Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2882 Lord Game 31

These five guilds, in addition to the Jin Guild, have divided into four new guilds, each named after the four provinces.

Although it is named after a province, it does not stipulate that players who are not from this province are not allowed to join.

It's just that many players still like to join guilds in their own province, so that those who chat together become fellow villagers, so even if they join casually at first, later on, all the guilds in all provinces will become available, and everyone will quit the guilds in other provinces and join the guilds in their own province. .

Of course, you can definitely add it casually. It doesn’t matter whether it is from your own province, as long as it is a guild from the Kingdom of Jin. After all, before the end of the world, everyone often went from this province to that province.

However, for the time being, these guilds cannot recruit too many people because they have not yet been able to level up, so they are recruiting only experts. As a result, naturally no one from the original family and friends has joined the guild. After all, those people will later join the guild. If you want to take refuge with your original body, naturally you will be very ordinary.

An Ran would go to the guild station every day after the beast tide ended, firstly to feel the fireworks, and secondly to put some things on the shelves.

Just as she thought, after the beast tide ended, the official demand for purple-armed and purple weapons dropped significantly. It is estimated that the official has built many fourth-level territories, including fourth-level tailor shops and fourth-level blacksmith shops. There were enough purple-armed and purple-armed men that she no longer needed to provide, so the demand decreased.

However, I will accept orange equipment and weapons as long as they are available.

Because there was no official demand for purple armor and purple weapons, An Ran put it on the shelves in the guild store, and the sales were very good. After all, there were not many people outside the official department who wanted purple armor and purple weapons, so she bought a shop in the guild to open a store. Still got it right.

After that, I met Fang Weilai several times.

She did not tell Fang Future about opening a shop in the guild. After all, he knew about the fourth-level tailor shop and the fourth-level blacksmith shop. Lu Fang would communicate with him in the future and found out from him that she had already opened a fourth-level tailor shop and a fourth-level blacksmith shop. The matter of the first-level blacksmith shop was nothing. After all, he had already explained it in front of Lu Fang. When he brought Lu Fang and others over, he had also opened a fourth-level tailor shop and a fourth-level blacksmith shop.

But if Fang Future knew that she opened a shop in the guild and had a residence, then Lu Fang would know about it, and he would probably say that she had extra equipment, why didn't she give it to him, but sell it instead? Money, why don't you give it to him and use it to buy a house - although the thing belongs to her, she doesn't think she has done anything wrong if she doesn't give it to him, but she can't do the butterfly plot and increase Lu Fang's hatred value by herself, so she has to pay attention. It's one o'clock - so I can't talk about this. I just pretend that although I have a fourth-level tailor shop and a fourth-level blacksmith shop, I can't build many purple clothes and purple weapons because I can't buy some scarce materials.

During this period, Enron helped Fang build an orange weapon in the future.

Of course, as she has "no material", the source of the material is naturally provided by Fang Lairai himself, and she earns a production fee.

And in this back-and-forth interaction, An Ran also realized that Fang Future did have that kind of interest in herself. If nothing else, every time she went to the guild headquarters, Fang Future would always find her and chat with her. Sometimes He even invited her to dinner or shopping. If he didn't mean it, there was no need for the other party to do such boring things.

Such a development made Anron surprised.

Because there seems to be no such thing in the original memory.

Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean that there is no such thing. What if the original body is slow and doesn't notice it at all, so it's not in the memory? After all, a person's memory is that person's subjective thoughts, not the real experience from the perspective of a bystander.

Although it was only a subjective record of the original person's thoughts, from the original person's memory, at least Fang Wei did not go shopping with the original person or treat her to dinner.

Of course, this may also be because the two are not in the same guild.

In the original world, Fang is most likely still in the Jin Guild in the future, but the original person is in a municipal guild. How can they play together when they are not in the same guild?

After realizing this, An Ran did not say that she was married without any reason, so as not to misunderstand and make people laugh at her for being sentimental - of course, on the one hand, it was also because Lu Fang was too disgusting. An Ran didn't want to admit that she was married to him. It was the end of the world anyway, and the marriage certificate could no longer control the world. If she didn't admit her marriage to Lu Fang, what could Lu Fang do to her? ——But he also gradually became alienated from Fang Lailai. Whatever he invited her to do, An Ran always made excuses, saying that she had something to do and avoided it.

This day, Tian Fang held a beautiful necklace for An Ran in the future and said, "I know you have almost saved up your equipment. You don't have much for me, but this necklace is really beautiful. Many girls like it. I got one." , thinking you might like it, so I didn’t sell it and gave it to you.”

This is a piece of purple equipment with good attributes. Although the price of purple equipment on the market has dropped a lot, it still costs seventy or eighty gold coins. Of course, An Ran doesn't want it. He said: "I have a necklace. I don't need it anymore. You can hang it." Sell ​​it in the market, I won’t buy it.”

Fang Weilai said: "I didn't ask you to buy it, I gave it to you."

An Ran couldn't help but feel a thump in her heart after hearing this, secretly thinking, if she said this, she couldn't accept it anymore, so she immediately said: "We are not relatives, how can I want such a valuable thing."

Fang Lailai said slightly uncomfortably: "Then what...didn't you realize that I...am I chasing you?!"

Seeing that Fang Weilai had broken this relationship, An Ran couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly pulled Lu Fang out and said, "I was married before the end of the world."

Although Lu Fang's character was not good, she had planned to wait for the murderer to be found, and if he was not the queen, she would kick him, but there was no need to tell Fang Weiwei about this, so as not to give him hope.

When Fang Weilai heard An Ran say that he was married, the uncomfortable look in his eyes disappeared, and a look of sadness and disappointment appeared. He obviously couldn't accept this reality.

An Ran saw him like this and enlightened him: "In today's world, if you don't know what will happen tomorrow, how can you talk about relationships? Even if I'm not married, I'm afraid I will reject you. After all, I have to be busy saving my life every day." , how can I have time to think about these things.”

Fang Weilai felt that he was not comforted. After all, he finally met the girl he liked and got married. Can he accept this?

So he immediately said: "That's what you said, let's wait until the game is over."

He didn't want to give up, thinking, maybe her husband wouldn't survive the game? I still have a chance then.

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