Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2970 Desperate Counterattack 8

Regardless of what happened in the south of the Yangtze River, Enron was not optimistic about the situation in the north of the Yangtze River anyway, so Anron said that Anyang Hou and his wife were being a little conservative, and that most of their property might be lost by then.

But this has nothing to do with An Ran, so she won't care about it. Of course, even if she wants to, she can't. After all, she has no status in Anyang Houfu, so how can she care about it?

More and more dignitaries in the capital are buying land in Jiangnan, which has caused the land price in Jiangnan to increase several times. There is no way, there are really too many rich people in Beijing. No matter how high the land price rises, people will rob it. In this way, you compete with me, which naturally drives up the price.

Fortunately, Anyang Hou and his wife got the news early, and it was not too expensive when they bought it. Now that the house and land in Jiangnan are getting more and more expensive, they can't help but celebrate.

Anyang Hou and his wife had just settled Mrs. Anyang Hou's marriage, and were busy going to Jiangnan to buy land and a house. They were so busy that they had no time to relax. Coupled with worries about the future, they were finally in no mood to trouble An Ran.

It was already a long time after Anyanghou and his wife finally completed the field and house and sent people to decorate the house so that it could be moved in at any time. At this time, the situation in the capital was getting worse and worse.

The aliens are getting closer and closer to the capital, and none of the civil servants and generals of the imperial court can withstand the situation.

This is normal. If we can withstand the situation, the end of the dynasty will not happen.

If the dynasty comes to an end, it must be because the civil servants and generals in the dynasty can no longer bear it, or there may be some powerful ones who directly mutiny and seize the country for themselves.

Seeing that the imperial court couldn't bear it, many people began to run to the south of the Yangtze River.

The officials have to go to court, so they can't leave yet, but they have arranged for their families to go to Jiangnan first. After all, it's a long journey. If we don't leave early, we don't know how long it will take. It will be too late by then. Don't fight with foreigners. Come here and chase these people away.

So soon, all the dignitaries in the capital were gone.

At first, the public didn't know about it, but there were so many people waiting to leave that it was impossible for the public not to hear about it.

So another mass exodus of the people occurred.

This is also normal.

The upper class people have run away, how dare the common people not run away?

So before the enemy came, the north was in chaos. After all, the number of dignitaries was small, so if they ran away, there wouldn't be much movement, but how many ordinary people were there? When they ran, so many people ran south, it would be strange if there was no chaos. .

The more chaos arose, the more people ran away, because many people felt that the North would not be able to withstand the situation of fleeing without fighting. In other words, the North could not stay any longer. If it did not leave at this time, it would be even worse. when?

The more people run away, the more chaotic the north becomes. This becomes a vicious cycle.

Therefore, in the original memory, it was a matter of course for the alien race to occupy the capital city. After all, the enemy had not yet arrived, and the scene that An Ran saw was that the capital city could be captured without any effort from the alien race.

The Anyang Houfu was naturally the group of people who got the news earlier, so they ran away earlier.

Not only the female family members ran away, but also the male family members. Anyway, the title of Marquis Anyang was originally granted by Princess Anyang. It was a sinecure and had no real power. It didn't matter if he left. Anyway, the court was in chaos now, and no one would notice Marquis Anyang. Ran away.

Anyang Hou and his wife ran away and took away their confidants, those who were not confidants, and An Ran. Naturally, they would not take them with them because there were too many people and they could not afford to support them. After all, they had spent most of the money on hand before. They all used it to buy fields and houses, but they didn’t sell the fields in the north. If there was no money, how could they afford to support so many servants?

As for An Ran, Mrs. Anyang Hou originally wanted to take her with her, and wanted to use her as a tool so that she could wait until they got to the south and continue to use her to increase the favorability of Empress Dowager Liu. However, Anyang Hou raised objections and said that taking her would cost more. Bring a few waiters, otherwise, if there are no waiters, and her health is not good, she may die on the way. The belt is useless, and if you bring the waiters, it will cost a lot more. , it is inconvenient to carry it, it is better not to carry it.

Mrs. Marquis Anyang thought so, and then she thought that she didn't know what would happen in the future. God knows whether the imperial court would fall. In that case, there would be no need to please Queen Mother Liu. In that case, let's not take her with her.

So An Ran and the servants who were not his confidants were left behind, leaving them to fend for themselves.

After they escaped, the servants in the mansion also panicked.

All the money and food in the mansion have been taken away by Marquis Anyang and others. Now there is only an empty mansion left. Can everyone not panic? Many people expressed whether they also fled to the south.

But others immediately objected.

"Do you know how much it costs to go to Jiangnan? Do you have that much money?"

Since these people are not the confidants of Anyang Hou and his wife, their status in the mansion is naturally average. Since they are average, they don't have much money.

Since they don't have much money, they naturally don't have the money to go to Jiangnan, so that's why they say this now.

"You won't go if you don't have money?! You have to crawl over if you don't have money. It's better than staying in the capital and waiting to die, right? You don't think that the court can withstand it, right? If it can withstand it, it won't run away." I thought. Run humanely.

The person who didn't want to run away argued: "The Holy One is still in the capital, what are you afraid of?"

"When all the saints have run away, it will be too late for us to run again. After all, they have cars and horses. Can we run on two legs? We have to leave first."

Seeing everyone making noise, An Ran said: "No one can convince anyone, let's just do our own thing. Those who want to leave can go, and those who don't want to leave, let's quickly figure out what to do next. The rich and powerful people in the capital have almost run away." , I’m afraid the situation is very bad, and we can’t waste any more time.”

Everyone did not expect that the sick young lady in the mansion suddenly jumped out and spoke, startling them, and wondered when this young lady who had not been taken away and was abandoned came out.

Although they don't take An Ran seriously - they didn't take it seriously before. Now that An Ran has been abandoned, they don't take it seriously anymore. After all, a delicate little girl can't carry her shoulders or carry her hands. You know, in troubled times, their ability to survive is worse than theirs. How can they survive in a house with no money or food? So they naturally didn't take her seriously - but what An Ran said was right at this moment. They had to think quickly about whether to stay or run away. If she ran, what kind of regulations would it be? If not, what kind of regulations would it be.

So now everyone started arguing about whether to leave or stay. Seeing that everyone was like headless flies, they had no clue after arguing for a long time. At that moment, An Ran said: "Otherwise, for those who are determined not to leave, we Let’s first discuss what to do if we don’t leave, because I don’t plan to leave either.”

Everyone chuckled, thinking that you had no money and were weak. Did you leave? You just have to not leave.

However, because An Ran spoke in an orderly manner, everyone, who was like headless flies for a while, still listened to An Ran's words. Those who planned not to leave came to An Ran's side and began to discuss with An Ran what to do if they don't leave. The remaining people Then continue to debate whether to leave or stay.

I wish everyone a happy new year and all the best!

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