Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2835 Chronicle Control Group 37

Brother Li was afraid that his mother wouldn't accept it and he wouldn't be able to get the money back home, so he immediately said, "I'll go back with my mother and ask for it. Grandpa and grandma like me. If I tell you, maybe I'll give it to you."

Li Weiran said he borrowed it from Grandpa Li and Grandma Li, but from Brother Li's place, he just took it directly.

In his opinion, not all the things belonging to his grandparents will belong to his parents in the future, but as his parents are only his son, everything in the future will definitely belong to him. In other words, the things belonging to his grandparents will not belong to him. , I use my own things, why can’t I, why do I still call it borrowing?

The eldest aunt saw that her son wanted to go back together, so she was naturally willing. After all, she was the daughter-in-law, and her son could convince her parents-in-law better than she could, just like her previous husband.

The reason why I have a phone call and go back to ask for money in person is because it is inconvenient to talk about it on the phone, and it also costs the phone bill. Naturally, it is better to go back and ask for money, and it is easier to use body language face to face, such as kneeling down to beg. Grandpa Li, Grandma Li, etc., as long as they can get money, aunt and uncle can do anything.

Just as Li Weiran thought, asking Grandpa Li and Grandma Li for money is a good choice.

Although Grandpa Li and Grandma Li didn't want to give it to their eldest aunt when they asked for money, but because the eldest aunt cried and said how pitiful the eldest family was now, brother Li begged Grandpa Li and Grandma Li to buy him a mobile phone. When his father comes out later, Just give them back.

Hearing Brother Li talk about Uncle Li, he thought of his miserable son. Because Li Anran was unwilling to let him go, he was still suffering in prison, and his big house had no pillar of support. It was indeed a bit pitiful, so he gave money to his eldest aunt.

Although the second and third bedrooms are now making money, and the profits are shared with them, so they have a lot of money in their hands, which was given to them by the second and third bedrooms. In other words, their money is shared by the third bedroom.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be given so much money to Dafang.

But Grandpa Li and Grandma Li have their own logic.

They thought that this was Li Anran's unwillingness to help Dafang and caused Dafang misery, so the third room should compensate Dafang.

As for Uncle Li being arrested and imprisoned by the police because he harmed the second and third bedrooms, the third bedroom does not owe the first bedroom anything at all...

In the eyes of Grandpa Li and Grandma Li, Uncle Li did not harm the third family. The third family sent the eldest son to jail, but it was a real deal, so in their view, the third family naturally owed the first family.

However, they did not say to give it directly, but to borrow it, so that Dafang would pay them back in the future. This was also a way of retreat, lest Dafang would always come to ask for money if they directly said it was given. If they come to borrow the next time, they can also ask them to pay back the last time and then borrow it again. This can also have a restraint to prevent the other party from taking advantage of it. After all, they also know what kind of character the boss is, so they have to leave some bottom line. , otherwise things will be difficult to handle in the future.

Auntie Auntie and Brother Li naturally agreed, but in fact, once the money is in their hands, how can they return it to them? They will definitely find various reasons not to return it.

With the money, the eldest aunt bought brother Li and Li Nian each a mobile phone, which made them very happy.

Not to mention, this method was still somewhat effective. Soon, Li Nian actually talked about a partner, which made the eldest aunt very happy, thinking that the money was not wasted.

The eldest aunt was happy that her daughter could finally get married, but Li Weiran was not optimistic about the person Li Nian was looking for.

The reason is very simple. Although the other party is on royal rations, it is in a unit that is already in decline and will shrink its staff and lay off many people in the future.

In other words, even if the other party is okay now, in the future, Li Nian's husband is very likely to be laid off, and Li Nian is indolent and does not do anything. Wouldn't the couple have to drink from the northwest wind by then?

So this is not a person to marry.

But Li Weiran couldn't tell them about this situation. After all, could she tell them that she came from later generations and knew about this situation?

I could only try my best to persuade him and said, "Their company seems to be in a downturn, why don't you find another one with a prosperous one?"

She is not the kind-hearted person to worry about whether the couple will drink the northwest wind. After all, it is none of her business if others drink the northwest wind. She is worried that if they drink the northwest wind, they will come to her place to catch the autumn breeze. That is not the case. She wanted to see it, so at this moment, she would give words to persuade him.

After listening to Li Weiran's advice, Li Nian couldn't help but smile and said: "It doesn't matter whether the economy is bad or not. Anyway, he is an iron rice bowl. It's not like the private companies that are popping up now. If you don't do a good job, you will be fired."

Li Weiran thought to himself, I'm afraid you don't know, it is really possible that you will be shot.

Li Weiran saw that he could not be persuaded, so he did not continue to persuade him. After all, he was in a good mood, and if you said sarcastic words to dampen his mood, he would be unhappy.

But... Seeing that Li Nian and others could not be persuaded, Li Weiran thought that he would live in Xuanshi in the future, away from his hometown, lest Li Nian's husband would be laid off and they would take advantage of him.

When they go to Xuanshi, they will not be able to take advantage of them even if they want to, because they are thousands of miles away and it is not easy for them to go to Xuanshi. In this way, there is no need to worry, they will often Take advantage of yourself.

The eldest aunt is satisfied with Li Nian. After all, it is an iron rice bowl. How can she be dissatisfied?

She was not like Li Weiran, who thought that her son-in-law's workplace was in trouble and had to be replaced.

I don’t even think about it. With the conditions of my family, my husband is in jail, he comes from a rural area, and Li Nian has not yet worked. If Li Nian hadn’t grown up well, and had a high school degree, plus his family’s business, he would have some money, so he would have to put it there. In ten years, with Li Nian's conditions, no one in the countryside wanted to marry him, let alone a solid job in the city. After all, just because their husbands were in jail, many people gave up their minds for fear of being implicated.

So being able to marry into an iron rice bowl, what else is there to be dissatisfied about? Even though Li Nian didn't go to college and was assigned an iron rice bowl job, her husband is an iron rice bowl, which is equivalent to her being an iron rice bowl, which is not bad. .

In addition, Li Nian was getting married and she no longer had to support her, so the eldest aunt was even more happy, and she happily prepared for her daughter's marriage.

In this era, people are not so particular. Marriage is simple, just have a meal together when you get married.

The wedding was supposed to be held in the countryside, but Li Nian disliked the poverty in the countryside and was afraid that her husband would not be willing to go, so he did not plan to go back to the countryside and just had a meal in the city.

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