time they conquer a bastion, they have to pay a huge price. In the end, they will either leave by themselves or the last person will fall in front of these bastions. .

Build a stronghold and fight stupidly. With the help of the bastions, not many people will die on her side, but the other side will have to pay a huge price in order to bulldoze these bastions.

This time, the person commanding the 50,000-strong army was the royal family and the first general of Xihu.

They were all heroes who had fought against the Central Plains Dynasty in the past. They thought that the people below had exaggerated the terrifying power of Anran Wubao. However, when they actually fought, they found that these Wubao were not as powerful as before they had invaded the Central Plains. The plundered Central Plains rich man Wubao was completely different.

They all have experience in hundreds of battles, and they immediately discovered that such a bastion was like a tortoise shell, extremely difficult to chew, and the opponent could attack from multiple sides, making it difficult for the attackers to attack the city.

Not to mention the opponent's countless bows and arrows, which are as numerous as stars. I don't know where they got so many bows and arrows. It's really difficult to defeat them with bows and arrows all the time.

——Who makes An Ran suffer from the fear of lack of firepower? In addition, the iron ore was discovered under the rule, so he can work hard to make bows and arrows. When the enemy comes to attack, a wave of arrows will wash the ground first, and no one can withstand this offensive. ah.

Of course, Xihu's top generals, coupled with an army of 50,000, were not exaggerated, and they still broke through several Anran fortresses.

But just as Enron predicted, that's where it ended.

Because Anron had a clear escape route, there were no casualties caused by the breach of the bastion after the bastion was breached. That is to say, during the battle on the wall, soldiers were occasionally killed and wounded by enemy bows and arrows.

Therefore, although several bastions were breached by the enemy, the casualties on Anron's side were limited. However, Xihu's 50,000-strong army paid a huge price in order to breach these bastions.

There is no way, every bastion is particularly difficult to break, and the defense line is broken purely by human flesh.

However, after breaking through a few fortresses, the Xihu people suffered 20,000 to 30,000 casualties, which was more than they had suffered in the Central Plains imperial court in recent years.

And as the casualties increase, morale is declining rapidly. If this continues, the remaining 20,000 to 30,000 will be lost in front of Enron's bastion sooner or later.

But they didn't dare to retreat, because once they retreated, it would mean failure and they would have to withdraw from the prosperous world they had finally conquered. How could they let it go? So they could only grit their teeth and order the rear to continue sending support.

Although 20,000 to 30,000 people died, didn't they also defeat several of Tang Anran's fortresses? Don't be afraid, as long as they keep fighting, they can always defeat all Tang Anran's fortresses.

But they never thought that if they continued to fight like this, if all of Anron's fortresses were not breached in the end, they would be the ones who died.

You know, they can't even catch cannon fodder now, because the refugees in the north know that they want to catch people as cannon fodder in the war, so they have run away long ago, or hid in the mountains, where they can't catch them at all.

If they can't catch cannon fodder, they have no choice but to go into battle in person. In this way, for every person who dies, there will be one less Xihu person.

After a long time, Xihu really couldn't bear it, especially the old, weak, women and children who stayed at home. When they heard that their son/husband/father died, they would often burst into tears and be very sad. This emotion was contagious and led to The people of Xihu, who had lived in the capital and had lived happily for the past two years, were no longer happy now. There was a sense of sadness floating throughout the capital.

Many people began to talk privately about whether they should stop fighting and go back to their hometown. Although they would not be able to live such a good life, at least their son/husband/father was still there. It was better than not having him alive now. Anyway, these two I also grabbed a lot of things in Nian, and I can still live well even in the desert.

But the people at the top know that they cannot retreat. If they are defeated, can they really retreat to the desert and continue living? Someone might be chasing you by then.

Therefore, they could not care about the opinions of the people below and continued to send troops to push down Ping An's bastion.

As they conquered several bastions, after they occupied the bastion, they found that this kind of bastion was indeed easy to defend and difficult to attack. No wonder they couldn't attack it for a long time.

——In fact, what they got was an incomplete version of the bastion, because after discovering that it was about to be breached, some of the mechanisms were withdrawn or destroyed by Enron, so Enron's bastion was more complicated than what they saw.

In addition, Anron also left tunnels or back doors in the bastions. In this way, if the Xihu people planned to occupy these bastions in the future and start a tug-of-war with them, they would not be able to do so.

The people of Xihu decided to fight to the end, but An Ran was actually unwilling.

Although if this continues, the population of the Xihu people will be severely damaged and they will be driven away in the future. Because the population is too small, they will go to other places to survive and may disappear in the long river of history. However, Enron is afraid that many edges will be breached again. fort.

Although the outer bastions were recently built, most of the people living inside were soldiers, and the common people had not yet been arranged to move in. Most of the common people who were inside before were helping with work, and they have all been evacuated. The autumn harvest has been completed, and the food has been After harvesting and transporting it away, even if the enemy robbed the bastion, they wouldn't be able to get much out of it.

However, it will always cause damage to the bastion, and it will take time to repair it in the future, which is also a waste of time.

So An Ran didn't want to fight with them.

If you don’t want to fight to the death, there is a way.

At present, An Ran asked propaganda people to go to the capital and other places to tell the story of the tragic war.

Xi Huerlang's family members, such as parents, children, wives, etc., really couldn't stand it when they heard the news.

At first I didn't want to fight, and we were just talking quietly in private, but now I heard the news from the front, and the war is not going well. The king still wants to recruit troops. A child has died in the family, and there are other children who will be sent away soon. I really couldn't sit still, and the discussion started to grow from small to loud, spreading from the bottom to the middle and upper levels.

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