Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2961 Where is the Fairyland 28

At that moment, An Ran went to the mortal world and found the two grandsons of the old nanny that Aunt Chu remembered.

Needless to say, the old nanny who is close to me has been dead for the past fifty or sixty years, but her two grandsons who are seventeen or eighteen years old. An Ran unexpectedly discovered that these two people are still alive. It is because God has no eyes. , to allow such a person to live for such a long time.

Of course, it doesn’t necessarily mean that God is blind, because if the other party dies, according to the thinking of modern civilized people in Enron, the crime is not worthy of the descendants, and they may just take away the stolen money obtained by these two people, leaving them bankrupt. .

But now, since the two of them are still there, An Ran will force them to surrender. At that time, considering that they killed Madam Hou and the noble lady (that concubine), the punishment for their family will definitely not be as simple as losing money. .

But what kind of punishment they will receive is none of An Ran's business. She is only responsible for letting these two people tell the matter, and then they can punish them however the Yamen will punish them in this era.

If according to the royal laws of this era, the punishment is very serious, they deserve it. After all, when they do these things for money, do they not know what kind of punishment they will receive if such things are exposed? They do what they know and they break the law. No matter what kind of punishment they receive, they deserve it.

At that moment, An Ran used the magic of fantasy to make the two of them have nightmares about their ancestor's wife and the concubine coming to seek their lives with terrifying faces for ten days in a row. The two of them could not help but be frightened all day long.

They also never thought about how someone who had killed someone when they were young and had some nightmares after the killing would start having nightmares again decades later.

People are particularly afraid of death when they are old. They suspected that they were about to die. The two came to ask for their lives. After having such dreams for three days in a row, they began to find Taoist priests to perform rituals for them. The family could not figure them out. Why do you do this? What are you doing to waste this money?

But it didn't work and they continued to have nightmares.

Then they tried all kinds of methods, such as asking monks to perform rituals, or asking some country goddesses to perform dances, etc., but it was all in vain.

Ten days passed like this. Seeing that they had suffered a mental breakdown, An Ran gave them truth pills and asked them to surrender in front of Marquis Pingyang.

But it is said that although these two people each received two thousand taels of silver, what is very funny is that they did not redeem themselves and leave the Hou Mansion to become ordinary rich men. Instead, they continued to work as errands in the Hou Mansion. The reason was that they were afraid of becoming ordinary people. People will be bullied, and in the Hou Mansion, although being a servant has no status, at least no outsider dares to bully you.

The two of them didn't leave, but they didn't use the money to buy a field or a house. Probably because it was too easy to get the money, they got lost and soon became addicted to gambling and lost all the two thousand taels of silver.

Fortunately, they did not leave the Hou's Mansion. At least they still had the Hou's Mansion to support them, so even though they lost all their money, they still had jobs in the Hou's Mansion and had no problem eating and drinking.

It's not easy to give up just because you're addicted to gambling, so you haven't saved any money over the years. An Ran couldn't help but be speechless, thinking that there are indeed some people who don't have the luck to make money, and even if they get two thousand taels, they will lose it in the end.

Those two people took the truth pill and indeed ran to the new Marquis Pingyang and told them what they had done fifty years ago.

Because they had been tortured by nightmares for ten days, they didn't realize at all that this was because someone had tampered with them. They just thought they couldn't bear the torture, so they said it.

Even if outsiders heard that they surrendered because they could not bear the torture of nightmares every day, they were not surprised. They just marveled and said that they did not expect that people who had been dead for fifty years could still come back to claim their lives.

The original brother, the new Marquis of Pingyang, was naturally shocked when he heard about such a shocking old incident. The matter involved elders, so he naturally could not handle it privately. He immediately went to the Yamen to tell the matter, and reported it to Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment. will review the matter.

Because the murderer had taken the truth pill, there was no difficulty at all in trying the matter. The two people quickly told everything about what they had done back then, including pouring beans through bamboo tubes.

Afraid that the people in the court would not dare to deal with the person killed by the immortal, they were told that Aunt Chu had died due to poor cultivation, so that they could deal with it with peace of mind.

Officials from Dali Temple and other places couldn't help but be surprised when they heard the other party said that they were instigated by Aunt Chu. They thought about the feng shui of the Chu family. Two people who could cultivate immortals appeared one after another.

Not to mention what the court thought about the Chu family having so many people capable of cultivating immortals, anyway, now that the case has been cleared up, it was handled quickly.

Because the case was clear, based on what they had committed, they were quickly sentenced and their family members were exiled for three thousand miles.

This kind of sentence was based on the fact that the two were very old, so they only sentenced them to death. Otherwise, they would have killed Madam Hou and the noble lady, and they would have been executed in Lingchi.

The family members were only exiled, not beheaded, because they were really completely unaware, otherwise it would not have been such an ending.

Then the old lady who was the mastermind's personal body opened the coffin and killed the corpse.

Although in An Ran's view, it is useless to kill the corpse after the person is dead, it is still useful for people of this era who believe in ghosts and gods. Everyone feels that after doing this, the old lady will become a ghost. There will be peace, because people in this era are superstitious about the power of the government and feel that the government's judgment is also effective on ghosts.

Then the proceeds were confiscated and returned to the Pingyang Marquis Mansion.

However, these two families did not have much money due to gambling by these two people.

Although the two families were only exiled for three thousand miles, it was enough for the two families to hate the two murderers to death.

After all, they had never thought that the two of them had done such a thing back then, and they just did it. Why did they say it out loud, causing them to be exiled three thousand miles by the court? It really killed them. After all, the mountains are high and the roads are far away. Who can Knowing whether he would die on the road, he said that he was not sentenced to death, but being exiled for three thousand miles was almost the same as a death sentence.

After dealing with this matter, An Ran has basically done what he should do in this world. The only thing left is to look after the Pingyang Marquis Mansion and his original mother and let them live a good life and not be killed by anyone. .

However, there are two immortals in Pingyanghou Mansion. It is estimated that no one will cause trouble in Pingyanghou Mansion. I am afraid that there will be immortals in Pingyanghou Mansion in the future, and they will deal with these troublemakers.

In fact, after this incident came out, many people were willing to get married to Pingyang Houfu, just to have a bloodline of Pingyang Houfu, and to see if there would be an opportunity to cultivate immortality in the future.

Because of this, it was easy for the girls and boys of the Pingyang Marquis Mansion to find marriages. Basically, everyone married high and high.

Something else happened during this period. The people in the Qingguo Duke's mansion who had laughed at An Ran back then also coveted the idea of ​​marrying Pingyang Houfu and extended an olive branch to Pingyang Houfu.

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