Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2808 Chronology Control Group 10

After class, I read some profound books at home brought by the chiefs. I just flipped through them casually. In fact, I was practicing martial arts, because these books may be profound to people in this world, but they are also profound to An Ran. Yes, just flip through it casually, retrieve the memory, and become familiar with it. There is no need to study hard.

Just reading like this, the final exam of the first grade of junior high school came soon.

The junior high school examination is based on the same test paper for the whole city. In other words, although An Ran and Li Nian are not in the same school, they can check the city's ranking.

Therefore, An Ran must perform well, crush Li Nian, and make his original body happy.

Not to mention that for me, this is completely a pediatric test. In fact, based on the original person’s IQ, it is not a problem, because judging from the system scan, the original person’s IQ is much better than Li Nian. Mr. Zhang and others said that Grandpa Li Grandma buried the talents, but she really didn't do them wrong.

It is not difficult for An Ran to beat Li Nian in his grades.

Soon Enron's final exam results came out.

Although An Ran was transferred to the first grade of junior high school and only studied for two months, her grades were the first in the city.

The news spread to the small mountain village where the original person was located. Although there was no news on the market about the things invented by Enron - which is normal, it is impossible for something to go from research and development to civilian use so fast - but Enron's test scores were the best in the city. The first thing is to let everyone know for sure that it turns out that the girls in the third bedroom of the Li family are really much better at studying than the girl in the third bedroom.

The teacher who taught the original teacher in the village primary school spoke first and said, "Did I say that Li Anran was very good at studying? At that time, she made double hundred every year. Although some people say that it is easy to get double hundred in elementary school, and the results cannot be counted, but she can It’s not easy to get double hundred every year. No, the gap can be seen in junior high school. There are so many subjects, except Chinese, and it’s not easy.”

Someone echoed: "That's right, how many exams did Li Niancai take? Not only was he the first in the grade, he was not even the first in the class. That's all. He had been laughing at Li Anran before, saying that Li Anran was not as good at studying as her, was not qualified to study, and was not qualified to study. Knowing how she laughs, I don’t believe that they are sisters together. I have never competed, and I can’t tell that her sister is smarter than her.”

"That's right, we were also curious in the past about how the old couple of the Li family, who favor boys over girls, could read to the eldest girl. As soon as we mentioned it, they said that their girl was good at studying, but other girls were not good at studying, so they were reading to their girl. They didn't write a book together at all. That’s not the case.”

"I just bullied the third house for being an honest person. I didn't expect that this girl would live up to her reputation and someone would pay for her to study. Now the first house and the old couple are dumbfounded."

"I heard that the old couple were very unhappy that Li Anran went to study. After all, there was one less person to earn work points."

"They only care about work points. As for whether their children can read, they don't care."

But now, those who had doubted whether An Ran could really read no longer doubted it.

They no longer questioned it. As for the Li family, the atmosphere was very awkward because they heard that An Ran ranked first in the city.

Li's mother was a person who couldn't help herself, and immediately said: "I have always said that my family An Ran is very good at studying, and I want her to study, but her parents refuse. Previously, my parents said that the reason why Li Nian is a girl is to give her a class. It was because she was better at reading than my girl that I read it to her. No matter how much I said that An Ran was no worse at reading than Li Nian, her parents pretended not to notice and just refused to read it to An Ran. What now? Facts have proved that my girl is The one who is the best at reading must follow the wishes of his parents. Only the one who is the best at reading is qualified to study. So if Li Nian is not the best at reading, shouldn’t he stop studying and start earning money for the family like my girl did before? ? Of course, I’m just talking, you still read the book, lest you stop reading and say that I, the aunt, won’t let you read.”

Of course, Ma Li will not force Grandpa Li and Grandma Li to stop Li Nian from studying, because if word of this spreads, others will say that she is an aunt who forces her niece not to study, so she is saying this now just to bury Grandpa Li. Grandma Li and the group of people from Dafang originally said that Li Anran was not good at studying, so they gave Li Nian a class.

Grandpa Li, Grandma Li and others were eliminated by her, so she was naturally not happy. At that moment, Grandma Li snorted coldly and said: "What's the use of studying well? Now that we don't have the college entrance examination, we can't be assigned work! If we don't want the children not to do... He is blind, otherwise the girls and boys at home would not have to study.”

Li Weiran couldn't help but have mixed emotions after listening to Grandma Li's words, because she knew that in five years, the college entrance examination would be resumed. Li Anran, who will be in the second year of junior high school in the second half of the year, will happen to be a high school graduate in five years and can take that exam. year's college entrance examination.

And with Li Anran's grades, if he keeps maintaining this level, he will definitely be admitted to a good university and be assigned to a good unit in the future.

Although this is changing and once people have money, the iron rice bowl is nothing, but at least in the next ten years, Li Anran may find a good job and become the object of praise from the villagers for being able to study.

Could she not have mixed emotions when thinking about that scene?

But it doesn't matter, she is not worried about this. She will start a business to make money after the reopening. When she earns her first pot of gold, she will buy more houses in first-tier cities before housing prices take off. In that way, Li Anran will be able to study again. The family's property will not be more than hers, and she will still be the most praised object in the village in the future. The only thing she has to endure is that in recent years, she has to listen to people praising Li Anran.

As for Li Anran inventing things... she doesn't think she can do well. Although this is an imaginary world, in her world, there are so many scientists, but none of them is more capable and famous than foreigners. Li Anran Can Enron, a woman, be more capable and famous than those foreign scientists? impossible.

As long as Li Anran is not well-known and has not been heard of by rural people, then in their eyes, whoever has the money will be the most successful person. In other words, in the future, they will be the winner in life.

Thinking of this, Li Weiran felt better after seeing Li's mother being proud of her daughter's intelligence and hearing the villagers praising Li Anran for how awesome she was.

——Li Weiran didn’t know at this time that the original person may have a wish to be rich. She said that she was always shown off by Li Weiran and was rich. She also hoped that the person who did the task could make her earn a lot of money. If you have more money than Li Weiran, you will not be laughed at or looked down upon by her.

And An Ran, after taking on such a task, would naturally not disappoint the original person.

Because Li Weiran was mentally prepared that An Ran would be praised by others, he could still maintain his emotional stability, but Li Nian could not be stable. In the past few days, when walking outside, he heard people praise An Ran, and occasionally he heard others taking... She compared herself with An Ran and said that she was not as good as An Ran, which made her feel a little unbearable.

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