Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2515 Doomsday Waste 19

And when I think that my own base will not be captured and destroyed by monsters because of its small size like some small bases, but because of the existence of healing power users, more and more power users will defect to it, becoming more and more powerful, which also makes everyone in the base. I couldn't be happier. After all, who doesn't want their base to survive forever? Who wants to flee everywhere?

Although the base did not inform other bases that Anron had healing powers, the Shuguang Base where Anron was located had the ability to heal people, and it quickly let the outside bases know.

This is normal, because someone at Shuguang Base told people outside about it, and people outside naturally knew about it.

I heard that there are people with healing powers in Dawn Base. Just like what many people thought, people with powers from many nearby bases came to Dawn Base.

Although one person with healing powers may not be able to save everyone, having a hope is better than having no hope, so people with powers from many bases nearby still came to Dawn Base.

Even in other bases that are far away, there are people who are eager to come to Shuguang Base to have a look.

There are also some large bases that want Shuguang Base to "contribute" Enron.

He said it was a contribution, but in fact he wanted to rob Enron.

But Shuguang Base will naturally not listen to them. Anyway, these bases are thousands of miles away from Shuguang Base. Even if they are stronger than Shuguang Base and far away, they can't attack Shuguang Base. After all, if some experts are sent to snatch it, Shuguang Base will also Don't be afraid. After all, could Shuguang Base use all its strength to defeat a few masters? If the opponent's base sends everyone...it's far away, it won't be able to get through. After all, a small number of experts can be transported by plane. If the entire base is sent out, the plane won't be able to fit in. In this case, what should Shuguang Base be afraid of?

Fortunately, there are no large bases near Shuguang Base, otherwise we would really have to worry that large bases would come and rob people.

After An Ran revealed his identity, he set a treatment time for himself, from nine to eleven in the morning, from two to five in the afternoon, and off on Saturdays and Sundays.

The reason why he only plans to treat for five hours a day is because An Ran only needs enough income to support the dogs, and he doesn't want to earn too much. After all, he still has to practice and have private life, so he doesn't need to make himself so tired.

However, even if the commuting time is stipulated, when people's lives are at stake, some people will ignore the rules you set and insist on your rescue. Even in the middle of the night, they will wake you up.

In order to prevent someone from being bitten or mutating, he has to shout out at any time. In the process of treating bites, An Ran discovered some rules of virus mutation. For example, at what point must he scream? When she gets up for treatment, no matter what the situation, there is no need to look for her and wait; also, everyone should try to come back before four o'clock in the afternoon, so that if something happens, they can still treat her before she gets off work at five o'clock.

She also said that if someone continues to harass her day and night, she will leave this base and go to a more friendly base.

We need to set some rules, otherwise people will be looking for us day and night, and we won’t be able to live a good life.

After setting this rule, if someone does not comply with the rules and comes back after four o'clock in the afternoon, and something happens, it will be the other person's responsibility. She will not provide treatment. She is not a robot, will not get tired, and is always on call. arrive.

Sure enough, if Anron did not save others in order to take a rest when he was not at work, some people would complain and kidnap Anron morally, saying that it was too much for Anron to refuse to save people until death, and ordinary people would still stand on the side of the injured person. After all, the butt determines the head, and they were also afraid that An Ran would not save him if he got injured one day, so when they saw someone criticizing An Ran for not saving him, they naturally criticized him in the same way.

Now that Anron has set the rules, if someone deliberately comes back after four o'clock to get injured and asks for help, but Anron refuses to save him, and then wants to kidnap him morally, although some saints say that Anron is too cold-blooded, most people also understand Anron and say that those people deliberately do not comply. According to the rules, asking An Ran to save someone in the middle of the night is a bit too much. He doesn't treat An Ran as a human being.

Of course, the reason why most people sided with An Ran this time was mainly because An Ran said that the people in this base did not obey the rules, and she would go to a base that obeyed the rules, which scared some people and made some people not obey the rules. If you dare to say sarcastic words, lest An Ran escapes, let's see who else they can morally kidnap.

That's why people are like this, if you are too honest, not only will they not cherish you, they will also be picky and bully you. When they find out that you have other choices and may lose you, they start to panic and become honest.

So the matter stopped like this, and An Ran's life finally returned to peace.

There is a person with healing powers in Shuguang Base, and the name of the person with powers is Zhang Anran. Not only the people at the base and people outside the base know about it, but also Zhang's father, Zhang's mother, Liu Feng and others know about it.

When the base announced the discovery of a person with healing powers, it sent a video and played it in some conspicuous places in the base. In this way, Zhang's father, Zhang's mother, Liu Feng and others naturally discovered that the person in the video was someone they knew, so Then he started to think wrongly.

Zhang's father and Zhang's mother were very dissatisfied with An Ran because An Ran took away 100,000 yuan from them. So after the change, they heard from Sister Zhang that An Ran did not activate powers and was still an ordinary person, so when they fled, I didn't call An Ran, thinking about such an ordinary daughter with no powers, why would I call her? Do they still have to raise her?

Before the apocalypse, it was impossible for them to raise a grown-up daughter. After the apocalypse, survival would be difficult, and they would be even less able to raise it. They could only pretend that they had never given birth to this daughter.

Don't think they are cold-blooded. You know, from ancient times to the present, countless people who cannot afford to raise their daughters will drown to death when giving birth to a baby girl. In ancient times, there were people who abandoned their daughters, but how could there be no such people now?

At this moment, I heard that An Ran actually had the only healing power in the world. An Ran didn't know how much supplies he had earned, so he was ready to go find An Ran.

They didn't care that they didn't take their daughter to escape because they heard that their daughter had no powers. Firstly, they didn't think that their daughter would know about it. Secondly, they didn't think that her daughter would complain if they left her daughter behind. After all, she didn't With super powers, it would be a drag for them to take her with them. As long as she has a conscience, she wouldn't want to harm her parents and younger brother, right?

So when they heard that An Ran was prosperous, they wanted to find her. They didn't have any psychological burden. After all, in their eyes, they had done nothing wrong.

Since he was ready to find An Ran, he naturally did it. Without him, life at home would be almost unbearable.

Although Brother Zhang has special powers, he does not dare to go hunting, and Zhang's father and mother Zhang are also afraid of death and do not want to go out. They rely on sister Zhang to send some food and supplies from home to maintain their lives every day. Now from The supplies brought out from home are almost used up. How can I survive with just the few things Sister Zhang gave me?

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