Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2528 False Life 1

She was originally Li Anran, the legitimate daughter of the Minister of Rites in the capital. She was not bad looking, and she was the daughter of a high-ranking official. Logically speaking, her future life would be bright.

However, life did not develop as she thought.

After Li Shilang was promoted to Minister, the Li family became more and more prosperous, and several sisters and brothers were doing well. However, as the direct descendants, she and her brother were miserable. No matter how hard she tried, even if she was reborn, she wanted to help her. He and his brother reversed the tragic fate of their previous life, but they were still miserable, as if they were in a quagmire and couldn't get up no matter how hard they tried.

Of course, their mother, Mrs. Li, was equally miserable.

No matter how many times she was reborn, no matter how hard she tried to reverse their fate, it was useless. Fate would use other methods to make the three of them still live a life worse than death.

"Miss, tell me, will His Highness the Crown Prince attend the banquet at the eldest princess's house?"

The question from the maid beside her brought An Ran back from her thoughts.

Oh, His Royal Highness, the original fiancé.

Look, so far, the original body is still very glorious.

She was born into a family of a third-rank official, and was married to the prince by the emperor. In the future, she would become a princess, or even a queen, or a queen mother.


Of course, subsequent developments were not like this.

Because the prince made some inexplicable mistakes and was deposed, the original person was also implicated, and the couple was imprisoned together.

The third prince came to the throne last, and the third prince took his concubine as his concubine. The concubine was lucky enough to give birth to the prince, and she was the only prince to reach adulthood. Shortly after his son came of age, the third prince died. Because his son was the only prince, he took the initiative to take over the throne after the three princes became popular. The concubine became the queen mother before she was even forty years old, and the glory of the Li family reached its peak.

The concubine's younger brother was granted the title of Duke, and the concubine's biological mother was granted the title of First-grade Lady. As the aunt, the original mother was granted the title of First-grade Lady in a meaningful way, but it was naturally incomparable to that of the original biological mother. Everyone else also knew who was the real concubine. She is the Queen Mother's real mother, and who is the person the Queen Mother really cares about, so they all flatter the concubine's biological mother and do not take the original mother seriously. The original mother feels this embarrassment, plus I saw my daughter and son living miserable lives, and finally died in depression.

If the original person and his brother were unlucky, then the original concubine was extremely lucky. She could get whatever she wanted without having to fight for it.

After rebirth, because the time of rebirth was not right, he was already engaged to the prince. It was impossible for him to break off the engagement, because that would make the emperor dissatisfied and cause trouble to the Li family. It was also impossible for Li Shilang to break off the engagement with the prince.

Unable to break off the engagement, I could only try my best to help the prince keep his position.

But it's a pity that no matter how hard she tried, the prince was deposed in the end, and she still ended up with the same ending as her previous life.

In order to prevent her mother and brother from getting into trouble, she once tried to prevent her concubine from marrying the third prince, but she failed, and her concubine continued to develop in the same way as before.

After this rebirth, the original person felt that if he died this time and was reborn, he would not be able to marry the prince again.

But if she is reborn after being engaged to the prince, there is nothing she can do, because even if she wants to break off the engagement, she can't. Not to mention that her father will not agree, and the emperor will not agree either. She will quit like in the previous life. She cannot get married. In this case, if she is reborn, she will have to follow the same path in her whole life. So she prays that if she can be reborn, she hopes that she can be reborn before getting engaged to the prince. In this way, she will not marry the prince. Will it be different after getting engaged?

Perhaps her prayer power was too strong, so she was reborn for the second time. As she wished, she was reborn before her engagement to the prince.

This made the original person ecstatic, thinking that he finally had a chance to change his destiny, so he tried his best to avoid being engaged to the prince, and then, according to his family's wishes, he married a child of another aristocratic family in the capital.

But she didn't expect that not long after she got married, something happened to that family and the house was ransacked. However, her concubine still became the queen mother just like in the previous two lives. Then the fate of her brother and mother also followed the same fate as the previous three lives. No difference.

The original body was simply stunned. She really never thought that even if she didn't marry the prince, she would still end up miserable. Could it be that her fate was destined to be bad, and whoever she married would be unlucky?

But that's not right. She didn't marry the prince this time, and the prince was still deposed, so it shouldn't be her fault.

So when she was reborn for the third time, she was determined to steal the third prince.

I thought that by nipping the source of all nightmares in the bud, everything would be different.


The concubine's sister married the second prince, who became the prince, and the concubine's sister became the queen mother just like in her previous two lives.

And she...the third prince was deposed as a commoner because of his ambition, so she was imprisoned just like she was when she married the prince.


After trying four times, she still ended up like this. The original person was completely stunned, and then she had doubts about life. Is there really such a thing as fate in the world? No matter how she changed her fate, she couldn't change it?

Then I thought, is there really such a thing as luck in the world? No matter what I do, my concubine will always be the queen mother? Even if her opportunity is robbed, can she still be the Queen Mother?

After entering the system world, the original person issued this mission. He wanted to see if there were any missionaries who could break this vicious cycle. Also, he wanted to know the truth and see what was going on. Is there really a destiny and destiny? Is there such a thing as luck?

An Ran looked at the original memory and this mission, and couldn't help but sneered.

Bullshit fate, bullshit luck, my destiny is up to me. She doesn't believe this. She has reason to believe that the original concubine has a reputation. What exactly she is, she needs to learn more about.

When An Ran entered the mission world, his original body was already engaged to the prince.

Obviously, the original person wanted to test her and see if she had the possibility of making a comeback since she was already engaged to the prince.

Since the concubine may be famous and most likely possess supernatural abilities, in this case, if she wants to retain the crown prince's position through ordinary tactics, it is probably impossible and she must find another way.

Of course, everything is unknown at the moment, and I don't know how to find a way to keep the crown prince's position. I can only take one step at a time.

First, she wanted to see what kind of person the prince was and whether he was worth helping.

Although in the memory of the original person, the prince is not bad, sometimes the memory of the original person is not necessarily accurate because it has personal color, and sometimes, the judgment made with personal color is not accurate.

While An Ran was thinking, a group of people arrived at the eldest princess's house.

Well, we will soon know what kind of person the prince is.

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