Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 260 [Cultivation of Immortality] Mary Sue’s Sister 3

Ling Feiyan's words were a bit heartbreaking, but she was a child at the moment, so she believed that she would not offend others by saying such innocent and ignorant words. I just thought she was a child, a child or not. Even if she was in a bad mood after hearing the words of a child, it would be hard to argue with a child.

And if the other party really traveled through time like her, and hearing these words hurt her heart, but because she was a child and it was hard for her to break out, and she felt panicked, then her purpose of saying this would have been achieved—— Yes, when she said this, she was really asking. Secondly, she was thinking that if the other person had also traveled through time, that would be an adult soul, so she said this deliberately to hurt people's hearts.

At this moment, because Ling Feiyan had not revealed her identity as a time-traveling girl, although An Ran knew that she had a system, she thought that a child with a system would still be a child in essence, so he listened to what she asked, He didn't bother her much, and said in a pleasant manner: "Although your talent is not good, practicing is always good for your body. If nothing else, if you practice every day to remove impurities from your body, you can live a few more years."

This is true. Ling Feiyan reluctantly accepted An Ran's explanation, then remembered her own speculation and asked tentatively: "The king of heaven and the tiger of earth!"

This was a sentence that was often said in the joke-like code of communication in her time and space. In this time and space, no one had ever heard of this, so Ling Feiyan said it deliberately.

If the other party has traveled through time and space, her expression will definitely change when she hears this. Then even if the other party hides it well, she will be able to discover An Ran's situation.

If he hadn't traveled back in time, the other party wouldn't know what it meant. If the other party wanted to ask more questions, he would just say haha, saying that he had heard about a couplet and he couldn't figure out the second couplet, so he asked her if she could figure out the second couplet.

The reason why Ling Feiyan exposed her identity as a time-traveling girl was because she said these words, which made An Ran realize that Ling Feiyan had an unusual origin.

In fact, she had already been suspicious when she saw Ling Feiyan pretending to look like a child. After all, she had lived for such a long time, but now, it is still difficult to pretend to be a child, let alone Ling Feiyan was only in his twenties in his previous life. For a person with little experience, it was even more difficult for him to pretend to be a child without being suspected. Therefore, Ling Feiyan's words and deeds were quite different from those of ordinary children. An Ran, who felt a little suspicious because he didn't feel like a real child, now felt completely convinced when Ling Feiyan said this.

Since he knew that the other party had traveled through time and deliberately tested himself, An Ran would naturally not show off his flaws. He immediately pretended not to understand and said calmly: "What did you say?"

Ling Feiyan observed carefully and did not find that Anran understood what this meant. He secretly thought that Ling Anran really didn't know. In other words, Ling Anran was no longer depressed and practiced diligently. It was not that he had traveled through time, but that he really wanted to The reason?

As long as the person is not from time travel, she is not worried. In fact, even if the other person is from time travel, she is not too worried, because she has a golden finger, so what should she be afraid of?

So he smiled as he had imagined before and said, "Oh, it's nothing. I just heard a couplet recently and wanted to see if my sister could figure out the second couplet."

An Ran naturally couldn't apologize, after all, she was a five-year-old child now! So he immediately shook his head and said, "I can't forgive you. Please tell me the second line."

"Oh, it's the Pagoda Suppressing River Demon." Ling Feiyan saw that An Ran couldn't tell her directly, so she could only give her answer.

Since there was no test to find out that An Ran was traveling through time and there was nothing to communicate with, Ling Feiyan left immediately, allowing An Ran to continue practicing.

The days of cultivation always pass quickly, and soon it will be the day when Ling Fei smokes and tests his spiritual roots.

Just like in the original memory, Ling Feiyan detected the twin spiritual roots of fire and wood, and his talent was astonishing. He was immediately regarded as a treasure by the Ling family and offered it to him.

And because Enron is a waste, life becomes even more difficult.

Fortunately, An Ran is not the original person, she is a real child, she is an adult, and she is dedicated to cultivation, so that she can practice to a very high level and complete the tasks assigned by the original person in the future, so she has no unnecessary emotions, like the original person. I was in a bad mood and just kept caring about my cultivation.

But her diligent cultivation made many people in the Ling family laugh in private.

"It's just the Five Spiritual Roots. If your talent is so low, why are you practicing so hard? No matter how hard you work, you can't reach the level of the second young lady who has practiced for ten or eight years."

"That's right. I don't know what the eldest lady is doing. She is not very talented. She will not be able to practice until the foundation building stage. She will end her life like a mortal. It will only be a few decades. In this case, why not learn something like a female housekeeper? , she will also be able to marry a good husband in the future. As she is now, she only knows how to practice and does not care about the rest. In the future, who is willing to have such a daughter-in-law who can neither practice nor manage the house? "

"What are you worried about? The eldest girl is married to the Li family. As long as the Li family does not propose to break off the engagement, then the eldest girl will be able to marry such a good family in the future. It doesn't matter whether she can manage the house or not. This life is good. , it’s just different.”

"That's right, you are really lucky. Although your talent and spiritual roots are not good, the Li family has been declining more and more in recent years. We need to rely on our Ling family to provide resources for the Li family's boy to practice. I definitely don't dare to propose retirement at this time. Dear, let me teach her how to marry into a good family in the future."

——Yes, Li Tong was trained with resources provided by the Ling family. This is also the reason why the Li family did not break off the engagement for a while even though the original person was a waste. However, when the Li family had a better goal, they immediately dumped the original person. , this is actually similar to the reality where a golden phoenix flying out of a poor ravine gets married to a peacock girl in the city. Soon after the golden phoenix develops well, he immediately dislikes the peacock girl and then tries to climb a new branch.

"That's not necessarily the case. I heard that the young master of the Li family has very good qualifications. If he succeeds in his cultivation in the future, it's not certain whether he will want one from our family."

"It can't be done. If the Li family dares to do this, why would people outside say they are ungrateful? Then how can they hang around outside in the future?"

"That's true."

After practicing for more than a year, the spiritual tentacles can cover a certain distance around, so after hearing these ridicules, An Ran secretly said that the Li family really did not dare to bear the reputation of being ungrateful - so their young master fell in love with Ling Feiyan, Anyway, they are all from the Ling family. As long as you marry a girl from the Ling family, you will not be considered ungrateful. As for what will happen if the previous marriage partner is annulled, who cares?

Regarding the ridicule of these servants, An Ran only remembered it in his heart and did not get angry. After all, no one said anything behind his back. , acts carelessly, and even cannot command them by herself, then she will naturally not tolerate it. After all, who wants the people under her to be used without taking advantage of them?

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