Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2813 Chronicle Control Group 15

The world already had wireless phones, invented and used just a few months ago, but they were huge—as big as two bricks.

Of course, An Ran couldn't invent such a big thing, and it would be too inconvenient to carry around, so what she wanted to create was something that would only appear ten years later and would be called a big brother in the original world.

Of course, compared to the brick-sized Big Brother that would appear in the original world, Enron will make it smaller. After all, even if it is the size of a brick, it is still too big.

And because there is such a thing from abroad as a basis, An Ran refers to it and then invents it, so others will not think she is too evil. After all, it is better than making something out of nothing. It is better to create a hologram now to make people think she is too evil.

Sure enough, when she told people that she had read about the invention of wireless calling abroad a few months ago and wanted to make one, everyone didn't think it was a surprise. After all, An Ran had been reading books on this topic for a while. , they thought it was normal for her to have ideas about research and development of communications.

If it had been anyone else, everyone might still think what the other person said was incredible. After all, you are engaged in solar energy, how could you cross over to communications. This is a completely unrelated major. How did you do it, but Enron If they do it, they won't be surprised. After all, children are young, learn everything quickly, and are geniuses. It is normal to study something again and come up with results.

Mr. Zhang even said: "Comrade Li Anran said that there are not many fixed-line telephones installed in our country. Now technology is developing so fast, and it has advanced to wireless telephones. By then we will invent it and overtake it directly. Not having a fixed line phone can save some resources, and it can also save some money. As the country develops, fixed lines are installed everywhere, but they are eliminated soon after they are installed. It is a waste. This is a good idea, and you can travel less. detour."

Many people think that An Ran's statement is correct, but some experts said: "We are not engaged in communications. So... we need to redeploy some comrades who are engaged in communications to cooperate with Comrade Li Anran, right?"

In fact, when Enron first started to engage in communications, many experts urged it. They did not want Enron to move into other fields. They felt that only by continuing to engage in this field could Enron lead everyone to maintain the leading level in this field. Otherwise, they would just rely on them. , they are really worried about their own level and whether they will stand still without Enron's help.

It’s no wonder they are worried. Now that there is no college entrance examination, college students are recommended by the masses. Many people do not have much knowledge base at all, which makes it impossible for them to select outstanding talents from various universities to enrich their reserve force. They rely on these old guys. , they are really worried about future development.

Zhang Laodao: "This is not a problem. We will continue to work on our electric energy. In terms of solar energy, we can't say that we have a thorough understanding. There is still room for development, so we will continue to study. If you have any questions, you can continue to talk to Comrade Li Anran. Let’s discuss it.”

Everyone thought about it and felt that it was true. As long as An Ran was still with them, they didn't have to worry.

So Mr. Zhang immediately made a report to the superiors, proposing a new research direction for Enron, and asked the superiors to mobilize some experts in communications to cooperate with Enron in research.

Fortunately, they were in this city and had considered that the space for Enron's research should not be too small. Especially the solar energy equipment took up space, so it took up a large area. There was still a lot of wasteland around it. I feel that the research institute is too small and a new house can be built.

In this era, before reform and opening up, everything is lacking except land.

An Ran even considered that in the future, the city would have a lot of money, so she encouraged everyone to allocate a large piece of land for the construction of the research institute. After all, if nothing unexpected happened, she would stay here at least until she goes to college, which would take many years. There will definitely be a lot of talented people gathered by then, and the place will be too small to accommodate them.

Experts in current communications were quickly deployed from above.

When they first came here, they were a little dumbfounded when they saw that the host was a 13- or 14-year-old girl, until they heard that this girl had invented solar energy a year ago, and then everyone said that this girl was really... The genius among geniuses was immediately convinced and no longer dumbfounded.

In particular, I asked Enron a few questions that they couldn't understand, because they asked all old questions. Maybe foreign countries had solved this problem ten years ago, but they still didn't understand it in China. For such old questions, Enron naturally He was very knowledgeable, and after clearing their doubts, they had no doubts at all.

Soon, they followed An Ran, and while cooperating with her, they learned many advanced things from An Ran.

In terms of communications in this era, China is really very backward, even behind solar energy. After all, solar energy is a new thing, and foreign countries are not far advanced. But when it comes to communications, foreign countries have already been able to develop wireless phones, but China still doesn’t understand anything. Woolen cloth.

For people in this era, chips are so difficult to make. Just a photolithography machine stopped them. But for Enron, who has been to the interstellar, chips really don’t take much effort. It can even be said that the chips of this era are The chip is so primitive.

Then there is the operating system, which is not difficult. In fact, domestic systems can be developed later. The difficulty is to form an ecological chain, because once the ecological chain is completed, it will be difficult for the new system to survive.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as an operating system yet, so she can design it from scratch.

This time, she will let the market use her ecological chain, which is better than the future ecological chain. After all, she plans to create holograms in the future. In this way, she must plan in advance to avoid the operating system being completely different and holograms not being good in the future. Do it.

In fact, the reason An Ran got into mobile phones was because she came from the future and was used to playing with mobile phones and holograms. She missed them and wanted to get them to enrich her life. After all, there was no entertainment in this world and it was too boring.

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