Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2757 Little Husband 20

Fang Chen said: "I have been practicing martial arts with you for so many years, and I have endured all the hardships. It shouldn't be a problem to go to the Beijing Camp to serve as a soldier, right? It will be great if I can become a military attaché then, but I won't be able to get a military attaché. There is something to do, so you won’t get bored.”

Speaking of which, let’s talk about why Fang Chen has been able to persist in practicing martial arts over the years.

Speaking of which, this should also be attributed to Wang.

When Fang Chen was young, Mrs. Wang was afraid that An Ran would be so powerful that she would not hit her own son in the future, so she was very supportive of her son practicing martial arts with An Ran. She also brainwashed her son in private, asking him to practice well, saying that if he didn't practice well, he would be hurt in the future. When he grows up, An Ran is very powerful, so don’t hit him.

As for Fang Chen, on the one hand, he was brainwashed by Wang and was afraid of being beaten by his wife in the future. When he was older, he saw that An Ran could beat those street guys as easily as swatting flies, and he admired An Ran more and more. He also wanted to be as powerful as An Ran, so he Wu actually persisted in this, and the living conditions of the Fang family did not decline, and even improved. However, Fang Chen did not grow fatter. On the contrary, he lost weight due to years of practicing martial arts, and now has a very strong figure.

After he is born as a filial piety, it happens to be the peak period of a boy's development, and his body will become stronger. When the time comes, he will be accepted as a soldier in the military camp.

Since Fang Chen wanted to go to the military camp to kill time, and he was either full of ambition or just planning to dawdle, it was not impossible to go. However, An Ran was still willing to give him a higher starting point, so he immediately said: "In this case, it would be too unfair to directly join the army." After all, you have been practicing martial arts for so many years. Why don’t you take the martial arts examination before you have a filial piety? As long as you pass the martial arts examination, you can directly become an officer when you get in."

Fang Chen couldn't help but eager to try after hearing this, and said: "That's okay, I'll give it a try. If I can't pass the martial arts examination, I will just become a soldier. I don't care. It's mainly to kill time. Otherwise, I won't be able to go out to play every day." mean."

An Ran naturally had no objection. After all, she was here to do tasks in this world. As long as there were no special circumstances and she needed power to complete the tasks, otherwise, she did not need to pursue power. Therefore, Fang Chen's mentality of "achievement can be achieved but cannot be achieved", she It doesn't matter, and I don't think that Fang Chen is too enterprising like some people do.

However, after Fang Chen came up with this idea, he became more serious about practicing martial arts. What he meant was that if you don't do anything, don't do it. If you do it, do it as well as you can. If you still don't reach the goal after trying your best, forget it.

An Ran still supports this attitude, and now he teaches more casually and more seriously than before.

She knows more now, and it makes sense - since entering the city, she has often visited the county martial arts gym, and it is not uncommon for her to know some moves.

Time passed quickly, and soon Fang Chen paid filial piety, and then went to participate in martial arts.

The martial arts examination is similar to the civil examination. It also has three steps: child examination, rural examination and general examination.

Since An Ran and Fang Chen are now from the capital, they only need to do this in the capital, and there is no need to go back to their hometown to do it.

For Fang Chen, who started practicing martial arts at the age of eight and has practiced martial arts for eight years now, the child examination and the provincial examination were passed very quickly, because the martial arts examinations in this time and space mostly test weightlifting, mounted archery, rifle archery, and carbine Such techniques are easy for Fang Chen, who has practiced martial arts for many years.

Of course, there are also literary tests in the martial arts examinations, mostly military examinations. These are not difficult for Fang Chen, who has been in school since he was a child. After all, the literary examinations in the martial arts examinations are not very demanding - they are said to be examinations. Military books, some even require you to be able to write a hundred words of military books, even if you pass, such an essay test is naturally very simple for Fang Chen.

In addition to the requirements for body shape, Fang Chen met the requirements in terms of height and weight.

After passing the provincial examination, the military examiner can register with the Ministry of War, and from then on, he can become an official.

If you don't want to be an official, you can still take the exam.

The general examination is a competition between martial arts candidates from across the country. There are probably thousands of people, and about a hundred people are admitted. The admission rate is similar to that of the civil examination, which is about one tenth.

However, one limitation of the martial arts examination compared to the civil examination is that there is an age limit for the martial arts examination.

Although there is no direct age limit, generally speaking, it is difficult for people over the age of forty to compete with young people. Therefore, there is a golden age for martial arts, which is usually before the age of thirty-five. At the age of thirty-five, if you have not yet succeeded in the proficiency test and have only passed the examination, you will simply go directly to the official election.

Unlike the civil examination, as long as your energy allows, no one will care about you until you reach 80.

Fang Chen's results in the joint examination can only be said to be average, and he passed the top three examinations by a narrow margin.

Just this made Fang Chen very satisfied.

Even a top-level Jinshi has a higher starting point than a civil servant. A top-grade Jinshi can serve as a sixth-grade military attaché, while a top-grade Jinshi can only serve as a seventh-grade county magistrate.

But civil servants have a higher status than military attachés, so a sixth-grade military attache is nothing. At most, An Ran and Fang Chen's social status has improved.

At that time, Fang Chen was from the capital, so he spent some money to choose a local military attache position in the capital.

Although he became an official, the house An Ran bought before was not too small, so he did not need to change his residence for the time being. Unless Fang Chen was promoted to a higher official in the future, he would need to change his residence.

However, as Fang Chen becomes an official, the family will have more servants.

The reason why we need to add more is because we have more guests. As a hostess, An Ran has to entertain guests and has no time to go to the kitchen. The maid she bought before has very average cooking skills and has to entertain guests, so it is not enough. After discussing with Fang Chen, An Ran added some more male and female servants, including cooks, male servants who ran errands and delivered letters, and maids who entertained guests.

Then An Ran went to a better tailor shop in the capital and bought some high-end clothes for Fang Chen. After all, as an official, the clothes had to be of higher quality, otherwise they would be too poor and too shabby.

As a result, An Ran met Tang Xinran and others in this relatively good clothing store.

After many years of separation, Tang Xinran is naturally married now.

According to the book, Tang Xinran married into a down-and-out noble family.

The other party had status but no money, and Tang Xinran had money but no status, so they hit it off immediately and married Tang Xinran, a girl who could make money, so that the family's economy could become better. It was normal.

Although Tang Xinran's background is really too low, the novel also says that her husband's family was very dissatisfied with her background at first. After all, no matter how poor a noble is, he is still noble. Most people really accept marrying a girl who is a village girl. No.

Not to mention anything else, if word spreads and people laugh at their family for doing anything for money, they don't want to get married.

But because the male protagonist liked her, her husband's family had no choice but to agree to marry her.

After getting married, as a heroine, she will naturally go through some hardships, but in the end she successfully conquers her husband's family and leads a happy life.

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