Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2852 Lord Game 1

So Enron did not immediately build a territory, but opened the game panel and started browsing.

The main reason why she was so leisurely was that she was lucky. There was no danger around the place where she was born, so she was in the mood to browse the game board. Like some people, who were unlucky and were born directly in front of some monster. If she didn't have time, If you build a territory, you will be directly eaten by monsters, and you will die immediately.

The reason why An Ran browsed the game panel leisurely was because the original person did the same thing after coming in, without any danger, so she dared to do it.

The game panel that was pulled into this game world by an unknown force is no different from the game panel on Blue Star. It also has personal attributes, backpacks, tasks, transactions, shops, social networking, channels and other sections.

There is nothing to say about personal attributes. They are just like in ordinary games, just strength, intelligence, spirit, and physical strength.

Strength affects physical attack and physical defense.

Intelligence affects spell attack, spell defense, and the upper limit of the blue bar (that is, the amount of mana).

Physical strength affects the upper limit of life, physical defense, and blood recovery speed.

Mentality affects spell attack, spell defense, and mana recovery speed.

At the beginning, everyone's surroundings are basically all 5. Once you change jobs and acquire weapons, equipment, and upgrades, the values ​​will become different.

There’s not much to say about the backpack, missions and other sections.

There are some newbie gifts in the backpack: a day's food and drink, an axe, and 1,000 copper coins.

The mission section currently only has one main mission: survive in the game world for five years.

The channels are similar to those of Blue Star, divided into world channel, nearby channel, friend channel, guild channel, etc.

Since An Ran didn't have any friends or join a guild yet, there was no activity on these two channels. The only ones with activity were the World Channel and the Nearby Channel.

The World Channel and Neighborhood Channel aren't anything interesting, that's all.

Some people are scared, some are surprised, some are looking for someone, and some find it fun to just chat.

Enron only cares about how many people have died now.

Because the world channel and nearby channels both have the number of people displayed.

The world channel now shows the number of people: 7.754/7.755 billion.

This means that in just a short period of time, one million people died due to various reasons.

The total number of nearby channels is 10,000, and now there is one less person.

It seems that there are still many people who are unlucky and encounter dangerous situations as soon as they enter. They do not have time to build their territory and are protected by the novice shield.

Yes, players do not have to fight monsters as soon as they enter the game. The game gives players time to build, and this time is five days.

Within five days, the player's territory will have a novice protective shield. Monsters cannot do anything to the player for the time being, allowing players to have enough time to build the territory to cope with all kinds of things they encounter after the novice protective shield is taken away after five days. Monster attacks.

After learning about the various functions, he felt that it was almost time for his original body to build a territory, so An Ran opened his backpack and clicked on the lord token in the backpack to use it.

System: "Use Lord Token? Yes/No"

An Ran clicked "Yes".

System: "Please name the territory. The first naming is free, and name changes cost 100 gold coins/time."

An Ran naturally used the name given by his original body: "Peace Territory."

A safe territory is a good wish of the original body. Speaking of the original territory, although it has experienced various difficulties, speaking of it, if it can survive to the end, it can be regarded as accepting this name and being safe.

After the naming was successful, a small wooden house appeared in front of An Ran, with "Lord's Mansion" written on the plaque.

It is a one-story wooden house with an area of ​​only about one hundred square meters. It is really unworthy of such a small wooden house to have a plaque of the Lord's Mansion hanging on it.

According to the previous introduction of Lord Token, it was mentioned that wherever the host stands, the Lord's Mansion will appear.

Then, with the Lord's Mansion as the center and a radius of 100 meters, it is the first-level territory. Players can conduct business and construction within this range.

Generally speaking, you have to choose a good place to build a territory. After all, if there is no water or supplies in the territory, it will be very unsafe to get these things outside the territory, and you may be attacked by monsters.

But the original body was very lucky. The place where it landed was a place with water, wood and stone. There was no need to look for a place at all, so it had the memory of the original body and knew that the original body searched everywhere and found that the place where it landed was very suitable for establishing a territory. After that, An Ran naturally did not continue to search, but based on the memory of the original body, he built the territory here. Of course, the main reason was to avoid the butterfly plot, so it was placed in the place where the original body had left it.

After the general's territory is built, the next step is to build the territory, including building territory walls, placing defensive towers, etc.

In fact, this is a tower defense game in disguise. Of course, being a city lord in reality is similar to playing tower defense. Defending the city is tower defense.

Click on the cabin, and a prompt will appear: "Do you want to spend 200 wood, 200 stone, and 200 gold coins to upgrade to a second-level territory? Yes/No."

If you click "Yes", a reminder will appear: "Insufficient conditions, upgrade cannot be done."

Because she now has no wood, stone, gold coins, etc.

In fact, wood and stone are okay, but these 200 gold coins are difficult to save. In other words, she cannot upgrade the territory for the time being. She can only build this first-level territory, but the level of defense towers and other things is limited. Territory level, that is to say, if you want to build a second-level defense tower, you need a second-level territory, otherwise you can only build a first-level defense tower.

This is also a common arrangement in construction games. The upper limit of the level of ancillary buildings is the upper limit of the main building.

An Ran is not in a hurry about building a territory, because she knows that although the original person has been stumbling, she still managed to get to the end. Now that she has her memory, as long as she works on it a little, it will not be a problem to live a better life, so the most important thing is It is necessary to find out who is the person who harmed the original body.

In this game world, apart from monsters, there are no indigenous NPCs. The NPCs purchased by players from the game are at best artificial intelligence, not indigenous NPCs, so the indigenous NPCs are excluded from harming the original player.

But it cannot be ruled out that some monsters have the ability to become invisible and can kill their original bodies secretly.

So the first suspect: game monsters.

The second suspect: someone close to the original person.

This game allows players to visit each other.

After adding a friend, as long as you pay 100 gold coins and the person you visit accepts it, other players can enter another player's territory through the teleportation array. If the road is close, there is no need for a teleportation array, and even as long as the player agrees, other players can enter. Another player's territory will not be attacked by territory defense.

In the later period, many of the original relatives and friends became dependent on her because their territories were destroyed, so they gave the system one hundred gold coins and came to her territory through the teleportation array.

People close to her knew her daily routine. If she bought invisibility props in the market, it would not be difficult to kill her secretly.

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