Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2822 Chronology Control Group 24

Although the higher-ups don't understand why An Ran is still obsessed with studying and getting academic qualifications when he is so good at it and doesn't need to study anymore, but since it is what people want to do, they can't stop it. Maybe some people are obsessed with diplomas. ?

——Actually, it’s almost the same. The original person had such an obsession, so An Ran kept studying.

An Ran's studies here have been settled in this way. As for the Li family, Li Nian did not get into college, let alone university. He didn't even get into the high school in his original world.

When she didn't pass the exam, Grandpa Li and Grandma Li wanted her to work at home. After all, she was already twenty years old. If she didn't work yet, she would have to be supported by the family.

However, Li Nian didn't want to work in the countryside. After graduating from high school, she worked for a while before news about the college entrance examination appeared. During that period of working experience, she deeply realized that working in the countryside was too hard, which made her Wherever I am willing to do it, I want to continue studying.

Although I know that if I fail the exam, I will always have to return to the countryside to work, but I can delay it for one day.

Fortunately, Uncle Li and Aunt Li were eager to spend all the money Grandpa Li and Grandma Li had to avoid giving it to two and three bedrooms in the future, so after listening to Li Nian's request, they quarreled with Grandpa Li and Grandma Li. Let them give Li Nian another chance and let her repeat her studies for another year. Maybe she can pass the exam next year?

Grandpa Li and Grandma Li naturally did not want to continue to waste money, but Dafang was right. He said that they did not allow Li Nian, the only person who still had some hope of getting into college, to study. From now on, only Li Anran in the Li family would be admitted to college. , the people in the village increasingly said that they had not done well, and only Li Nian who passed the exam could save a little face.

Thinking about the Enron college entrance examination, they were admitted to the first-class university in the country and were the top science students in the province. The villagers once again talked about them, saying that they were blind. Such smart children were not allowed to study, so now they rely on others to study. They couldn't share the honor, but it almost made them angry to death.

They originally thought that An Ran's intelligence was short-lived and that she would no longer be able to invent things and would be driven back sooner or later, and then they would be able to manipulate her again.

As a result, not only did he not become a flash in the pan, he was admitted to the best university and became the top science student in the province, and his reputation spread far and wide.

Obviously, Li Anran, who has been admitted to university and will definitely be assigned jobs in the future, will definitely not be driven back and dealt with by them now, because even if she does not work in the research institute, she can still be assigned to other jobs after graduation. Unit work, who knows that this era is an era where work is assigned. Graduates from key universities will definitely be assigned to good places.

Since he can't take care of her, Grandpa Li and Grandma Li have no choice but to stop thinking about how to take care of her and just pretend that there is no such a granddaughter.

If it had been someone else, if they were developed, they might even come up and suck blood.

However, An Ran was protected by the guards and could not be seen. They wanted to suck blood, but they couldn't. Even if there was a phone now, it would not work to mention this on the phone.

The reason why they can't even suck blood over the phone is because they have experienced it personally.

However, after Li Weiran said that Enron would definitely have wages and bonuses, the more they thought about it, the more they felt that what Li Weiran said was reasonable, so they became concerned about it.

One time I really couldn't stand that An Ran made a lot of money but refused to give it to them so that they could enjoy more wealth and have greater say and authority in the family. When Li's father and Li's mother contacted An Ran, they grabbed the phone. , crying poor, wanting Anron to hand over his wages and bonuses to them, saying that Anron was living a good life in the city, how could he bear his grandparents and parents living a hard life in the country, and wanted Anron to hand over his wages and bonuses to them, and let them take them to improve the living conditions at home.

——When Father Li and Mother Li heard this, their expressions changed and they were very angry, because they knew that if Enron’s salary and bonuses were really in the hands of Grandpa Li and Grandma Li, they would be able to support themselves by relying on these money. They are more upright and can pressure them to be obedient so that they can get some money. If they are disobedient, they will definitely give the money to the big house.

In other words, if An Ran really wants to hand over the money, it will not do any good to them. The only one who will benefit is Dafang. Naturally, they don't want their hard-earned money to be sucked away by Dafang, and their daughter will continue. Become a slave to the big house and pay tribute to them.

Therefore, they naturally don't want their daughter's money to be handed over to Grandpa Li and Grandma Li, who will eventually use it to oppress themselves in disguised form.

They would rather have the money in their daughter's hands than in the hands of Grandpa Li and Grandma Li, and then be sucked away by the big house.

But Grandpa Li and Grandma Li said this. As their son and daughter-in-law, they did not dare to refute anything in person, so there was nothing they could do except change their expressions.

Fortunately, their daughter heard Grandpa Li and Grandma Li asking for money and did not agree. She said that she was a grandchild and could occasionally take some nutritional supplements to honor them, but she had no obligation to support them or to hand over her wages and bonuses to them.

Grandpa Li and Grandma Li couldn't tell the difference, and thought that what An Ran said was false. According to the rules of their older generation, they felt that all the money of the younger generation in the family should be theirs, so they used their status as elders to pressure her and said that they would not give it to them. If they don't use the money, they will tell the public about this matter, which will be bad for her reputation.

As a result, the village chief and the town chief soon came to talk to him, asking them to do a good job in Comrade Li Anran's logistics work, not to fail to help her, but also to influence her research and national development. In that case, she might be affected by Li Anran in the future. They will be imprisoned for a period of time for the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble. In serious cases, they may even be sentenced for the crime of endangering public safety.

Don't think this is a joke. Enron is now a national treasure and is related to the entire country's major strategies. Threatening her is threatening the country. It is not too much to convict her of endangering public safety.

Grandpa Li and Grandma Li were frightened when they heard that they would be arrested and imprisoned. They no longer dared to ask An Ran for money. At the same time, they scolded An Ran to death, saying that she was still the same as when she was a child, complaining about trivial matters, which was annoying.

But if it were An Ran, she had to be busy with research and had a country as her backer. If she didn't report this matter directly, how could she still think of a way to slowly fight them? She doesn’t have that cosmic time yet. If she has that time, what can’t she do?

So there were resources available, so she naturally used them directly. She reported Grandpa Li and Grandma Li's interruption directly and asked the superiors to help solve the problem. She asked Grandpa Li and Grandma Li not to disturb her again, so as not to affect her research.

The people above were afraid that her mood would be bad if she was affected by Grandpa Li and Grandma Li, which would not be conducive to research. Naturally, as soon as they received this report, they immediately sent people to solve the problem. There was no need to send the county magistrate or the like, as long as the village chief and the town chief came forward. , can make Grandpa Li and Grandma Li honest.

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