Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2880 Lord Game 29

At present, the tax rate set by the Jinguo Guild is quite low. Shops charge 2% tax, and market stalls only charge 1% tax. Anyway, they are lower than the 10% transaction fee of the system.

This is also the benefit of the guild.

So even if many people don't want to join a guild, they still join a guild for these benefits. Not to mention anything else, at least it makes shopping cheaper.

Although some guilds set a higher tax rate, no matter how high it is, it will not be higher than the system. After all, if it is higher than the system, no one will set up a stall in the guild, buy a shop, and then the guild will not be able to collect taxes. Therefore, the guild's tax rate must not be too high, otherwise it will affect the guild's market activity.

So some people who had no way to sell things joined guilds. It was better to sell things in the guild than to put them on the system exchange.

Seeing this, An Ran looked at the guild shop and bought one.

After all, from now on, she will be able to maintain the advantages of a fourth-level tailor shop and a fourth-level blacksmith shop for a long time, so it is not bad to buy a shop and sell things. In this way, if the official does not need it anymore in the future Her purple armor and purple weapon can be sold to ordinary players.

Also, the unnecessary things she picks up from every beast wave can be put here and sold.

Even if the Jin Guo Guild is a national guild, and people are rich and powerful, they may look down on her stuff, but don't be afraid. Stores will also increase prices in the future, and you won't suffer any loss if you buy it.

Of course, this should not happen, because reselling will occur later.

Large guilds like this often have good things for sale. Some people buy things in the big guild at a price lower than the system exchange, and then resell them to small guilds at a price lower than the exchange price, and sell them to those bastards. Players who are poor and have no way to buy good things.

There is profit in this.

Because the prices offered by large guild shops or stalls are definitely cheaper than those on the exchange. Otherwise, if people buy directly from the exchange, why would they buy from you? I still have to worry about shopping from house to house to see if there are any bargains. Wouldn't it be more convenient to search directly on the exchange?

After finding low-price products, these players will sell them in the small guild through their relatives, friends or business partners in the small guild.

Generally this profit margin is around 3%.

Don't look at the profit margin of only about 3%, it's amazing when the volume is large. The people who generally do this must be specialized businessmen, and their volume must be very large. The volume of transactions in a day may be more than tens of thousands. Gold coins, in this way, you can earn 3% of the amount of tens of thousands of gold coins, but it is only a profit of 300 gold coins, which is very impressive.

So in the later period, there were such scammers who made a lot of money.

Not talking about the future, but talking about the present. After An Ran bought the store, he gave it a name and put some things on it.

The effect of a guild shop is the same as setting up a stall. You just set the price of the items and put them on the market. Don’t worry about it.

The difference between guild shops and ordinary stalls is that they have a fixed place, so if someone buys good things from you and wants to buy from you next time, your location is fixed and they can find you. Like setting up a stall, the stall will be empty when people are there and people are leaving. If you are here today, the seat may be occupied by someone else tomorrow, and you can only change seats, which is not conducive to attracting repeat customers.

After setting up the shop, An Ran went shopping again, and then found an acquaintance - Fang Lailai.

Oh, that's right, Fang Future is also one of the top masters. Now that the guild has expanded to 5,000 people, Fang Future will definitely join the ranks of the top 5,000 masters in the Jin Kingdom. Therefore, it is normal for Fang Future to be summoned by the Jin Kingdom Guild.

She saw Fang Weilai, and Fang Weilai naturally also saw her. He couldn't help but walked towards her and said in surprise: "So you are also in contact with the official."

An Ran said: "Just last time, it was difficult to find a buyer for the energy stone. I sold it after adding someone from the country."

Fang Lai nodded clearly.

Know what An Ran means.

When energy stones are put on the market, there are naturally many people who want them, but selling them on the market requires a 10% transaction fee. Probably because of this, Enron chose to find someone to trade privately.

Fang Weilai said enviously: "You now even have a fourth-level tailor shop and a fourth-level blacksmith shop. You really have a lot of money."

It's pity for him, he is still struggling towards the fourth level territory. After all, it is difficult to save one thousand gold coins, plus the expenses of purchasing residents, etc., without one or two thousand gold coins, there is no way to upgrade to the fourth level territory.

An Ran savored his envious tone and looked at his expression carefully. She didn't see any intention of killing someone and seizing the treasure from his expression. She secretly said that it seemed that Fang Lailai had not killed him, unless he was an Oscar-winning actor and could The acting is so good, there is no clue at all.

An Ran couldn't help but smile and said: "You are not bad either. You have a high level and a high skill level. I don't know how long it will take for me to be as high as you."

Fang Weilai said: "Are you also planning to participate in the guild defense battle?"

People who join a guild do not have to participate in the guild defense war. People who join a guild can join a guild and then not participate in the guild defense war.

An Ran said: "I want to take a look, I'm timid."

Although she is not actually timid, since she is risking her life to complete the task and does not dare to do risky things, on the surface, it is okay to call her timid.

Fang Weilai said: "If you are afraid, you can stand by my side then. If there is danger, I can also help you."

After An Ran heard this, she couldn't help but feel moved in her heart, secretly thinking that it was a bit ambiguous for a young man to say this to a woman.

But An Ran couldn't say "I'm married". After all, if she guessed wrong, wouldn't it be pretentious and embarrassing to say so?

So at the moment, An Ran felt that it was better not to think too much, so as not to be laughed at.

Unless he says it outright, it's not too late to refuse then, lest people laugh at you for being so sentimental.

So after listening to his words, An Ran nodded and said, "Okay! Thank you!"

Fang Weilai smiled and said: "At least we have known each other for such a long time, so there is no need to be so polite."

An Ran had a conversation with him, then left and continued walking around the guild's premises.

After staying in the guild station for a long time, he returned to his own territory.

An Ran knew why he had to stay in the guild station for a long time, because people are social animals. If they stay alone for a long time, they want to stay among the crowd for a while. Even if An Ran is a quiet person, he still needs fireworks. , so she could see people in the guild station, it was bustling and lively, and she was very willing to stay.

The same goes for everyone else. They haven't seen so many people for a long time. Everyone is very excited. They are looking for people to add friends and chat with in the guild station. Some people are even willing to spend extravagant money to treat people to drinks and meals in restaurants just to enjoy this rare opportunity. Great time to get together.

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