Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2570 The Death of the Fake Daughter 14

After buying a house in the capital, An Ran can use it as an excuse to stay there for a while, visit the capital (solve things), and then come back when he's done playing (solving things).

After receiving An Ran's instructions, the man asked cautiously: "I don't know... what to call the queen."

In fact, he was really curious as to how there could be such a powerful woman in the world, so he ostensibly asked what An Ran was called, but in fact he wanted to find out the origin of An Ran's identity.

His little trick might be useful to a little girl who is new to the world. It is impossible to trick An Ran, so An Ran said calmly: "Isn't this what you should ask about? Haven't you heard a word? You know? The more you have, the faster you will die? Just do as I say and if you make progress, just send someone to deliver the message to this mountain."

The first half of An Ran's words frightened Na Bao, who looked shocked. He didn't dare to inquire anymore and left immediately.

Because he planned to use this hilltop as a temporary contact point for Bao to inquire, An Ran did not put the bodies of the eight bandits on the mountain for the time being.

After sending away the bag from the capital to inquire, An Ran went to the city to hang out with Young Master Huang Wu.

Since he was using this as an excuse, An Ran naturally had to play with Young Master Huang Wu, lest the Gu family would ask about it one day and find out that he didn't play with Young Master Huang Wu, which would make him miss the mark.

The new dynasty was just established, and the county seat was not the capital, and the folk customs were relatively open. After the Huang family sent their servants to follow them, they went out to play with them.

After playing for a while, An Ran saw that it was getting late, so she said goodbye to Young Master Huang Wu, and went home with the snacks that Young Master Huang had prepared for her very politely.

Seeing that An Ran came back from the Huang family with snacks, the Gu family would not object to An Ran playing with Young Master Huang Wu. Otherwise, the Gu family would probably say it. After all, they were working and she went to play. Who could be balanced?

At noon on the third day, when the Gu family was resting, one of the artificial intelligences came back.

When An Ran watched the video, she discovered that the man named Wang Mazi didn't believe her at first and thought it was okay, but he didn't believe it at all, so he didn't throw away the medicine she gave her.

When the pain broke out at noon the next day, the man believed it and was ready to go back to Beijing and do as An Ran said.

Next, an artificial intelligence came back to give her feedback every day, but Wang Mazi basically rushed back.

Three more days passed like this, and An Ran saw new content.

That day was when Wang Mazi had returned to the capital.

According to the previously agreed method, Wang Mazi went to see the person who contacted him so that he could report to the other party that the mission had been completed.

The person who contacted him was a person whose voice sounded like a middle-aged woman.

The reason why I say listen to the voice is because the other party is wearing a curtain hat and cannot see his appearance clearly.

After hearing that Wang Mazi said that the matter was done, he gave him some money and left.

Then Wang Mazi quickly followed, and An Ran noticed from the high-definition video taken by artificial intelligence that this middle-aged woman had indeed entered the Zhongguo Palace.

Wang Mazi was a local snake-like figure in the capital, and he had a lot of connections. He was introduced immediately and followed him.

In order to prevent being discovered, he disguised himself, and then asked a person who was wearing what kind of clothes and what kind of curtain and hat where he went.

Someone soon said to him: "Are you asking about Aunt Wang who is next to Mrs. Shizi? She just walked that way, she should be returning to Mrs. Shizi's place."

Wang Mazi thanked the man, and then followed the direction the man pointed and went to stand guard near Madam Prince's yard.

After guarding for almost two quarters of an hour, I realized that the person I was guarding had appeared.

Although the other party was no longer wearing a curtain and showed his true face, Wang Mazi still recognized him immediately. This person was the person he was talking to, because the other party was dressed exactly the same, and the key was that his voice was still the same, which made him sure. Yes, this person is indeed the person who is in contact with him.

Then Wang Mazi heard from other people's conversations with her that this person was indeed Aunt Wang, the confidant of Mrs. Zhongguo Gongzizi.

This is interesting.

As a local gangster in the capital, he naturally knew about the incident involving the real and fake daughter in Zhenguo Duke's mansion. He also knew that the other party later married the fake daughter's fiancé, the prince Zhongguo, and became the wife of the prince Zhongguo.

Then why did this true daughter, the wife of the Crown Prince Zhongguo, want to kill the entire Gu family?

Did the Gu family treat her badly back then? If you treat her badly, you will kill the entire Gu family?

Thinking of this, Wang Mazi couldn't help but shudder, secretly thinking that if this was really the case, this real daughter's heart would be really vicious, and she would kill everyone at the slightest disagreement.

At the same time, he also became vigilant, thinking that he was investigating her matter, and if she found out, she might kill him and silence him.

Thinking of this, Wang Mazi, an old socialite, began to prepare for a retreat. Once he was discovered by Gu Yanran and silenced by her, how could he expose this matter so as to avenge himself.

Not to mention that Wang Mazi started digging a hole for Gu Yanran, but when Wang Mazi was thinking about this, An Ran also recognized Grandma Wang.

After all, she had dealt with the real daughter before she left, so she naturally knew who was around her.

Although it is impossible to remember only a few people she met, she is a systematic person. No matter where she goes, she will create files for people she has met once. This will make it easier to find the information of relevant people later, so she naturally Files were also created for everyone around the real daughter, and naturally Aunt Wang was among them.

So when she first saw Grandma Wang coming out of the courtyard, An Ran recognized her before Wang Mazi. This person was the Grandma Wang she knew.

Knowing that she was the nanny next to the real daughter, An Ran was as confused as Wang Mazi, thinking, what does the real daughter want? She had already lived a good life, so why did she send people to kill the entire Gu family?

Even if they treated her badly back then, it wasn't worth it, because once discovered, she had killed so many people, and no matter how powerful the Zhenguo Duke's Palace and the Zhongguo Duke's Palace were, they couldn't protect her. After all, in the early days of the new dynasty, she had killed so many people. Li, she is politically clean. It is impossible for her to kill so many people. Just because she is a noble lady, she will be lenient. Especially the new emperor will not agree. After all, he is a wise king and will not let such a thing happen. occurring.

So it was a bit unnecessary for Gu Yanran to do this. It could easily make her angry and make An Ran confused about her motives for doing this.

Judging from her interactions with the Gu family during this period, the people in the second and third bedrooms may not be good, but Gu Dazhu and his wife are still good people, and Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu are not very bad. Gu Yanran is in the Gu family. Generally speaking, he probably wasn't bullied so severely that he was so angry that he wanted to destroy the entire Gu family.

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