Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2967 Desperate Counterattack 5

An Ran looked like she couldn't resist, so she could only follow Miss Tang.

Mrs. Anyanghou heard the servant say that An Ran came here on time to pay her respects today, and she couldn't help but feel strange. When the servant said that she was dragged here by Miss Tang, she would know the reason.

Knowing that it was Miss Tang who dragged her here, Mrs. Anyang Hou couldn't help frowning, wondering if this Miss Tang was sick? The whole family knew that Tang Anran was too weak to come to pay her respects. She even asked the doctor to check it out for her, bought medicine to replenish her body, and never scolded Tang Anran about this matter again. Didn't she know?

Definitely know.

Now that she knows, she should understand that she won't blame Tang Anran for not coming to greet him on time. Why did she drag him here?

Although she liked to see Miss Tang causing trouble for Tang Anran, she didn't like her doing it when Tang Anran was in poor health. After all, what if she tortured someone to death?

Her worries were indeed true. No, Miss Tang had just brought An Ran over. Mrs. Anyang Hou saw An Ran's face pale and knew something was wrong.

Sure enough, An Ran fell down when he was saluting her, but Mrs. Anyang Hou was frightened. She immediately sent someone to find the doctor and show An Ran.

At the same time, he said to Miss Tang: "Miss, what's the matter with you? You should know about the frailty of the second girl. Since you know, why do you force her to come over to say hello before she has slept well? What if there is something wrong with this? , wouldn’t others say that my stepmother is abusing her, making her sick and unable to rest, and she has to come to pay her respects on time?”

It’s not surprising that Mrs. Anyang Hou scolded Miss Tang like this. She was afraid that if she didn’t scold Miss Tang, Miss Tang thought she liked her doing this and would continue to do so. Then her tool would die in her hands. what to do?

When Miss Tang saw An Ran collapsed, she was gloating about her misfortune. At the same time, she looked at Madam Anyang Hou and wanted to ask her for credit. She thought she had caused An Ran to pass out and Madam Anyang Hou would be happy, but she didn't know she would be beaten. Suddenly cursed.

Miss Tang didn't expect that she would be flattered and flattered, and she couldn't help but feel depressed at the moment.

But since Mrs. Marquis Anyang didn't like her doing this, she naturally had to be obedient and not dare to do this.

I just felt a little dissatisfied, thinking that the Queen Mother didn't want to see Tang Anran suffer misfortune. Why was Mrs. Anyang Marquis so good to Tang Anran? If the Queen Mother found out, wouldn't she be angry?

If she hadn't been able to see the Queen Mother, if she could have seen her, she would have told the Queen Mother about Mrs. Anyanghou's attitude toward An Ran, letting the Queen Mother know that Mrs. Anyanghou was being obedient to her.

She didn't know about Mrs. Anyang Hou using her original body as a tool, so she didn't dare to let her die, so she just thought like this.

The main reason is that she is naive and does not know how to respect herself. When she grows up and has more experience, she will understand the importance of tool people. Then she will probably be like Mrs. Anyang Hou, who does not want to kill An Ran. To avoid running out of tools to increase the Queen Mother's favorability.

Mrs. Anyang Hou would probably be furious to death if she knew that Miss Tang actually wanted to stab her in the back.

After being scolded by Mrs. Anyang Hou, Miss Tang finally calmed down and did not dare to take matters into her own hands and cause trouble for An Ran.

So An Ran's practice time became normal again.

Because he got his practice time openly and honestly, An Ran's practice progress is still good, which makes An Ran satisfied.

Time passed quickly, and soon the Dragon Boat Festival arrived.

Mrs. Anyang Hou and others all have relatives to leave, but the original person has no relatives to leave, so he stays in the mansion.

The relatives of the original mother's family, like the maternal family, were members of the royal family. The late emperor Concubine Liu and others were dead, and even Concubine Liu's natal family were all killed. There were still other members of the royal family, but they would not pay attention to the remnant of the original person.

She did have relatives from her father's family, but who would take her to visit them? Moreover, her relatives probably didn't want to see her at all, for fear of getting involved with her and putting her in danger.

An Ran is quite happy to stay in the house, because others don't want her to come to their house, and she doesn't want to waste time going to those people's houses to deal with it.

And according to the original memory, the Dragon Boat Festival was not peaceful this time - the desert aliens took advantage of the Central Plains Dynasty to relax their vigilance during the festival, and invaded the satellite city of the capital, burning, killing and looting, and the common people of the satellite city even fled in. In the capital, there was even a small group of aliens who broke into the capital, causing the entire capital to be in panic. People celebrating the festival were scared out of their wits and couldn't live well at all.

In the original body's memory, Anyang Hou and his wife almost encountered a foreign race. They were so frightened that they did not recover for almost a month, which gave the original body a rare month of peace.

But later, when I saw that the aliens didn’t come again, I felt that everything was fine and I could continue to play music and dance, so I was in the mood to continue to cause trouble for the original person.

An Ran was prepared to arrange the time to kill Mrs. Anyang Hou when they continued to cause trouble for him.

The original memory was correct. Soon the Anyang Marquis Mansion became chaotic. She heard the housekeeper shouting outside, asking everyone to close the door and block the door with something.

It seemed that the housekeeper had received news that the satellite city had been breached, and that refugees, defeated troops, and even foreigners had broken into the capital.

An Ran's guess was correct, and soon the whole house was in chaos. All the young men and women were called over to help move things against the doors and patrol every place.

But fortunately, the foreigners have not touched here. As for the defeated soldiers and refugees, they know where this place is. Before the imperial court is overthrown, they dare not come here to do anything, lest they be liquidated later.

Although the foreigners have not come here, they have actually broken into the area where dignitaries live. Otherwise, Anyang Hou and his wife would not have almost met them. After all, their relatives who left are also dignitaries and live in this area. area.

If you can reach this place, it is not far from the palace, because the places where dignitaries live are very close to the palace.

Sure enough, Anyang Hou and his wife came back just as they remembered, with faces as pale as fright.

As soon as he came back, he asked his servants to close the door tightly, for fear that something unexpected would happen.

An Ran looked at this look and thought to himself, it seems that what happened this time really scared Anyang Hou and his wife out of their wits, otherwise they wouldn't have such expressions. After all, they usually look like big shots, as if there is nothing in the world. It seemed that the matter was out of their control, but only a few aliens were able to beat them back to their original form. At a glance, they could tell that they were the kind of people who were strong and strong. Jinxiu Gaoliang was talking about them. Ordinary people were five to six, and they looked like they were the same. They look amazing, but they can only show their prestige in peaceful times. When it comes to turbulent times, one or two of them will not be able to do anything.

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