Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2652 NPC Cannon Fodder 49 (End)

Because the elites from all sides are eager to kill the main god, the research on the main god is getting better and better every year, and more and more donations are received from players to the research institute to study the main god.

It’s easy to do things when you have money. With money and official support, countries are also dedicated to training talents in this field, so more and more people are studying this field. It’s easy to do things when there are people. There will always be someone who can learn a little bit about it. Anyway, it’s better than Enron. People who cannot even touch the Lord God need to study much more deeply.

So soon, An Ran saw some clues from the player forum.

For example, some players said: "I heard that the location of the main god has been found. Is it true or false?"

"It's true! Now the officials are thinking about how to cut off the connection between this system and the real world. As long as it is cut off, it can no longer exert influence on us."

"That's great! Finally, I don't have to worry about it all day long!"

"Ah...actually some dungeons are quite fun, I haven't had enough of them yet."

"Come on, I know you have a lot of points and are not afraid of being eliminated, so don't talk about Fanwen."

"I still don't know if the country can cut off the connection between the Lord God and the real world. After all, the Lord God system cannot be interfered with by the current force of our planet? I heard that this thing comes from a higher civilization and was accidentally left behind by a higher civilization. How can we deal with things on our planet, things from advanced civilizations?!"

"Anyway, finding the location of the main god is always a big step forward. It's better than not knowing where the enemy is before, right?"

"That's right! I'm still very optimistic. The country will definitely solve it soon."

Many people think this way.

But in fact, this idea is indeed too optimistic.

Humanity discovered the location of the Lord God almost six years after the Lord God appeared, but it was not until much later that the Lord God system was completely shut down.

Originally, mankind might have persisted for a few years, then the working population could have been reduced by half, and the Lord God would have ended the game.

But since it was found and dealt with by humans, the main god system became angry and threw all humans over twelve years old into the game world. Half of the humans over twelve years old died before the game ended. This change resulted in many deaths. People, the game world has never disappeared.

And as humans attack the main god system, the main god system keeps changing its rules, and more humans must be killed before it is willing to stop the system.

Because the main god system does not respect martial ethics, changes the rules arbitrarily, and cannot defeat the opponent, some countries gave up during this period. After all, they could not defeat each other, so it is better to follow it to avoid angering it and causing more deaths. people.

Not only did these countries give up on their own, but in order not to offend the Lord God System, they also lobbied other countries to give up too. This means that according to the Lord God System's instructions honestly, half of the people would be killed, so as not to anger it, which would kill more people. .

Many people have been shaken in this way, and public opinion on the Internet has been crazy for a while - many people have wildly insulted scientists and soldiers who attacked the main god system, believing that they have committed crimes against humanity and holding them responsible for the death of more humans.

——Human beings are so sad. It is obviously the fault of the main god system, but when their own safety is endangered, people not only do not attack the system, but help the system attack the humans who want to protect them. Just like when facing an invasion, why would someone scold you? Resist, but if you don’t resist, maybe the enemy won’t engage in massacres and killings?

Fortunately, there are still people who continue to study and attack the main god system despite the abuse of the general public. Finally, they finally think of a way to eliminate the main god system.

At this time, not half of the human race died. In other words, these people contributed to the human race, otherwise the human race would have died even more.

Although there are still murmurs that if these people had not studied and attacked the system, if they had obeyed the main god system from the beginning, humans would have only killed half of the population between the ages of eighteen and sixty, and not as many as now.

But most people are still rational and know the difference between eliminating the main god system and obeying the main god system and killing half of the people - if you don't eliminate it, as long as it gets bored, it can activate the main god system at any time and continue to let you play games. , your destiny will never be in your own hands, and you cannot guarantee that the Lord God System will not be activated again, let alone that you will not die when it is activated again.

But eliminating the main god system is equivalent to the sword hanging over the head being gone, and one can live with peace of mind. This feeling is completely different.

The time when the Lord God is completely eliminated in the real world is almost the time when An Ran's children grow up.

This made An Ran suddenly understand. It seemed that the original life of her previous life gradually got better after her children grew up and got married. Why? Because the player disappeared, she and her children were no longer targeted, and they were no longer unlucky. .

Of course, in Enron's world, because Enron has been committed to eliminating those players with bad character in the capital, her children are not targeted by players like the original children, and their lives are still stable.

But now, without the players, An Ran feels that the world is a lot quieter, the sky has become a lot bluer, and she is a lot more relaxed. At least she doesn't have to be busy browsing the monitor every day, lest she be attacked by a player accidentally.

Because there are no players, An Ran's life will go smoothly for the rest of the year.

Of course, this is probably related to the fact that the annoying existence of Mr. Fang has passed away.

Yes, only three years after Enron took the initiative, Mr. Fang suffered a stroke.

Fortunately, the Fang family has servants to serve them, so Mrs. Fang and others will not be burdened.

So Mr. Fang is the only one who suffers.

In the past, because of Enron's relationship, the more he lived, the more enjoyable he became. Not only did he eat delicacies from the mountains and seas every day, his face was glowing with food, but he also took in many young and beautiful concubines.

Now, overnight, he can only lie in bed, and no one cares about him anymore. Can Mr. Fang not be in pain?

It's a pity that the servants took good care of him, so Mr. Fang didn't pass away until recent years.

An Ran didn't do anything to let him die earlier. After all, thinking of his original body being thrown into a pit of fire by him, An Ran felt that it would be good to let him suffer for a little longer.

Because there is no player interference, Enron's life will naturally go smoothly after that.

Soon Enron returned to the real world.

The task was completed, and the evaluation was five stars.

There is no unfinished story in this world.

That's right. Although the original person had a rough life, she lived to the age she should have. What else will happen after her death? After all, damned people have died even when they reach their age. For example, Mr. Fang cannot die for a while. People are still living a good life and are not dead yet, such as Miss Nian, Fang Anyun, Miss Liu, etc.

It was precisely these people who had bullied the original body who did not get the retribution they deserved. The original body was filled with regrets, so he sent this mission.

After reading this information, An Ran continued to practice.

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