Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2749 Little Husband 12

In fact, Tang Xinran naturally made a lot of money.

With knowledge beyond her time, she produced a lot of things and controlled the output. Good things were rare and expensive, which resulted in her making a lot of money, but others didn't know it on the surface.

On the surface, there is only a snack stall run by Uncle Tang Er. In fact, secretly, Tang Xinran does not sell snacks, but sells soap glass and the like.

In order to prevent the recipe from being leaked, she made it by herself, only made a little bit, pretended to buy it from a Hu merchant, and sold it at a sky-high price. In this way, she would make almost as much money as if she hired workers to mass-produce it, making small profits but quick turnover. , and also facilitates confidentiality.

Because neither of them had any feelings for each other, after talking like this, the two of them bought two sets of clothes each and left without inviting the other to their homes.

Tang Xinran would naturally not invite An Ran to her home, lest she be beaten by him again.

Although Tang Anran is married well now, she sold herself to get married and has no money. When the time comes, she will have money, so it would be bad not to borrow money from herself, so Tang Xinran naturally doesn't want to invite her to his home.

However, she was not interested in going to the Fang family. The Wang family member she had met several times before had a mean look on her face and she didn't like it. She was too lazy to deal with such a person.

It's true to say that they are not a family, they don't belong to the same family, the people in the big house are bad, and the family Tang Anran married is not a good person either. They are all bad together.

Naturally, An Ran didn't know that Tang Xinran thought of herself this way. After returning home, An Ran washed the newly bought clothes and hung them outside to dry.

Seeing that An Ran had bought two sets of new clothes, but not owning any of them, Mrs. Wang couldn't help but said sourly: "You have so much money, but you only buy clothes for yourself and don't tailor any clothes for me and your husband. You are too stingy." Alright?"

An Ran couldn't help but was speechless after hearing this, and said: "I've been here for so long, but I haven't seen you buy me any clothes or jewelry. Why do you turn around and ask me to buy it for you? Why, you and your son barged in the door from behind? You want the woman too? Buying clothes for you? Logically speaking, shouldn't you and your husband be the ones tailoring clothes for my daughter-in-law? Why don't you tell your neighbors about what you said and see if it makes sense. Besides, the future of your farm is not good. Did you get it too? It’s more money than I got, and I didn’t see you buying me clothes or jewelry. Does that mean you’re stingier than me?”

Of course Wang knew that what Anran said was right. Generally speaking, the husband's family spends money on the female family members. It doesn't make sense that the female family members should spend money on the husband's family. However, Tang Anran's situation is different. She has money!

So Wang said this at that moment.

An Ran said: "This is my private house. Who would not give money to the women just because they have a private house? In wealthy families, the women have much more money than I do. I heard people say that many people have more money. There are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of private houses, but they still receive monthly payments from the public servant. I have never heard of any wealthy family that just because the grandma or wife owns a private house, they will not give them monthly money, jewelry and clothes, and even complain. Come here and ask your grandma and wife to buy clothes and jewelry for your wife, master, old lady, and old master. If you spread the word, don't be laughed to death. The men in this family are all useless trash, and they can't even afford a wife. You still have to live on women’s dowries!”

Mrs. Wang was shamed by her and went back to the house unhappy.

But I also know that what An Ran said is right. It is true that no one is looking at their daughter-in-law's private house. Even she has a private house, and there are quite a few. But when her husband was here, he never asked her for money.

She wanted An Ran to buy her clothes and jewelry. She just coveted her private room, so she said this. But seeing that she couldn't get it, she didn't continue to pester her. After all, she couldn't fight again and again, and she couldn't talk about it. What can we do?

Speaking of An Ran and others coming out of the town, it was the right thing to do, because according to the feedback she left at Patriarch Fang's place, Patriarch Fang and others did not give up when they went back that time. In addition, they hated An Ran and others. They wanted to take revenge on An Ran and others, but An Ran and others quickly sold their fields and houses and went to the city. They wanted to take revenge, but they couldn't find the target, so they only kept their hatred in their hearts for the time being and were not ready to continue looking for An Ran and others. trouble.

An Ran secretly thought, fortunately, she didn't plan to cause trouble with them for the time being, otherwise, her small treasury would be too much, because she would beat them again and ask them to pay more money.

As for Tang's father and others, as expected, An Ran and others entered the city. They were too far away from the city and could not come often. At most, they would come every now and then.

An Ran couldn't hide out every time. When she didn't hide out, An Ran pretended to be cowed and hid behind Wang, acting like she couldn't make the decision, and asked Wang to send Tang's father and others away.

Wang was not easy to get along with, so Tang's father never took advantage. Gradually, Tang's father stopped going to An Ran's house and only went to the second room.

The person in the second room was very angry because Tang's father came often.

In the original world, because An Ran did not enter the city, Father Tang went to the city less often, and the number of visits to Uncle Tang's house was still within Uncle Tang's tolerance.

But in An Ran's world, because An Ran entered the city, Tang's father often came to see An Ran. When he didn't get anything to eat, he went to Tang Er's uncle's house to play in the autumn breeze. The number of times was much more than in the original world, so Tang Er's uncle, especially Tang Xinran, couldn't bear it anymore. .

On this day, when Tang's father came to Tang's second uncle's house again to enjoy the autumn breeze, Tang Xinran couldn't help but said directly, "Isn't the third cousin in the city? Uncle, you should have dinner at the third cousin's house. Why?" My daughter doesn’t eat at home, but she comes to my house to eat every day?”

Tang's father was a scoundrel, so he would not take Tang Xinran's words to heart. He immediately said impatiently: "Go, go, elders are talking, do you have the right to interrupt?"

Tang Xinran was very angry when he saw how he acted like an elder.

He immediately turned around and left.

But of course she didn't just let it go. Instead, she found some local gangsters, gave them some money, and asked them to intercept Tang's father and others on the road, put Tang's father and others in sacks, and beat them severely.

Uncle Tang does business on the street, so he naturally knows the street people in this area, so it is not difficult for Tang Xinran to find people.

And Tang Xinran was rich, as the saying goes, money can make all the difference, so Tang Xinran asked someone to give Tang's father a good beating, and naturally no one refused.

Soon Father Tang and others were beaten up severely by these street gangsters who put sacks on them.

Tang Xinran didn't want to beat people to death to avoid going to jail, so he just had people beat them up to make them suffer a little.

After hearing that they had beaten the person up, she finally felt relieved.

As a result, she thought she was happy doing this, but she didn't expect that the two grandsons that Grandfather Tang and his wife loved the most were beaten badly. One arm was broken, and the other leg was broken, and they needed medical treatment.

Tang's father was afraid that his son and his third son were too seriously injured and would not be able to explain to the old couple, so he quickly asked others to carry them to the best hospital in the city, and then he went to the second house to ask for money. Cure.

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