Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2799 Chronology Control Group 1

Just as An Ran thought, the rest of his life was spent peacefully.

First, the new emperor lived well until he was sixty or seventy years old and did not die suddenly, and then the new emperor was replaced.

When the new emperor lived to be sixty or seventy years old, died, and Fang Chen became an official, the Fang family would not be involved in the new emperor. After all, there was no need to take risks when the new emperor was replaced. Nothing happened, always safe.

The next new emperor's reign was not too short, and the country was fairly stable, so by the time An Ran left this world, she had been living a very good life. She had completed her original mission and nothing had gone wrong. .

Naturally, the mission this time has been completed. As for the unfinished plot, there is no such thing. An Ran estimates that in the original world, there is nothing left to say after death. Fang Chen is dead, she is dead, and the Tang family is destroyed by Tang Xinran. After cleaning up, the person who ascends the throne should be the third prince. Tang Xinran will live a good life, so what else is there to say.

After returning this time, An Ran had nothing else to say and continued to practice. After the three-month vacation was over, she resumed her tasks.

It is estimated that she will spend most of her time in the secret realm like this in the future. After all, she has to practice to the golden elixir stage before she can leave, so she has lost interest in communicating for the time being.

Although there is a lot of spiritual energy here, and although she has been cultivating and doesn't go out much, she doesn't want to go out, which is different from being trapped in a place and can't get out. She can not go out, but she doesn't want to live in a place without fireworks. , so it’s better to practice quickly and wait until you get out of this secret realm.


"You damn girl, you don't do anything, and you just stay there and read some crappy books! You're a girl, so why are you reading so many books? No matter how much you read, you're still marrying into someone else's family, and you're taking advantage of someone else's family!" Grandma Li Seeing An Ran reading a book, he came over with a broom and wanted to hit An Ran.

But she was stopped by An Ran's mother on the way.

An Ran's mother has a fierce personality and is not easy to mess with.

"What's wrong with the child who likes to read? She didn't delay doing things. Can't she just finish what you asked her to do? What else are you thinking about!"

"Nothing has been done. What I told her has been done, and there are still new things to do. Why is she being lazy there!"

Li Ma put her hands on her hips and snorted coldly, and said: "You tell the three girls to chop wood. My girl has already done it, but the other two have not done it yet. She will take a rest, and when the other two have finished, we can join the three of us together." Let’s do something new. Why should my girl work more if she can do it? Then from now on, my girl will do things slowly like them. Anyway, she can’t rest for a while after she’s done.”

This was reasonable and reasonable. Although Grandma Li was not happy, but because Li's mother blocked An Ran from doing things, Grandma Li had no choice but to curse and say that An Ran was a "loser" and left.

Seeing that Grandma Li was gone, Ma Li told An Ran, "Go and watch in the house, lest she can't stand it, sitting idle under your nose."

An Ran said: "The room is dark and cold, but there is sunshine outside, which makes it warm."

It is early spring now, and although the weather is getting warmer, the temperature is not high and it is still a bit cold.

This is true. Mother Li thought for a moment and then said, "Go and dry it on the big rock in the back mountain."

The big rock in the back mountain was very big and flat, so it was quite suitable. After receiving the instructions, An Ran took the book and went there. Before leaving, he said to Li Ma: "Mom, the eldest sister and the second sister are back later, and I need milk again." Call me when you tell us to do something."

Li Ma said: "Don't worry, you can go and play."

For this mission, although Li Anran was born in a rural family that favored boys over girls, and it was in the 1970s when the whole country was still very poor and the Li family was also very poor, her parents were not bad and they did not care about her because she was a girl. , it’s not good for her.

The people who are not good to her are Grandma Li and Grandpa Li. They both hate girls born in the family and think they are losers who will benefit other people when they grow up.

The original person is actually a smart girl. This can be seen from the system scanning the original person's IQ, which is beyond the standards of ordinary people.

Of course, he is not smart enough to be a super genius, which is what everyone calls a master of learning.

But because it exceeded the standards of ordinary people, after An Ran came, he planned to use this as a breakthrough to live a good life.

Although she can live through hard times, if she can survive hard times, then she will not be stupid enough to endure them.

Just living a good life is also one of the original wishes and can be fulfilled incidentally.

When An Ran went out, he met the third sister of the first house, who was coming out of the kitchen.

She was originally from the third bedroom and was the fourth child. The eldest sister who chopped firewood with her before was from the first household and the second sister was from the second household.

The reason why Third Sister Li, who is older than An Ran, did not go to chop wood but was in the kitchen is because Third Sister Li is a time-traveling woman and is good at cooking. Therefore, after traveling through time not long ago, she won the right to cook at home. No. Something else needs to be done.

At the same time, it is also the control group of the original body in this era.

In other words, she turned out to be the control group of Sister Li.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if it’s just a simple control group. After all, aren’t others allowed to live better than you?

But the key point is that the big house where Li Sanjie Li Weiran’s family is located is different from the situation in ordinary novels where the heroine is bullied and then counterattacks. In this novel, the setting for Li Weiran’s family is that the big house of the Li family is where people The so-called top family is the kind that bullies the other two families, but is also very kind to his own family. Therefore, Li Weiran was born in such a family. Although he knew that his family was top class, he never felt ashamed of it. On the contrary, She is glad that she was born into a top family. In this way, only they can bully others and others cannot bully them. After all, for her, it is better for her to bully others than for others to bully her.

But for such a family, no evil was punished. In the end, because Li Weiran was a time-traveling girl and could cook, she opened a large restaurant and made a fortune after the time-traveling girl found out about it. And because the time-traveling girl knew about it, house prices soared. I bought a lot of houses and became more and more prosperous.

On the contrary, the second and third bedrooms who were bullied by them ended up miserable.

If you can't do it yourself, you'll be miserable, but among them are the hands and feet of Li Weiran and Dafang - they used to bully the second and third bedrooms, for fear that they would get rich and take revenge on them, so they kept suppressing and beating them.

Of course, as a heroine, no matter how much the author brainwashes readers, saying that she is not writing a true and kind heroine, but a heroine who will not be bullied and cannot do bad things, then who else will like such a heroine? Well, so the heroine didn't do it herself, it was all done by her parents, brothers, etc. As for her, she was responsible for sighing on the side, saying that the relationship between her family and the second and third bedrooms was too big, and her parents and others couldn't do anything about it. After all, If a person does not serve himself, he will be destroyed by heaven and earth.

As a little girl from the third room, she was naturally one of the people bullied by the first room.

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