Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2752 Little Husband 15

If they don't do their best, the Fang family's property will naturally not be preserved. After all, the Wang family has no one to support them, so they cannot resist the pressure and have no choice but to give up the land.

But that was what happened in the original world. In this world, before the Wang family started to ask them for help, An Ran had solved the problem of Clan Chief Fang and others, so the Wang family could only vaguely feel a little sign - looking for help in the clan. After moving to Shangfang's family, Mrs. Wang naturally asked for help from her parents' family and her two daughters. However, although these families agreed to come and support her, she did not mention it after that, and the other party did not continue to mention it. Ms. Wang knew that they were paying lip service but keeping their word. Not until.

So now that she was out of filial piety and continued walking with them, Wang was no longer as nice to them as before.

An Ran expected Wang's attitude. After all, how could a top-notch person like Wang endure other people treating her badly? The reason why I can tolerate myself is because I can't do anything to myself, otherwise you will know by looking at the treatment of the original person.

So An Ran would never think that Wang was a good person just because she didn't have much interest in her now.

Because she knew that if she lost her strength and became like her original self, Wang's attitude towards her would be the same as her original self. In this case, how could she treat her just because she is still honest now? How has your impression of her changed?

Wang knew that she was powerful, so she didn't dare to do anything to her, but her family and Fang Chen's two sisters didn't know that she was powerful, so it seems that Wang was quite good to An Ran, and even the Fang family had a lot of troubles. An Ran Guan was surprised.

No, when Sister Fang and Second Sister Fang saw them coming, An Ran just cracked melon seeds with her hands folded and didn't go to the kitchen to help. She couldn't help but murmured to Mrs. Wang and said, "Mother, why are you so lazy?" Ah, we are not a wealthy family, and there are so many people at home, shouldn't she go to the kitchen to help? Do you really think that you are a young mistress, just waiting there with your hands crossed? Tsk, tsk, tsk, look at her leisurely, leave it to my husband's house , my mother-in-law doesn’t know what to say about me yet! Mom, you are so kind!”

It turns out that An Ran usually cooks, but when people come, An Ran stops cooking. Because she is cooking for Wang and Fang Chen, and there are only three of her, and she only has to cook two or three dishes, An Ran is naturally willing to cook for them. She prepares some delicious food herself, but when there are a lot of people coming, she has to prepare a lot of delicious food. And in this era, there is no heat preservation technology. Once the food is ready, it has to be served. It cannot be served after everything is done. table, in this way, while she was still busy in the kitchen, everyone outside had eaten. By the time she finished her work and served the table, the dishes were all eaten and almost turned into leftovers. How could she be willing? So she usually won't do it at this time and just cooks it with Mrs. Lu.

She had already told Wang and Fang Chen about this.

Fang Chen is older now and will not be so unreasonable. Usually he won't say anything when she says this. Anyway, there are not people at home every day. He can tolerate it occasionally.

As for Wang, she would have no objections. After all, An Ran is so powerful, how dare she object?

Mrs. Wang looked at Anran lying on the rocking chair in the yard, cracking melon seeds, and watching the children playing in her daughter's house. She thought to herself, did she want to see Tang Anran live such a nourishing life? When she thought about how hard she had been as a daughter-in-law, she didn't want her daughter-in-law to live a happy life.

But she didn't bother to explain to Sister Fang and Second Sister Fang that she was afraid of her daughter-in-law. It would be embarrassing. She just said: "Everything is going well with the family. She is just lazy. She is not the kind of troublemaker. She never meddles in others' affairs. She won't go against me, she's okay with such a daughter-in-law, for no reason, why should I bother her? Do I have to disturb the family? Your mother-in-law doesn't want you to be idle, that's your mother-in-law's fault. "

If An Ran heard this, An Ran might laugh to death. After all, this Wang family was not so reasonable to the original person in the original world.

But what Wang said now was not completely false, because she did think so.

Just imagine, if she were to be as powerful as An Ran, she would not treat her mother-in-law to death. But as for Tang Anran, she said she was a housekeeper, but in fact, the future of the land was still in her hands. Tang Anran never said that he would take it away from her. She has great financial power and only expresses her opinions on some major matters related to the family's future development; she does not buy clothes for Tang Anran, and Tang Anran never tells her that she will buy whatever she wants with her own money; she never Not caring about how she lives, not telling her what to do - of course, the premise is that she can't tell Tang Anran what to do - makes her current life better than when her husband was here.

You must know that when her husband is alive, she still has to serve him, because in this era, the husband is the most important thing. If she does not serve her well, her husband may get a concubine. Although the Fang family's conditions are average, they can still afford a concubine. In this case, she naturally has to be careful to avoid making her husband unhappy if there are many women coming out of the house one day.

But now that her husband has passed away, Anran has become the backbone of the family. She does not need to serve Tang Anran, and Tang Anran will not cause trouble for her. She can live her life however she wants, so she feels that her life now is better than before her husband was here. Sometimes, I want to feel more comfortable.

She knew that this was because Tang Anran, the daughter-in-law, didn't want to play around. If she had to jump around like some other daughters-in-law, she would have to fight with her daughter-in-law every day, and her life would not be easy.

In her family, An Ran was powerful. She didn't dare to cause trouble to An Ran, and An Ran didn't cause trouble to her, so the two of them got along well.

Wang was telling the truth, but what she said shocked her two daughters. At that moment, the eldest sister Fang was shocked and said: "Mom, are you really my mother? Could it be that you were possessed by some ghost?"

Mrs. Wang said angrily: "What are you talking about!"

Sister Fang said: "Why am I so careless? Look at what you said, are you really my mother? She is very nice. If she doesn't go against you, which daughter-in-law dares to go against her mother-in-law without fear of being tortured to death by her mother-in-law? Ah, it’s even possible for the mother-in-law to torture her son into divorce. I’ve never heard of a mother-in-law being as soft as you.”

To say she is soft is an understatement. In fact, Sister Fang wants to say, why does my mother speak so cowardly! This is not like my mother's style at all.

Wang didn't feel that there was anything wrong with her words at first, but after being reminded by Sister Fang, she realized that there was indeed something wrong with her words. However, wasn't it because An Ran was stronger than her and she was weak? So when Sister Fang pointed it out, Ms. Wang didn't want to admit that she was afraid of An Ran, so she lowered her face and said, "What's wrong? Your siblings and I get along well, aren't you happy?! You insist that I have to spend time with your siblings every day?" Fighting over and over again, it’s better to feel unhappy?!”

Sister Fang and Second Sister Fang couldn't help but look at each other in shock when they saw that Wang was unhappy. However, they still said that they didn't mean that.

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