Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2542 False Life 15

Seeing that attacking the prince directly failed, Li Xinran started to attack Grandma Li's father, Zhang Shilang, planning to cut off the prince's wings first. When there was no one around him, maybe she would succeed by attacking him again - obviously , Li Xinran attributed the fact that the prince discovered that there was a problem in the household department this time because he had too many capable people, so he planned to deal with the capable people around the prince first.

Of course, even if the attack on the prince is successful this time, Li Xinran will still attack Grandma Li's father in the future. The reason is that An Ran is the crown prince and she is just a concubine of the prince, so Grandma Li usually only visits An Ran. , never looking for her, Li Xinran thought it was because Grandma Li looked down on her.

Such contempt made Li Xinran, who already disliked Aunt Li, feel more and more displeased with Aunt Li, so she wanted to punish Aunt Li.

In fact, it was normal for Grandma Li not to go to the Third Prince's Mansion to see Li Xinran.

For one thing, why would she want to see her if they weren't close?

Secondly, Li Xinran was a concubine, and Grandma Li was too shy to look at her because she didn't want to be laughed at. She was a noble lady from the capital and had a sister-in-law who was a concubine.

Grandma Li thought it was normal not to visit Li Xinran, but Li Xinran obviously didn't think so, so Li Xinran decided to take action against Grandma Li's father, Zhang Shilang. After all, killing Zhang Shilang would not only make Grandma Li sad, but also make her sad. Young Master Li loses his help, the prince loses his supporters, and even Shilang Zhang commits a crime, which can also implicate the prince, and indirectly make Mrs. Li worried.

An Ran had already prepared for what would happen to Mr. Zhang, so there was no need to worry.

It was also a coincidence that An Ran was pregnant at this moment. If Li Xinran was causing trouble for the prince, An Ran might have to work harder because he had to solve it himself. But since the other party was looking for trouble for Zhang Shilang, An Ran had already solved it, and the person who solved it was also It had been arranged long ago, so she didn't have to worry about it, but it happened by chance.

Li Xinran's method of treating Zhang Shilang was also very simple.

Didn't the emperor feel unwell recently, so he asked the Ministry of Industry to start building his own mausoleum. Specifically, Zhang Shilang was responsible for this.

Everyone in the capital had heard the news. As the third prince's concubine, it was impossible for Li Xinran not to know about it.

As soon as Li Xinran heard that Zhang Shilang was going to do this, he felt that the opportunity had come.

Although this dynasty has changed the custom of lavish burials in previous dynasties, the mausoleums are no longer too luxurious - this is the reason why the emperor is only building mausoleums now. Unlike the previous dynasty, because of the lavish burials and the construction of mausoleums, construction usually starts when he ascends the throne. The mausoleum is not too luxurious, so it doesn't need to be built so early - but it is much better than ordinary people's tombs, and the construction cost allocated is hundreds of thousands of taels.

After Mr. Zhang got the money, the place where he put it was naturally safe.

Once we have the money, we are ready to start work.

As a result, the money disappeared before it even started, causing Zhang Shilang to almost collapse.

Zhang Shilang could indeed empty the Zhang family and fill it with the money, but he was more worried that the thief would not be found. If he emptied the Zhang family and filled it with the money, the money would continue to be lost.

Therefore, filling in money is only a last resort. What you cannot do is to catch the thief first. Once the thief is caught, you may be able to get the money back, and there is no need to fill in money at home.

However, he did not dare to find the thief openly, because this matter could not be spread out, let alone the emperor, otherwise the emperor would know that he was not doing things well and lost money, so he would not lose his official position.

So Zhang Shilang could only investigate this matter secretly.

But he was not an official of the Ministry of Justice, and investigating cases was really not his specialty. In addition, the three of them were not keeping secrets about the investigation, and the news soon spread.

The thief was not caught. On the contrary, the matter spread and the emperor knew about it. Needless to say what happened to Shilang Zhang in the end.

——Of course, those are all things in the original memory.

Now that An Ran is prepared, Li Xinran's manipulation of Zhang Shilang and making Zhang Shilang lose money will not happen.

Although it won't happen anymore, the thief can't let it go.

Although this thief succeeded because Li Xinran had done something to Zhang Shilang, there was always the possibility that he wanted to steal money. It was just that Li Xinran had not done anything in the world, but Zhang Shilang discovered it, and he failed.

Who is this thief? In the world where Grandma Li was not married to Young Master Li, Shilang Zhang was not tampered with by Li Xinran. The thief failed to steal and was caught by Shilang Zhang.

In this way, the matter will be convenient. All you need to do is ask the spy to help Zhang Shilang watch the money. Even if you don't watch the money, if you know the thief, you can catch it when the time comes.

An Ran believed that with the help of her informant, what Li Xinran did to Zhang Shilang would not be possible.

Just like An Ran thought.

As expected, the thief acted on time just like in the previous worlds in his memory.

There was no way, it was also Zhang Shilang who was careless.

As an official of the Ministry of Industry, Zhang Shilang had taken over many construction tasks assigned by the imperial court in the past. He had always used the custody rules for the money allocated. There had never been any trouble before, so Zhang Shilang followed the previous rules. Logically speaking, nothing would happen, so Mr. Zhang told the money manager to follow the previous rules and didn't worry too much.

Who knows, this person just can't take it lightly, no, something happened this time - one day there was a fire in the bank, and when Zhang Shilang asked people to go to the bank to withdraw money, they found that the box containing the silver in the bank was empty, and the money It had been taken away long ago.

But those were all things that happened in the original world. In this world, there were people sent by An Ran to keep an eye on it. Naturally, it was like the world where Zhang Shilang was not manipulated by Li Xinran. The man smuggled treasury silver and was caught by Zhang Shilang. Got it right.

The person who stole the money was none other than the person in charge of the money.

That's right, only people who are in charge of money can do this. After all, he knows the money best. He knows when Minister Zhang will usually come to check, and he also knows the situation of the guards on duty. He can take advantage of the situation when Minister Zhang doesn't check, and then guard the money. When you are weak, it is normal to secretly send people to transport the money away bit by bit.

Originally, during his last robbery, this man would set fire to the bank, find a corpse to burn inside instead of himself, escape, and then plan to fly away to a poor country and become a rich man. After all, hundreds of thousands of taels of silver are enough to make a fortune.

In the first life of the original world, I let that man succeed. After a long investigation, I still couldn't find out that it was the person in charge of the money. Who knew that this man's wife was also a drama queen? After receiving the news of her husband's death, she had already followed him. She discussed the matter and found out that there was no flaw in the wife's acting. Shortly afterwards, she left the capital on the grounds that her husband was dead and she was left with an orphan and a widowed mother and could not stay in the capital.

Then he went to a remote country to meet his husband, preparing to make a fortune there.

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