Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2784 Little Husband 47

So that day, when An Ran talked to Fang Chen about the situation in Beijing and asked him if he wanted to take sides, Fang Chen said that General Fang was cautious and had no tendency to take sides yet, so he didn't plan to take sides yet.

An Ran thought it was a good thing to be cautious. It would be okay if he didn't take sides, at least he wouldn't be affected, so An Ran felt relieved for the time being.

However, he still told Fang Chen that if Fang Chen wanted to take sides, he could consider the third prince.

The old emperor had a total of five adult princes. An Ran mentioned the third prince as soon as he opened his mouth, which made Fang Chen curious and asked: "Why the third prince?"

Of course, An Ran couldn't tell. That was because she found out that the Earl of Qing'an was planning to side with the third prince, and the hero's side was always reliable. She only said: "It was your mother who told her in her dream that you wanted to earn a fortune from the Dragon King." Gong, just stand in line with the Third Prince. I don’t know if what your mother said is right, but I will convey it anyway.”

An Ran couldn't find a reason to convince Fang Chen, so he could only fool him like this.

Fang Chen couldn't help but laugh after hearing this, and said: "You are too outrageous, but I will consider it."

Anyway, he hasn't taken sides yet. Then, one day in the future, if he plans to take sides, he should give it a try. Anyway, for a small person like him, it doesn't really matter whether he takes sides or not.

"That's it...why didn't my mother give me a dream, but gave it to you?!" Fang Chen was confused.

He is his mother's son!

How could An Ran answer? She could only say with a dull face: "Maybe it's because she always relied on me in the past and she's used to it."

Fang Chen was satisfied with this explanation and thought about it. In the past, his mother would discuss everything with An Ran. Now, it is normal for her to talk to An Ran about such a big matter, so she no longer has any doubts.

Fang Chen originally wanted to remain neutral and not take sides, but soon he realized that no one could be immune to the torrent of competition for heirs, because even if he didn't intend to take sides, his boss would.

Of course, General Fang is a cautious person and does not want to take sides. However, he has a large number of troops in the capital and is the focus of lobbying and attention from all parties. His choice of team is related to who has the strongest force in the final battle. So he doesn't want to take sides, and sometimes he has no choice but to take sides when forced.

In the end, General Fang did not stand with the third prince, but with the fourth prince.

Fang Chen told An Ran the news, and then explained the reason why his boss, General Fang, sided with the fourth prince and did not intend to side with the third prince.

"The Third Prince and General Fang had conflicts before."

"It seems that back then, Concubine Han, the mother-in-law of the third prince, wanted to marry General Fang, but General Fang had no interest in her, and Mrs. Fang was not interested either. After that, Concubine Han entered the palace, but she was always hostile to the Fang family in her heart. Yes, because the third prince has a good relationship with Concubine Han and his son, his relationship with General Fang has never been harmonious."

"Now that the third prince and the fourth prince are evenly matched, whichever side General Fang stands on will be stronger. Originally General Fang did not want to stand in line and be a pure minister, but because the third prince's mother-in-law was too hostile to the other side, General Fang was afraid In the future, when the third prince ascends the throne, even if the Fang family does not side with him, there will be no benefits, so I plan to side with the fourth prince and help him ascend the throne."

"If the fourth prince ascends the throne, even if the other general's attitude is average, at least the risk will be less than following the third prince."

"General Fang is my immediate boss, and he is ready to side with the Fourth Prince. Even if I don't side with him, if the Third Prince succeeds in the future, I will be branded as the Fourth Prince, and there will be no good end, unless I resign now and stay home. , otherwise I can only follow the Fourth Prince, and maybe I can still have a chance of survival."

After listening to Fang Chen's words, An Ran couldn't help but secretly thought. Sure enough, as he thought, even if he asked Fang Chen to follow the position of the Earl of Qing'an, he would not be able to do so because unexpected situations would always occur.

So, that is to say, their family is always going to be cannon fodder and vent their anger on the heroine?

There is such a truth! Even if the heroine doesn't cause trouble for herself, the author or someone else will kill herself, just so that the heroine won't feel uncomfortable seeing her become prosperous, and to help the heroine who can't deal with herself, she will directly kill herself.

If their current situation is shown in the book, and her family really fails from the dragon and becomes cannon fodder, the author will probably say lightly in the book that the eldest daughter's family failed from the dragon and was taken over by the new emperor, and then Write a lengthy article about how the heroine succeeds from the dragon and how dazzling she is.

So it’s no wonder that this task is at the purple level. It turns out that the tasker thought the task was completed, but in the end the author or someone will use a big move to kill the tasker, making it impossible for the tasker to complete it even if he wants to.

But An Ran doesn't want to become cannon fodder, so even if there is something like the will of the world, she will not compromise easily.

Now that Fang Chen is ready to side with the fourth prince, An Ran will not stop him. He can only say: "Okay, you have to be careful. The situation is not right. Just resign. At least you can save a small life."

Otherwise, if you keep your head down, you may become cannon fodder and you won't even be able to save your life.

Fang Chen nodded after hearing this and said, "Don't worry, madam, I will be careful."

Fang Chen said he would be careful, and An Ran was naturally worried. He immediately tried every means to place a puppet next to the third prince to monitor his movements.

Although if you have world consciousness or the author's right hand of God, it will be difficult for you to resist the third prince and help the fourth prince to ascend to power, but you have to give it a try.

In fact, An Ran did not want to participate in the fight for the heir. If he could not take sides, he could get through. An Ran naturally wanted to do this. However, this was not because the relationship between the third prince and General Fang was not good. If General Fang did not take sides, the outcome might not be good. We can only take sides, and as Fang Chen's subordinate, unless he resigns, he can only take sides. As long as he doesn't take sides, it will be fine, and An Ran will not get involved in this matter.

As for resigning, An Ran doesn't care. After all, as long as he lives a good life, Fang Chen is obviously unwilling. This is normal. He finally became a Jinshi and was still in his prime. How could it be because the third prince didn't like it? In order to avoid suspicion, his boss resigned and went back to become a rich man. If this was the case, why bother to take the imperial examination in the first place?

After all, if he resigns at this moment, his boss will soon understand that Fang Chen's position is different from his. In the future, Fang Chen wants to wait until the matter is over. If the fourth prince takes office, then he becomes an official. How is this possible? How can it be so cheap? Oh, you ran away when I needed help, and now you need my help to find an official position for you? If you are a fool, will you help you? Not only will he not help you, he might even tell the fourth prince that Fang Chen didn't intend to join his team and leave. How is it possible that you want to go back after resigning?

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