Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2937 Where is the Fairyland 4

However, we can't kill Pingyang Hou yet, because An Ran's cultivation level is still too low. At least wait until after the sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage, and have more energy to use spells, and then deal with this guy. Otherwise, although Pingyang Hou can be killed, but There was no way to prevent outsiders from discovering it. An Ran wanted to prevent anyone from discovering that Marquis Pingyang was killed and passed away naturally, lest people discover that he was killed and it would alarm the Third Division - after all After all, Marquis Pingyang is the Marquis. If someone kills him, there will definitely be an investigation from the higher ups, which will bring trouble. An Ran does not want to cause Mrs. Marquis Pingyang, his original brother and others to get into trouble because of the investigation from the higher ups.

Regarding Pingyang Hou, An Ran didn't plan to say anything to him, because there was no need for dialogue, so he could just kill the person.

When this person dies and her brother inherits the Hou Mansion, the matter will be completed.

Marquis Pingyang would compromise with Erniang Chu. Her brother shouldn't kill his mother and sister for the sake of immortality, right?

If she really did this, she would just deal with it, so there was no need to worry. Anyway, it would be different than if the Hou Mansion was in the hands of Marquis Pingyang, who would 100% help Chu Erniang.

Marquis Pingyang didn't know that An Ran had murderous intent on him. He was still addicted to Wenrou Township and lived a life of feasting and feasting every day.

This is also a normal thing in this era. The lives of rich and powerful people are almost like this. In fact, it is similar in modern times. Rich and powerful people can also live such a life.

The only difference is that modern women can divorce if they can't stand this kind of life, but this was not possible in ancient times. Mrs. Pingyang Hou could only endure that her husband had a lot of women, and a lot of bastards and concubines born from him and other women.

There is no way, this is a backward world. Men are naturally stronger than women, resulting in women's low status. Unlike modern times, there is the power of science and technology to even out the distance between the two parties.

But in the world of cultivation, because men and women can cultivate equally and have almost the same power, there is no such thing in the world of cultivation.

Judging from some of the cultivation worlds she has experienced, the status of men and women is basically the same.

Most monks will not get married and focus on cultivation. Their disciples are almost like children.

There are also those who get married. Among those who get married, there are one-to-one and one-to-many. Generally, one of them is much stronger than the other and the other is dependent on them.

This kind of one-to-many is available to both male and female nuns. In other words, female nuns sometimes have several Taoist companions at the same time.

It is true that the classification of wives and concubines almost does not exist in the world of cultivation. In a one-to-many situation, the status of several Taoist couples is equal.

In the mortal world, a wife's natal family is generally of the same family status as her husband's family, that is, they are of the same family, while the concubines are of low origin. This will lead to the actual state of polygamy, but is forcibly prescribed by men as a system of monogamy and multiple concubines, in an attempt to To defend himself, he only has one wife. In fact, the actual state is still polygamy, with multiple women sharing the same cucumber.

But in the world of cultivation, a wife must be about the same strength as her husband. Who would accept that her husband has other women?

Most people cannot accept their partners having other members of the opposite sex, regardless of whether they are male or female.

In the mortal world, due to the unequal natural strength of men and women, polygamy has been forced to suppress women's nature. However, in the world of cultivation, men and women have equal strength. If the husband wants to do this, the wife does not have to marry him and just focus on cultivation. There is no need to endure it. The husband is with another woman.

Unless the two of them agree, you can have other women and I can have other men.

But in this case, everyone may not get married, but become a casual couple, which is what is called PY in modern times. If you are interested, you can have sex, and if you are not interested, they will break up. There is no need to get married and they are bound together.

It can be said that the situation of male and female cultivators in the world of cultivation is closer to that of the modern world.

Seeing Mrs. Pingyang Hou endure those concubines and concubines, An Ran felt that the matter of killing Pingyang Hou could be sped up a bit.

For Mrs. Pingyang Marquis, her son has now grown up and can inherit the title. Her husband's death has only advantages and no disadvantages for her. At least, she does not have to watch him fool around with other women, and then she has a new favorite. In front of her, he responded to her with love and affection.

Thinking of this, An Ran speeded up his practice.

The biggest change is that An Ran would usually stay at Mrs. Pingyang Hou's place for a while after saying hello to her in the morning, but now, on the pretext of going back to read a book, An Ran came back after saying hello, holding a book and reading.

We say we are reading, but of course we are practicing cultivation.

Mrs. Pingyang Hou didn't notice anything unusual. She just thought that the child had grown up and was no longer as clingy to her mother as she was when she was a child. She had her own ideas. As long as she didn't mess around, Mrs. Pingyang Hou would let her read in the room.

An Ran was not all practicing, sometimes she was actually reading books - she collected some legends to see if any of them could provide traces of the world of cultivation.

I always feel that there must be a world of cultivation above the mortal world, and if the people in the world of cultivation can come back - Chu Erniang will come back, right - there can't be no traces in the mortal world, there will definitely be some rumors in the market, she collected That's it, I want to see if I can find anything.

Enron's investigation said it made a discovery, but it was still a discovery; it said it didn't find anything, but it really didn't.

From these local chronicles or market rumors, An Ran did detect some signs of the world of cultivation.

The reason why she said this was because she saw a local chronicle describing that some local people saw someone flying in the sky at an extremely fast speed. Some people said that the person was dazzled, while others said that it was not a human being but a monster. , etc.

But An Ran felt that it must be the monk, but he didn't know how he showed up in front of mortals.

From these descriptions, it can be seen that there is indeed a world of cultivation.

The reason why it can be said that it has not been discovered is because no one has ever seen the real fairyland, whether it is market rumors or local chronicle descriptions, there are only these legends.

In other words, everyone does not know whether there is really a fairyland in this world. Even those legends are often considered to be fake and not true. They are just bragging and nonsense by those who see them.

So she could only confirm that there was a world of cultivation in this world, but she didn't know how to get there.

But since Chu Erniang can come to this world, there must be a passage in this world to go to the world of cultivation. It is not the teleportation array. There must be other ways. After all, the teleportation array in the family temple has been destroyed. It can't be used anymore, so when Chu Erniang came back, she definitely didn't come from there, but from somewhere else.

What she is looking for now is such a place.

There was no sign of the world of cultivation from the anecdotes, so An Ran began to investigate. There was nowhere in this world that ordinary people could not go.

Places that ordinary people cannot go to may be the entrance to the world of cultivation.

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