Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2872 Lord Game 21

It's a pity that the good stuff in the store has stock limit.

That’s why the official team keeps adding players from the Golden Kingdom. In this way, things that can’t be bought in stores can be received from players, which is more convenient than not being able to grab them in stores or markets.

Not to mention, relying on this method, Jin Guo has really opened up the situation now.

Then she heard Li Wentao say: "We can provide you with something. If you can't afford it now, you can pay it back later with a purple weapon, a purple weapon, an orange weapon, how about that?"

Generally speaking, this kind of help is limited to official insiders. After all, even for the official, these valuable things are not very abundant, so naturally, their own people use them first.

However, considering that Enron is about to move up to the fourth level, it will definitely enter the top 100. It is powerful and is a potential stock that the government wants to cooperate with. Therefore, after Li Wentao reported Enron's matter, the superiors ordered him to prepare to cooperate with Enron. Fan, in this way, it not only helps Enron, but the official will also immediately have a steady supply of purple and orange equipment. This is a win-win situation.

The official plan is to build a fourth-level tailor shop and a fourth-level blacksmith shop, but upgrading the fourth-level territory requires a lot of effort and cannot arrange too many people. Since Anron can upgrade the fourth-level territory by himself, he can upgrade the fourth-level tailor shop and the fourth-level blacksmith shop. It's not too difficult. Officials are willing to help Enron, so they can have more equipment and weapons, which is naturally a good thing.

An Ran couldn't help but be overjoyed after hearing this, and said: "Of course, it's those things. How much do you quote? If it's too much, I'll consider it."

After all, if the price is very close to the price in the store, then she will have to see if it is available on the market. After all, these things should be available in the market just after the beast wave, and she may not be able to grab them.

In addition, if the price is similar to the store price, she can buy it from the store.

Although she may not be able to grab it, but with her original European emperor's physique, she may not be able to grab it. She can definitely give it a try.

Li Wentao quoted a price. An Ran listened and found that it was quite reasonable, so he immediately said: "Okay! Let's make an agreement. I will upgrade the territory to level four first, and then come to you to buy it."

Li Wentao naturally had no objection.

At that moment, An Ran started preparing to upgrade the territory to the fourth level.

Upgrading the fourth-level territory requires 1,000 wood, 1,000 stone, 1,000 gold coins, and 1,000 residents.

Wood and stone are all child's play, and they are really not big things - in fact, it is normal that the fourth-level territory does not need much wood and stone, because it will only be a two-story stone house turned into a two-story villa. The wood needed Naturally, there will not be much wood and stone. What will consume a lot of wood or stone is to build the wall.

1,000 gold coins, for most people, is a lot and cannot be afforded, but for Enron, this is not a problem.

The most difficult thing to deal with is the 1,000 residents.

Residents are not something you can just buy if you want, because there will be building requirements.

For example, a first-level farmhouse can only increase the population limit by 5.

After reaching the second-level territory, you can build second-level residential houses, which are cabins, and increase the population limit by 10.

Upgrading to the third-level territory, you can build third-level residences and small stone houses, which can increase the population limit by 20.

By building 50 small stone houses, you can buy 1,000 residents in the territory.

But what increases in residential buildings is only the territory’s population limit, which in other words, determines how many people you can buy.

But how many people you can buy is also limited by your other buildings.

For example, a first-level tailor shop can only buy up to 5 tailors, a second-level shop can buy 10 tailors, and a third-level shop can buy 20 tailors.

There are also restrictions for farmers.

According to regulations, players can only reclaim one-tenth of the territory as farmland or medicinal fields. They cannot turn all the land in the territory into farmland or medicinal fields. Then, one acre of land can only be purchased by a maximum of two farmers for cultivation. According to Enron's current policy, A territory with a radius of 500 meters can probably cultivate 120 acres of farmland or medicinal fields, and can only purchase about 200 farmers at most.

Others, such as lumberjacks and quarryers, also have restrictions.

Just like the restrictions on lumberjacks and farmers, it also stipulates that not all trees in the territory can be cut down, but how much must be left. This is the greening rate requirement, and then it stipulates how many lumberjacks can only be purchased for one acre of forest land, that is to say, Lumberjacks, like farmers, have a limit to their number.

Quarry workers, the system does not stipulate that they cannot dig out all the stones in the territory, but the number of quarry workers is limited by the number of stones in the territory. It is based on the number of stones scanned by the system and how much each person can mine per day. Generally speaking, you must ensure that the purchased quarry can mine for ten days. If you purchase too much, the system will remind you that it exceeds the usable range.

There are stones in Enron territory, but not all of them are stone mountains, so the number that can be purchased is limited.

Others such as miners, like quarrymen, are calculated based on the mineral resources in the territory.

Although the place where the original body landed is a good place, it needs water, rocks, rocks, wood, and mines, but there are not many of them, and the mines are also not special. There are many, so the number of people who can buy them is also limited.

Otherwise, if there are a lot of stones and mines, there is no upper limit on the number of quarryers and miners, but you can buy a lot of people.

Because An Ran knew that he would be promoted to the fourth level territory sooner or later, he had consciously purchased resident NPCs long before the tailor shop made a lot of money and could feed many people.

For example, a lot of farmers were purchased at that time to grow ordinary fields, vegetable fields and medicinal fields. Anyway, hospitals and restaurants require food and medicinal materials.

She bought a lot of quarries. She didn’t want too many stones anyway, so she saved them to upgrade the third-level fence.

I also bought a lot of miners, iron ore, copper ore, silver ore, gold ore, etc., which are needed for the blacksmith shop to make weapons.

As for the lumberjacks, they naturally bought a lot, because wood is needed for arrow towers and various buildings, and someone has to get it.

In this way, everything that needs to be obtained has been obtained. At present, there are only 800 residents, and there are still 200 people missing.

There were quotas for lumberjacks, quarrymen, and farmers, and she had already bought all she could. In other words, there was no need to consider lumberjacks for the two hundred people she was missing.

These people couldn't think about it, so Enron could only build barracks, tailor shops, and blacksmith shops, which were needed anyway.

Build less tailor shops and blacksmith shops. After all, there are too many and there are not that many special materials to upgrade to level 4. Even if Li Wentao has special materials, An Ran bets that there won’t be many, so she builds too many level 3 tailors. Shops and third-level blacksmith shops will not be able to upgrade to level four by then, so they will all be wasted. After all, the probability of purple-armed and purple-armed shops appearing in third-level shops is small, and most of them are blue. And now the price of blue equipment is falling, and the profit margin is getting bigger and bigger. It's getting smaller and smaller, and it's boring to build too many third-level tailor shops and third-level blacksmith shops.

So in the end, Enron basically built military camps and bought a lot of skilled soldiers.

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