Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2935 Where is the Fairyland 2

The reason why Chu Erniang knew that there was a fairy fate in her family temple must be because someone had a fairy fate in her previous life before she was reborn.

It was most likely the original person, otherwise the original person would have to live well and she wouldn't hate him enough to kill him.

The reason for such a conjecture is that as soon as An Ran came to this world, he discovered that his original body had a talent for cultivation, and the talent was extremely good, so An Ran had such a conjecture.

If the original person had no talent, she would never make such an association.

If the original person had obtained immortality, and now this immortality has been snatched away by Chu Erniang, An Ran might not be able to find it again when she goes to her family temple to look for immortality.

Even if there is still a chance of immortality, she will probably destroy it to prevent her from getting it.

Although she felt that she would not be able to find immortality by going to the family temple again, An Ran did not give up and decided to go and see if there were any clues.

So An Ran pretended to be a child and said, "Mom, why did the second sister disappear in the temple? Should we go over and see what happened?"

After hearing what her daughter said, Mrs. Pingyang touched An Ran's head lovingly and said, "Mom has sent someone to investigate. There should be news later."

That means they don't have to go.

It's no wonder that Mrs. Pingyang Hou won't take her children there, because the family temple is different from the temples outside. If you want to go to the temples outside, you can go there on the pretext of offering incense, but the family temple usually houses family criminals. The wrong place for women to reflect, and then there are the places where widows whose husbands have died and their children have grown up sometimes go to pray for their late husbands. They were good people who were not suitable in the past, and they don’t know if they were a little girl. Why did you go to such a place to become immortal?

According to reasoning, eight or nine times out of ten, he made some mistake and got away.

But according to the character of the original person, it stands to reason that she will not make any mistakes. After all, from the memory of the original person, she has always been a kind and generous eldest sister, and she will never bully her younger brothers and sisters, even her younger brothers and sisters. , and she won't bully them, which eliminates the possibility of her making a mistake.

It's not that she made a mistake. According to Chu Erniang's character, maybe it was Chu Erniang who framed her, making Marquis Pingyang think she had made a mistake and imprisoned her. Finally, by chance, she got the fate of immortality.

——What An Ran didn't know was that she even guessed, but she actually guessed almost exactly. That was almost the truth.

Since he couldn't go to the family temple to inquire about the situation for the time being, An Ran stopped clamoring to go to the family temple, lest Mrs. Pingyang Hou find it strange.

Fortunately, Chu Erniang won't be here for a while. She will not come until she has completed her studies in six years. In this way, she still has time to practice.

Yes, An Ran was ready to practice. When he was almost done practicing, he secretly went to the family temple to see if there were any clues.

This practice is naturally not about martial arts, but about spiritual cultivation.

Although this world is a mortal world, it still has a little bit of aura, but it's just very meager.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of spirit stones in the Enron space. If they are assisted in cultivation, and the original body has good talent, they can be cultivated.

She couldn't wait a few years before practicing again. She had to practice almost as well before Erniang Chu came back after her cultivation was successful. Only then could she prevent her from coming back and killing her like she did in her original world.

In addition, if An Ran can't find any clues about immortality in his family temple and goes to the immortal world (the world of cultivation), he will have to look for traces of Chu Erniang, so he will have to find a way to restrain Chu Erniang and follow Chu Erniang. Mother went to the world of cultivation where she was, after all, she wanted to go to the world where Chu Erniang was.

In this way, she would have to practice even better than Chu Erniang in the past few years to be able to do it.

I don’t know how high Chu Erniang’s cultivation level was at that time. After all, the original person didn’t understand this. In her eyes, Chu Erniang was naturally as powerful as an immortal, so she couldn’t see Chu Erniang’s true cultivation level at all. As far as An Ran is concerned, he just needs to practice harder anyway, so as not to be defeated when possible, let alone to subdue Chu Erniang and let her take him to the "fairy world".

Although the spiritual energy in this world is meager, so she has to spend spiritual stones to practice, which An Ran is reluctant to part with, but in order to control Chu Erniang in the future, she can only give up such capital.

If An Ran says to practice, he will practice.

Because his original talent was good and An Ran had rich cultivation experience, even if the spiritual energy in this world was thin, An Ran still relied on spiritual stones to replenish it and quickly entered the first level of the Qi refining stage.

After entering the first level of Qi refining stage, due to the spiritual energy traveling in the body, An Ran's body functions have been greatly improved, making her body much better than ordinary people. One of the manifestations of this is that her body becomes lighter It feels a lot like a martial arts practitioner having internal strength.

Seeing that his body had become much lighter, An Ran was ready to sneak out and go to the family temple to check on the situation.

An Ran chose a sunny afternoon to act.

Every afternoon, she would take a nap - actually for the purpose of practicing - so that no one would notice her if she secretly opened the window at the back and slipped out.

Sure enough, as An Ran thought, she opened the back window and left without anyone noticing.

The main reason why it went so smoothly was because it was the afternoon and many people were taking a nap. Otherwise, if there were a lot of people coming and going in the house during meal time, An Ran might have been caught jumping out of the back window. people discovered.

Although she had an invisibility charm, a window opened inexplicably, and people passing by didn't notice that anyone had opened the window. It opened by itself, which would probably scare people to death. Then the person called a bunch of people to check, and she left. Things are about to be exposed.

So you still have to choose a good time when no one is passing by, and leave secretly, and don't act rashly.

After Qing Qing jumped out of the house, An Ran no longer had to be so careful. When he saw no one was around, he took out the invisibility charm to make himself invisible, then took out the flying charm and started flying.

The original person knows where the family temple is.

Although under normal circumstances, the original person will not go to the family temple, but it does not mean that he does not know where the family temple is.

The family temple of Pingyanghou Mansion is located on Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Pingyanghou Mansion.

After all, it is impossible to build this kind of building anywhere, so it was built on the Pingyang Marquis Mansion's own village. There are people in the village, and it is convenient for guards. There is no need to send people from the mansion to guard it, killing two birds with one stone. .

As for Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Pingyanghou Mansion, the original person naturally knew it, because every summer when it was hot, people from Pingyanghou Mansion sometimes went to Zhuangzi to escape the heat.

Zhuangzi is half a day away from Pingyang Marquis Mansion by carriage.

An Ran was only at the first level of the Qi Refining Stage. Although he ran a lot faster, he was still not at the speed of a horse. He would definitely not be able to go back and forth in an afternoon just by walking on his legs.

So An Ran came out of his house and could use the flying talisman, so he took out the flying talisman and flew.

Although this consumes the flying talisman and the invisibility talisman, in order to find the clues to the fairy fate one day earlier, An Ran still uses it. Before his cultivation reaches a higher level, he can run very fast without the flying talisman.

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