Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2691 Infinite Horror 39

But when they saw An Ran, their doubts only increased, thinking how could such a beautiful woman live on the surface?

No, she probably didn't live on the surface. She was the woman of some big shot who got tired of living in the center of the earth and came to the surface to play for a while, right? This is also true.

But...those people know that there is chaos outside, so they usually come out to take a breath near the base and don't go too far. And this place is a hundred kilometers away from the nearest base, so it doesn't look like it belongs to some big shot. Women are on vacation on the surface.

So what's going on?

At that moment, An Ran listened to their inquiry and said, "Yes, this is a dish. Where did you come from?"

An Ran saw the numbers on their chests and knew that they were not serious criminals, because those people no longer had numbers. Those with numbers were still in the center of the earth.

Knowing that they are not serious criminals is why An Ran is willing to talk to them.

The leader of those people said: "We came from the nearby Ganlin base."

Probably because he likes to make up for whatever is lacking. The names of many bases in this world are related to water. From the previous Sansu magazine, An Ran also saw names such as Heavy Rain Base, Lake Base, etc., just looking forward to having water. .

After the other party said the name of the base, they also said each other's names.

Then he asked: "How did your vegetable grow? Is there water?"

Generally speaking, if there is no water at all, water must be used sparingly, even in the center of the earth. After all, if the drought continues, many people are worried that sooner or later, the groundwater will be used up.

So even underground, except for some dignitaries, no one grows vegetables.

In order to solve the food problem, the underground industrial agricultural product system has developed. Everyone eats synthetic food. Although it tastes very bad and is expensive - there is no way. Although the industrial agricultural product system is developed, the cost is not low, so the price It's expensive - but at least it can barely maintain food rations for so many people.

The most lacking thing now is various materials. Due to drought, various raw materials have disappeared, so materials have also disappeared. The few materials are mainly used to meet the needs of artificially synthesized food. It would be good if each base can survive, but there is really no money. There are more things, so until now, everyone is still using things left by people decades ago, and very few are newly produced, that is, those who are rich and powerful can afford new things.

An Ran listened to the other party's question and said, "Washing with washing water mixed with fecal water, there is no extra water."

The man couldn't help but look strange after hearing this.

Don't blame him for looking weird.

The Earth Center Base facial cleansing water, etc. are all collected and recycled.

As for excrement, every house has no water, so there is no such thing as a toilet, only public toilets.

Public toilets cannot be flushed every time, but should be flushed every day when someone is hauled away for disposal.

This is still a better base. If there is no water in a poor base, it may take ten days and a half to flush once, or even longer.

Of course, although those bases that are flushed more frequently seem to be more sanitary, the practice of flushing every day has been criticized by many people, saying that they use water too frequently, and sooner or later they will use up the groundwater. When they run out of water, they will invade and invade other bases, asking everyone to guard against those bases that use more water, saying that their enjoyment is based on other people's conservation.

A world without water would be so pitiful.

So when he said this to An Ran, he naturally had a weird look on his face and secretly thought, "You don't have any extra water?" I can even use face wash to water vegetables.

Then I heard the woman continue to ask: "I am a monk. I was in retreat in the mountains. When I woke up, I found that it was desolate outside. There was no one in sight, and it didn't rain very much. What was going on? If it hadn't been for me With the Water Spirit Root, I can get a little water out every day, but I will drink it to death without any water."

An Ran's decision to disguise himself as a monk was also carefully considered.

In this world, she wants to conquer the world as an ordinary person. It takes a long time, which is not a problem for her at all, but if the time is too short, it will be difficult for her to operate.

So she thought about it and simply put on a monk disguise for herself first.

Another advantage of this is that she can explain the source of her water.

After all, when you are recruiting people from all over the world, you must give them food and drink. Not to mention food, these drinks must be on the surface. How can you recruit people without water?

If there is water, explaining the source of the water will become a big problem, but pretending to be a monk with water spiritual roots can solve everything.

As for possessing some attack methods to match her status as a monk, there is no need to worry. In this world, although she cannot cultivate, she still has some talismans in her space. She only needs to show off a few attacks to convince others. In the future, as long as she If you manage the territory with others, you can leave all the war matters to your subordinates.

An Ran has made a calculation in the past few days. If each person can survive on one kilogram of water per day, one ton of water can feed a thousand people. In the Lord God Mall, the price of one ton of water is one point. This is normal. Points are hard to earn. , so ordinary food and drink are very cheap, and the more expensive ones are skills and props. In this way, if I survive in this world for another two hundred days or so, I can feed a thousand people with only two hundred points. At the end of the day, At most, you won’t spend more than 10,000 points on water.

This is for drinking. As for food, it is unrealistic and impossible for her to grow her own food in a short period of time, so she plans to exchange water with the people in the center of the earth. The cost is much cheaper than buying it in the mall. After all, one ton of water It only takes one point, and a ton of water can be exchanged for a lot of synthetic food in the center of the earth. At least it is much more than using one point to buy food in the mall.

It may not be enough for her to rely on a thousand people to sweep the world, but at least she can sweep many places. When she becomes almost the largest force, she can talk to various bases about the issue of world peace, because she does not need to dominate the world, as long as she Just become the biggest force.

After completing the task of world peace and earning 100,000 points, she planned to use 50,000 points to redeem a basic weather weapon in the mall.

Although it is expensive, and although it is a basic meteorological weapon, it can also affect the weather within a certain range and make it rain.

When it rains, there is no need to worry about anything. I think there will be a chance to complete task three when the time comes.

If the task of world peace cannot be completed, she will not waste her points to exchange for weather weapons. Because without world peace, she would not dare to exchange for weather weapons, lest they be snatched away, the task will not be completed, and her work will be in vain.

This is the reason why An Ran said that she is a monk at this moment, because this is the best prerequisite for her to do the next thing.

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