Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2512 Doomsday Waste 16

But adoption is not just a sentence. First of all, the place where we live now is too small and not enough.

In the previous house, An Ran lived in the room and Xiao Hui and Da Huang lived in the living room, which was barely enough.

But if you want to raise a few more dogs, it will be too crowded if everyone is living in a place as small as one bedroom. It will feel like the house is full of dogs, especially when some of them have grown in size and they all live in one room. The living room will feel very crowded.

Thinking of this, An Ran exchanged the supplies for some points and rented a new two-bedroom house.

She has space and is easy to move. She can move whenever she wants.

Although the rent for a two-bedroom house is a bit more expensive, at least it has a large space and you can divide one room for the dog to live in and the other room for yourself.

With this group of dogs, it will be much easier for An Ran to go hunting again, and he will not be afraid of being robbed, because most of the robbery gangs are not large in number, and those big gangs with a large number of people, even if they are not serious people, will leave. In addition to the low-level pleasure of robbery, there are more advanced ways to increase income and power.

Seeing that the safety was guaranteed, and her powers had been greatly improved while eating evolved chicken and duck every day, An Ran felt that people could know that she had healing powers. After all, going out hunting all the time would not last long. Firstly, it is dangerous outside, and secondly, as the number of people in the base increases, the surrounding things are consumed faster and faster. If you hunt, you need to go further. In this way, you can find a stable way to increase your income. channels are imminent.

Of course, An Ran would not tell others directly about her powers, but would be prepared to find an opportunity.

However, An Ran believes that this opportunity is easy to find. After all, there are countless people at the base who go out to look for supplies every day, and there are also countless injured people.

Some of them were not even injured by others, but bitten by monsters. In this category, there is a risk of transforming from evolvers into monsters. However, my own powers can not only heal, but also have purification functions. The virus was infected by a monster bite, so I believe that as long as I show this ability, I can immediately solve the income problem and even raise more bodyguards (cats and dogs).

An Ran was right, an opportunity would come to her today.

But that day, An Ran went out hunting with the dogs as a routine. When he went out, he saw a large group of military convoys passing by in a hurry. This posture was a bit strange, because usually military convoys would not drive at the gate of the base. So fast.

When she came back from hunting, she heard the news that the captain of the military special operations team and the most powerful master in the base, Fang Heng, had just gone on a mission to eliminate a powerful fighter that went straight to the base. The monster was bitten by the monster while fighting the monster. It was said that the injury was extremely serious and there was a risk of mutation, which caused the atmosphere in the entire special forces team and even the military to become tense.

If Fang Heng really mutates, not to mention the military losing a huge combat power, it will have an impact on the entire base, because some powerful monsters cannot be destroyed by ordinary firepower before the end of the world. Only Fang Heng can deal with them. Heng is equivalent to the heavy weapons of the military or even the base.

What's more important is that if there is a real mutation, the base may be destroyed, because Fang Heng is so powerful, even if he turns into a monster, he will be equally powerful.

But before Fang Heng's mutation happened, the base couldn't kill him just because he was bitten by a monster, because some people survived. If he was bitten by a monster, in order to prevent him from mutating, they would Kill him in advance, and the base cannot do such a thing.

So the atmosphere in the military was quite solemn at this time.

An Ran heard the news and hurried over with a few dogs.

If someone is bitten by a monster, he will mutate in the fastest two hours. Now, two hours have passed since An Ran encountered the military convoy and returned to the base, and when An Ran came back from hunting outside. An Ran was afraid that Fang Heng was about to mutate, so he Just hurry up and get over there.

The original person did not have this incident in his memory, and the reason was very simple. At this time, the original person had already gone out to collect supplies because he had no food and died.

The reason why I brought the dogs with me is because, although it is the military, and the military at this base has always had a good reputation, in order to be on guard against others, An Ran still brought some dogs over. Policy safety.

The military people were frowning. At this moment, they heard someone come to the door and said that they had healing powers and could try treating Fang Heng. Although they were dubious, they still welcomed An Ran in enthusiastically.

No wonder they were dubious, because since the end of the world, we have heard of all kinds of strange powers, but we haven't seen anyone with healing powers. If there were, they would have been spread all over the world, so here comes someone suddenly. , who says he has healing powers, who can believe it?

In response to their doubts, An Ran, who entered the door, said: "Because my powers are too special, I have never dared to expose them before. After all, I still understand the principle that ordinary people are not guilty and those who possess a treasure are guilty. I am very good at it." I am worried that I will cause endless troubles because of the exposure of my powers. But Captain Fang is a weapon of the country and the sea-fixing needle of the base. I don’t know how much hard work I have put in to protect the base. Now that my life is on the line, I can no longer stand by and watch helplessly. Captain Fang wanted to die, so I thought about it and stood up. Captain Fang could put life and death at risk for the base, so I thought I was willing to take a gamble."

The people in the military basically believed what An Ran said. After all, An Ran said it in a logical and logical manner. More importantly, An Ran was calm and calm, not flustered at all. He was obviously confident and should really have super powers. .

Besides, there's no point in making such a lie. Won't it be exposed after waiting for treatment? So what this Miss Zhang said should be true, right?

Thinking of this, the military personnel did not question him too much, but immediately took An Ran to a heavily guarded area of ​​the base.

The main reason why they didn't do more questioning was because time waited for no one, and they were afraid that if they were delayed any longer, Fang Heng would mutate and An Ran would not be able to be saved.

The place where Fang Heng was imprisoned was a house built by superpowers. According to the military personnel, the copper and iron walls had been used by them to house military personnel who had been bitten.

Some people did not mutate and came out alive; some people turned into monsters, and everyone could only kill their former comrades in tears.

Although there are many superpowers guarding the area and the house has been reinforced to the maximum extent, no one can guarantee that if something happens to Fang Heng, they will be able to prevent it, because Fang Heng's superpower is particularly powerful—— He is one of the rare dual-type superpowers. His main superpower is the thunder superpower, and his auxiliary superpower is the spiritual superpower.

The lightning power is already very powerful, not to mention the mental power. If he mutates into a monster and uses the mental power to let people outside open the house for him, wouldn't he have to be outside when he comes out? A killing spree? Therefore, it is no wonder that people in the military are worried.

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