Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2738 Little Husband 1

When An Ran entered the mission this time, she was getting married, and the person she was getting married to was a bit strange.

The original person Tang Anran had a very miserable life.

Although the fate of most ancient women was not much better, even in ancient times, there were not many as miserable as her.

Tang Anran's family was poor when she was a child, and it was common for her to never have enough to eat. Because she was a girl, sons were valued over daughters. Whenever her parents and elders were troubled, they would often give her a beating to vent their anger. Anyway, she was a loser, and she would be beaten to death. It doesn't matter.

In this kind of domestic violence, the original body is like a tough grass, but it still grows up stumblingly.

When she reached the age where she wanted to get married, her parents, out of greed for money, sold her to a family with fairly good financial conditions and received a generous gift.

Although the original person was an ancient woman, she was not so confused about her fate. She had also thought about it - she once thought that her father sold her for twenty taels of silver and she would be useless at home for fifteen years. With so much money, she has been helping the family since she can remember. In fact, it has not cost the family much at all. In other words, her father has not lost money at all in raising her. In this case, why does he keep scolding her for losing money? goods?

Not to mention that she subconsciously thought about it, but she said that a person who can afford the money the Tang family wants, a person with fairly good conditions, should be able to afford a wife, and there is no need to buy one at all. The reason why he bought a wife for his son is, It was because the man of the house was very ill and was about to die, and he wanted to find a wife for his son.

But their son is still very young, only eight years old, and as an only son, he is fat and has a bad temper. It is difficult for him to marry a wife normally at such a young age with such a bad temper.

In addition, the other party was also afraid that the male master would die of illness and the family would need someone to support the family, and a young girl could not do it, so he bought his son an older wife.

Anyway, if the male master doesn't die in the future, that's fine. He can just turn the bought wife into the family's maid. If he doesn't want the maid, he can just sell it. If he dies, she and the hostess will take care of her together. This single seedling grew up.

The male owner obviously had bad luck. Not long after he entered the house, the male owner died of illness, leaving only an orphan, a widow, and this eldest daughter-in-law.

In ancient villages, such a family was definitely the easiest to be bullied, so it was no surprise that this family had been bullied, and the family's farmland had also been usurped by the clan.

In this way, the mother-in-law still blamed the original body, saying that the original body killed her husband.

The original person was bullied by people outside the family, and her husband could not help him. In fact, the child was spoiled by the family, and coupled with the instigation of the mother-in-law, the original person was often bullied. The mother-in-law was afraid that her son would be won over by the eldest daughter-in-law. He has passed away, so he keeps badmouthing the original person in front of his son. Children are usually the closest to their mothers. Mother instills this concept in him, and the child does not understand, so he will naturally bully the original person.

Later, as I grew up and became more sensible, I became kinder to the original person and bullied the original person less often.

But don’t think that life will be better like this.

The original mother-in-law saw that her son gradually stopped listening to her and bullied the original person, so she tortured the original person in different ways. The original person's life was still difficult.

I don’t know if God can’t stand it anymore, but her mother-in-law kept torturing her like this, and she died of illness soon after.

Now only the original body and her husband who had not yet grown up were left, and they were even more bullied in the clan.

In order to occupy the remaining property of his family, the tribe arranged for her to punish her six relatives. They said that if she hadn't punished her six relatives, why would her father-in-law and mother-in-law have passed away since she entered the house.

In desperation, she turned to her parents for help.

Although she knew that her parents' family was not very good, in order to survive, she had no choice but to ask her parents' family for help.

With her natal family's virtues, would it be useful to ask for help? Not only was it useless, on the contrary, seeing that they were headed by a child and a young girl who had just grown up, they coveted her family's remaining property just like everyone else, so they immediately tried to defraud their family of their little property.

The original person saw the desperate situation and became desperate. If she were alone, she might have committed suicide. However, seeing her helpless husband relying on her for survival, she endured it and worked hard to survive and raise her husband.

As a result, there was a cold storm, her husband fell ill, and her family was defrauded of all their money. She went to beg her family to save her, but no one came to save her. In the end, her husband died.

By this time, the original person was completely desperate and felt that she could no longer live, so she committed suicide, ending her miserable life.

Although she was a little resentful at first, she could still accept it. After all, not everyone can live well, and some people live worse than others.

It wasn't until her original body came across this wishing system after her death that she discovered that she was not born unlucky. In fact, her life was actually manipulated to make her so unlucky.

It turns out that she is living in a book, a very exciting book about a time-traveling girl, and she is the head of the family where the time-traveling girl lives, a family of villains.

It is written that the first-class house where the original person lives is the best - the original person does not deny this, and she also thinks that her parents are the best-she often bullies the second-room house where the heroine lives. The heroine and her parents are very smart and keep fighting. These villains finally succeeded in breaking away from the Tang family and went to the town, county, and even the capital, and lived a better and better life.

As for the group of defeated elites, as the control group, they were all unlucky.

The original body, and one of the original sister's sisters, are not the best, but because the author wanted everyone in the big house to end well, he directly arranged a tragic fate for them. In this way, the heroine did not need to take action. If people think that the heroine is not good, then they can be allowed to "get a box lunch" so that the heroine can still remain good.

Seeing this, I cried in anger, thinking that she had never bullied anyone in the second room, how could she arrange such a tragic fate for herself just because the author wanted the people in the first room to end badly? ? Why?

So I made a wish to live a good life, and to deal with those who bullied me.

An Ran felt that this task was actually not difficult, but no one had ever completed it, which resulted in the accumulation reaching the purple level. I'm afraid there was something weird in it.

But this can be considered later, right now...

She was originally bullied by her mother-in-law Wang and her husband Fang Chen, but she would not do it. After all, as long as she practiced martial arts, what could these two do to her?

However, she is a village girl, and telling people that she can do martial arts is a bit OOC, so she plans to develop into a strongman. In this way, if she can fight, others will not think that she is good at martial arts, but they will only think that she is strong. It's big, so it's easy to hit people.

It is not difficult to develop into a strongman. Although the original body is now fifteen years old and has hair extensions, due to long-term malnutrition, he looks like he is eleven or twelve years old and has not even had his menstruation.

In this way, she came to the Fang family. The conditions of the Fang family were better. She ate well, grew taller and became stronger, which was normal.

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