Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2781 Little Husband 44

An Ran couldn't help but sneer when she heard that Tang's mother and Tang's third uncle were asking for money and writing bad checks. Then she said calmly: "Whether father and third uncle can come out is a matter of my words. If you continue to clamor for money, I will How about asking the Yamen to release them immediately? When they come back, they will continue to bring women into the house, and they will not give you a good look at all times. It is not certain whether you can still live as comfortably as you do now. "

During this period, An Ran already knew why Tang's mother and Tang San's aunt didn't want Tang's father and Tang San's uncle to come out, so he threatened them with this.

After hearing this, Mother Tang and Aunt Tang San's faces changed color as expected. They really didn't expect that their little thoughts would be discovered by An Ran.

But now that An Ran has found out, they really don't dare to continue to go against An Ran, fearing that An Ran will really release Tang's father and Tang's third uncle, and then their lives will be miserable, and they have finally enjoyed a few good days. How could they want to continue living a hard life?

So after listening to An Ran's words, Mother Tang and Aunt Tang San had no choice but to leave.

After returning home, their sons and daughters-in-law asked about the outcome of this matter. Mother Tang and Aunt Tang San told their sons and daughters-in-law what An Ran had said, and then said, "If you like your father coming back, I will go to An Ran's place tomorrow to ask for money."

The son and daughter-in-law couldn't help but fell silent after hearing this.

Tang's father had previously threatened to divorce Tang's mother and send them to the countryside so that he could marry another woman and give birth to a new son. He had heard Tang's father make such threats several times after drinking.

Naturally, they don't want to go back to the countryside, and they don't want their father to divorce their mother and then marry a female goblin. Then they will be unlucky. Even if the female goblin gives birth to a son, they will lose their share of the property.

On the contrary, if the father never comes out, even if the property is taken away by Tang Anran for 5,000 taels, there is still a house and some fields. It is better than if the father divorces the mother and gives birth to a new son, and they can't get a penny. , they were even driven back to the countryside. When they thought of the hard days they had lived in the countryside, their scalps went numb, and they simply did not dare to imagine living the same hard days again.

So when the sons and daughters-in-law heard what Tang's mother said, they stopped asking An Ran for money.

An Ran saw that he had the lifeblood of the third and third houses of the big house. The people in these two houses no longer dared to ask for money from him, so he stopped causing trouble to them.

Seeing that they couldn't get money from An Ran, the third room of the big house turned their attention to Mr. Liu. After all, they had not forgotten that Mr. Liu owed his family a lot of money. If they couldn't get money from An Ran, why should they go to him? Did you get the money?

You have a background, and we also have a background. Now my family’s background is bigger than yours, how dare you not pay it back? !

An Ran saw that the third room of the eldest house continued to ask for money from Mr. Liu, so he did not stop him. After all, repaying debts was a matter of course. It was wrong for the Tang family to exploit money for profit, but Mr. Liu would not pay back because his sister had become the concubine of the prince. Money is definitely not right either.

So at the moment, she only told Dafang Sanfang that she could lend money in the future, but the interest rate must be within the range stipulated by the court and must not exceed the interest range given by the court. Otherwise, if something happened, she would not take care of it anymore. Leave it alone.

Dafang Sanfang was also frightened after this incident. He didn't want anything to happen again, lest he have to lose a lot of money to rescue people. In addition, several of Dafang Sanfang's children were in prison and were killed by Mr. Liu. He was beaten several times by someone, suffered a lot, and was frightened, so after An Ran warned like this, he listened and asked Mr. Liu for money. He only wanted the principal and interest within the scope of the court regulations. Ask for more.

Of course, Mr. Liu found someone to beat them in prison and they were injured. They should compensate them. For this, they also asked for a sum of money. Anyway, now that their background is much better than that of the Liu family, they are not afraid that he will not give it.

Mr. Liu naturally didn't want to give them money, let alone compensation, but... now that no one was supporting him, he had no choice but to give it.

Seeing that the Tang family wanted to take away his money, Mr. Liu couldn't help but regret that the lion had opened his mouth. If the Tang family had come to beg for mercy and listened to the Tang family and paid 5,000 taels in compensation, then the matter would have been forgotten. Not only would he not have to do it now. In compensation, I got five thousand taels of silver, how good it was.

Yes, when the third room and the third room were negotiating with him, they didn't plan to pay nothing. After referring to the price offered by the second room, they planned to give half, that is, 5,000 taels, to Young Master Liu. However, Young Master Liu disagreed. Lion The big opening asked for 20,000 taels, but the Tang family was unhappy and didn't give it.

Looking back now, the Tang family is really glad that they did not give it at that time. After all, if they had given it, both parties would definitely have written a letter stating that they would cancel the grievances between the two families, and it would be impossible to come back now.

Now it's fine. If I didn't give it, I didn't establish a written note with Mr. Liu. On the contrary, the IOU for Mr. Liu's debt is still in the Tang family. Therefore, not only did the Tang family not lose money, but they also got a large amount of money back, which made everyone in the Tang family happy. They couldn't help but be happy.

The reason why the Prince of Qingjiang County did not support Young Master Liu was because Mrs. Fang had spoken to Mrs. Prince of Qingjiang County. After hearing what she said, Prince Qingjiang scolded his son. If you say Mr. Liu is a deadbeat, what can you do to protect him?

The prince of Qingjiang County was scolded by me, so naturally he would no longer support Young Master Liu. In fact, he even disliked Miss Liu. After all, when he supported her brother in the first place, Miss Liu could not even say a word to stop him. If you didn't say it, wouldn't it mean that you agree with defaulting on your debt? Since he agrees with the behavior of defaulting on debts, Miss Liu is naturally not a good person, so the prince of Qingjiang County naturally becomes cold towards Miss Liu.

When she likes the other person, she feels that the Tang family is not good and she is standing up for her brother; when she doesn't like the other person, she realizes that her brother is not good and she herself is not good either. People are so realistic.

Miss Liu couldn't help but be confused when she saw that she had fallen out of favor after just a few days after entering the palace. When she found out the reason, she couldn't help but regret not stopping it in the first place. She was a little frivolous at the time and felt that she was favored. Her brother was beaten by a commoner. Now, can't you help your brother? Who knew that she would be kicked against the iron plate? She also had a background. She let the crown prince of Qingjiang County eat the melon, and now she is in trouble. If she had known this earlier, she should not have let Qingjiang come to the door with her brother's request. If Prince Jiangjun helps, Prince Qingjiang will be able to think highly of him, so that he won't be disliked for his bad character.

And the third bedroom of the big house has such a sum of money - principal and interest plus compensation, which is quite a lot - it is easier to have money, and naturally there is no trouble for An Ran. At the same time, the children of the Tang family have become much more honest after this incident. Now that I have a better understanding of the dangerous places in the capital, I no longer dare to be as bold as before and dare to do anything. Instead, if I want to do something, I will run to ask An Ran if such a thing can be done, for fear that something will happen again. Not only will he lose money, but he will also suffer a lot in jail. It is not worth it.

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