Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2772 Little Husband 35

Tang Xinran was even more excited when he heard the words of the Earl of Qing'an.

If she lets her child practice martial arts with Tang Anran's husband, wouldn't she be inferior to Tang Anran in the future? Then can she be willing?

So Tang Xinran immediately said: "Although it is difficult to pass the civil examination, we must give the child a chance. It is too bad to cut off his path before he has learned it and let him practice martial arts. In the future, the child will complain about us What should I do? Anyway, the child is still so young. Let him study first. He really has no talent for reading. It is not too late to start practicing martial arts when he is older."

The Earl of Qing'an couldn't help but hesitate when he heard what Tang Xinran said. After hesitating for a while, he said, "Okay, let him read a book first to see if he is good at reading."

Seeing that her husband agreed, Tang Xinran couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that as long as her son had the talent to study, her husband would not let him learn martial arts from Fang Chen, and then he would ask her to bow to Tang Anran.

Of course, if Fang Chen's official position has not been promoted in a few years, it is estimated that the husband will not let his son practice martial arts with him. After all, it is of no use to take the Jinshi examination, and the husband will not let his son suffer that hardship. of.

If her son has no talent for reading and Fang Chen's official position rises, her husband will definitely let her son practice martial arts. In that case, in order not to bow to Tang Anran, she can only whisper in her son's ears that he practices martial arts. No matter how hard it is, my son will not want to practice martial arts.

And if the son insists on not going, there is nothing the husband can do.

Although the eldest son of the Earl of Qing'an agreed to what Tang Xinran said and would not let his children practice martial arts with Fang Chen for the time being, he did not agree not to help Fang Chen. In his opinion, they were so close and the other party was admitted to the Jinshi. , this is such a good opportunity to make friends. If you don’t know how to win over, you would be too stupid. After all, winning over your own relatives is more reliable than winning over outsiders, right?

He understood his wife's thoughts. She just had a grudge against the people in the big house and didn't want to help Tang Anran's husband. But as far as he knew, Tang Anran had never bullied his wife. He was just from a big house, and his background was different. If she can't choose, what's wrong with her? So naturally he would not follow his wife's mischief. The wife felt that the big house was not good and could not help Tang Anran's husband, so she would not help.

Seeing that Tang Xinran couldn't persuade the Earl of Qing'an to think like this, he had no choice but to think bitterly that he was taking advantage of Tang Anran, the best one.

Probably Tang Xinran is the heroine after all, and has the halo of the protagonist, so seeing that Tang Xinran has been so unlucky recently, God has given her a lucky halo. No, today the old couple came to her (for Tang Xinran) ) Good news - Grandpa Tang really did what Tang Xinran thought. He suffered from high blood pressure due to eating too much greasy and high-salt food. He fell to the ground when he was excited while watching a play that day.

Although he fell to the ground, Grandfather Tang was not dead, but suffered a stroke and was paralyzed.

Tang Xinran felt much better after hearing the good news.

This is also the best ending after Tang Xinran discussed with her parents and felt that one of them had an accident first.

Because it is impossible for the old couple to have an accident at the same time, so when one of them has an accident, it is best to have a stroke first, but not die. The reason for this is because once you die, you have to mourn, and it is not good to continue during the mourning period. Eat big fish and big meat. In this way, if the other person no longer eats big fish and big meat, he may not get into trouble for a while, and he can continue to act like a monster. Naturally, that is not what Tang Xinran wants to see.

And if you have a stroke, you don’t need to fast from big fish and meat, so that the other person can continue to have troubles.

Therefore, Tang Xinran and her second wife were both hoping that the first person to have an accident would have a stroke, not death.

So now Grandpa Tang just suffered a stroke but did not die. Tang Xinran and others' wish came true. Tang Xinran and others were naturally happy and felt that God was helping them.

Uncle Tang's second uncle and aunt Tang's second aunt were shocked when they saw that something had really happened to Grandfather Tang. They secretly thought that their daughter's method was really effective. She never thought that there was such a way to kill people without leaving traces in the world.

Thinking that after her daughter established herself in her husband's family and took charge of the family, she had been asking the government to prepare dishes heavy in oil and salt for Countess Qing'an to eat, Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang immediately understood that her daughter also wanted to kill Countess Qing'an.

However, they had no problem with their daughter trying to kill the Countess of Qing'an, because the woman looked down on their family and looked at them with contempt every time she came to visit her as an in-law. They wished she would die.

Using their money, you still have the nerve to look down on them, what the hell.

It's just a pity that the woman was so lucky that she didn't die after eating food heavy in oil and salt for so many years.

——How did they know that a wealthy lady like the Countess of Qing'an, who was good at house fighting, would easily eat what Tang Xinran asked the family to cook? On the surface, the Countess of Qing'an took the portion every day. But in fact, she didn’t eat at all. What she ate was something cooked in the small kitchen of Countess Qing’an. She was quite strict with her subordinates. No one reported this to Tang Xinran. Tang Xinran thought she ate it, but in fact she didn’t eat it at all. Didn't eat.

Otherwise, if she really ate it, after all these years, she would probably end up with the same fate as Grandfather Tang.

If Grandfather Tang had a stroke and Tang Xinran and others were happy, then Father Tang and others were anxious.

This old couple, if one of them is missing, their strength will be greatly reduced. What’s even more frightening is that it will be even more frightening if the other one is also gone. Then they will not be able to use the old couple to blackmail the second wife for benefits.

It’s also strange. The old couple have always been very tough. Why did Grandpa Tang suffer a stroke just over a year after entering Beijing?

It probably wasn't the second wife's fault, because every time they went there, they sent their two sons to take care of the old couple. According to them, there was nothing unusual.

This should be true, because their son has not changed except that he has gained some weight due to eating well.

If it wasn't for the second wife's hand, the old couple's lifespan had expired?

This is also possible because the old couple are indeed very old.

If this is really the case, then they have something that they need to force the second wife to do quickly. Otherwise, when the old couple passes away, they will no longer be able to hold the second house hostage. Therefore, while the old couple are still alive, they want to get rid of them as soon as possible. Once everything is done, even if the old couple dies and they have a stable livelihood, they won't have to worry about running out of money or finding a second house.

Thinking of this, the first house discussed this matter with the third house. After all, it was difficult to handle it alone. If one family was weak in raising this matter, it would be better for the two houses to bring it up together.

The third roommate also felt that the situation was not good, so upon hearing the elder room’s suggestion, he quickly told the second roommate about the matter of looking for an official, and asked the second roommate to help them find it quickly, so he naturally agreed.

Since they agreed, the first and third bedrooms brought Mrs. Tang to the second bedroom to discuss the matter.

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