Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2497 Doomsday Waste 1

This time Enron chose a modern mission.

My original name is Zhang Anran, who lives in a small city. He was originally an ordinary office worker, living an ordinary nine-to-five life like most people.

One day, the world was in chaos and was attacked by an unknown virus. All creatures around the world mutated.

Whether it is humans, animals or plants, as long as there is DNA, various mutations have occurred.

Some mutations are good, and everyone has various abilities and are called evolvers; some mutations are bad, making people, animals and plants lose their minds, and attacking people, other animals and plants everywhere, It's called an alien.

Evolved people are not immutable. If they are bitten by an alien of a higher level than themselves, they will still turn into aliens again.

In this world where everyone has superpowers and becomes stronger and faster no matter how bad they are, the original person is a weirdo - although she was lucky enough not to be infected by the virus and become an alien, but unfortunately, she also No superpowers were activated.

She is still an ordinary person just like before the mutation occurred. Even if she exercises hard to protect herself, the increase in strength is not as much as a hair of a power evolver.

In a world where everyone has evolved, if you have not evolved, the difference between you and others is the difference between monkeys and humans.

Her boyfriend felt that she was not a new human being and no longer wanted her; her parents felt that she was incompetent during the escape and was too much of a hindrance to them, and they were afraid that she would harm them, so they abandoned her; when they went out to collect supplies, no one wanted to take her with them. Love her because she is trash.

In the end, she had no choice but to collect supplies alone to survive.

The result is self-evident, she was attacked by aliens and died.

After coming to the system world, she made a wish, asking the taskmaster to see if they could find a way to give her superpowers, and then take revenge on everyone who bullied her.

These two tasks are not easy. The reason is very simple. It is not easy to find the method for a person without superpowers to have superpowers. Anyway, before the original person was killed by the alien, the original person had no power. I heard that people who don’t have superpowers, and then through some method, become superpowers. There is no way. If some people in the world have superpowers and some people don’t have superpowers, then there may be people studying how to make people without superpowers. People have become superpowers, but when everyone has superpowers and only the original person has no superpowers, who would study this?

Since no one is studying this issue, it will be difficult to change the original body from a superpower state to a superpower.

And it is not easy to take revenge on those who bullied her, because if the original person did not have superpowers and wanted to take revenge on those who had superpowers, would it be possible to succeed? It's impossible, so this task is also difficult.

All in all, this task is not easy to complete, and she still has to find a way.

An Ran was thinking as she packed her things and left work.

When she entered the mission world, the world had already begun to change, but only on a small scale, and ordinary people didn't know it yet.

The reason for this is that the incubation period of this virus is extremely long, about two months, and it can spread during the incubation period.

As a result, in the beginning, some people, animals and plants mutated and developed superpowers. Either the person with the superpower discovered that he had the superpower and secretly did not tell anyone, or it was exposed and was taken away by the officials of various countries. .

The same goes for aliens. When they changed sporadicly, they were controlled by the authorities, and traces on the Internet were wiped away, resulting in most people not knowing about it.

However, people will know about this soon, and the reason is very simple. When the virus was first infected, it grew exponentially. Now that the incubation period is over, the outbreak will naturally increase exponentially, even if the number discovered today is only twice that of yesterday. , after dozens of days, people all over the world can become people with superpowers or aliens, so naturally they will be discovered soon, and they cannot hide it if they want to keep it hidden.

No, when An Ran turned on her phone and searched for superpowers or monsters, she found that someone was posting such videos. Although they would disappear soon, as long as she kept searching, there would always be new ones popping up. This shows that what is happening around the world The probability of this is not low. After all, if there are only a few cases, it is impossible to search them every now and then.

In a few days, this kind of news will be out of control and will come to full bloom. At that time, the officials will no longer hide it and directly tell the people about it.

At this time, not only the country where he is originally from is controlling the news, but also foreign countries. The reason is also very simple, for fear of causing panic among the people.

At this moment, the phone rang, and An Ran saw that it was the call from her former boyfriend Liu Feng.

An Ran thought for a while and accepted it.

Liu Feng said: "Tomorrow is the weekend, let's go out and play together."

This person will abandon his original body in the future because he has no powers, so An Ran doesn't want to have contact with him anymore, so as not to disgust herself. Anyway, when the time comes, the other party will break up if he knows that he has no powers, so he immediately said: "My parents asked me to go home on the weekend and let's talk about it next week."

Wait until next week, a week will pass, and it is estimated that everything that should have broken out has already broken out. The road is dangerous, we can't go, and there is no need to meet.

When Liu Feng heard what An Ran said, he had to forget it. After all, they went out last week, and going out again this week. It was really inappropriate for An Ran not to go home for two consecutive weeks, so he didn't say anything.

An Ran hung up the phone and immediately returned to the house she rented.

Of course An Ran would not go home to see his disgusting family members.

I originally worked in the city, but my original home was in the suburbs. It was inconvenient to commute to and from get off work every day, so I rented a small house near my workplace so I didn't go home every time.

This is a small one-bedroom house. One person lives in it and does not share it with others. This is naturally a good thing for Enron.

As soon as An Ran returned home, he did not forget to buy a lot of things that could be used after the apocalypse in the nearby supermarket. After buying almost everything, he went back to have some food, took a shower, and started practicing martial arts.

This body cannot cultivate, so it can only practice martial arts.

But his bones are not that good. Even if he practices martial arts, he probably won’t be able to practice to a very high level.

An Ran has not yet had time to study how to complete the task. After all, improving strength is the most important thing now. After a while, the virus will break out in full force and there will be mutations everywhere. If he is not strong enough, he will have to buy life-saving tools from the system mall. That's not convenient.

The reason why I only practice cultivation instead of rushing to buy supplies is because it will be a while before the full-scale outbreak occurs, and I can buy it slowly in the next few days. Of course, the main reason is because when I was at the company, during my lunch break, An Ran had I placed an order online and bought a lot of things. These things were delivered directly to my home. It was better than going to the supermarket to buy them and carrying them all the way, and the prices were also more favorable.

Anyway, before the end of the world comes, she will naturally spend all the money in her hands, and will not wait for the money to become useless paper.

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