Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2492 Evil System 33

Zhang An was really embarrassed at the moment, so seeing that Aunt Wang dared to look at An Ran like that, An Ran and Xing'er looked wrong, and their faces were already ugly, so he immediately ordered his entourage with a livid face to get Aunt Wang away He took her away, and then bowed deeply to An Ran and said, "Concubine Ji has no status and has attacked the empress. Zhang An will accompany you, right?"

An Ran didn't want to have any more entanglements with Zhang An at the moment, so she didn't answer his words and left with Xing'er.

Seeing An Ran ignore him, Zhang An couldn't help but feel sad, thinking that it would have been better if he had listened to her and not gone to the border. In that case, he would not have been rescued by Prince Zhongyong and then married Miss Li.

Although he later prospered in his official career in the Zhongyong Hou Mansion, it was a pity that he could not marry the girl he liked.

Although if he had not gone to the border, his status would have been too low and he might not have been able to marry a young lady from the Hou Mansion, but if An Ran liked him and insisted on marrying him, he still had hope.

So after all, he had failed her and missed her. Thinking about An Ran's surprised and disgusted look when he saw Aunt Wang before, he couldn't help but irritate him.

Obviously, it seems that An Ran knows why there is such a woman beside him, she is nothing more than her substitute. After knowing this, it is normal to feel disgusted.

Seeing this development, Zhang An felt a little regretful.

His feelings for Aunt Wang are complicated. On the one hand, he has feelings for her because she looks very similar to An Ran. On the other hand, he also hates her for not following her plan and not letting her get pregnant. She got pregnant; he asked her to be honest. In the outer room, she was restless and wanted to enter the Zhongyong Hou's house; after entering the Zhongyong Hou's house, she bullied Grandma Zhang just because she liked him. He hated these things, but every time she committed a crime, he would see her look like that. After showing her face, Zhang An indulged her again and did not punish her.

Now that he has lost everything and An Ran feels disgusted with him, Zhang An naturally regrets it.

After all, although he was kind to Aunt Wang, he was just using her as a substitute. The person he really liked was An Ran. So seeing that he had disgusted An Ran by accepting Aunt Wang, he naturally regretted it and immediately kicked Aunt Wang away. She left, regardless of whether she gave birth to a child or not.

He is such a cold-hearted person, so it is normal for him to do such a thing - if he were not such a cold-hearted person, he would not have entangled with so many women in Anguo Palace, but he never He had taken responsibility. After all, in addition to seducing his young wife, he had also seduced maids, many of whom had given their bodies to him. He had never thought of being responsible.

Aunt Wang probably never thought that she would be driven away even though she had given birth to a son. After all, in her opinion, her face was a guarantee that she could be unscrupulously pampered and proud. Who knew that one day, she would see her? The real master, not only did the master not favor her more and more, but because he saw the real master, the master felt embarrassed and actually drove her away?

If she had known that the real owner had such a big influence on her master, she should not have gone out in the first place and bumped into Wei Anran, embarrassing her master.

But at that time, she came out from Miss Li's hands and felt that her status around Zhang An was getting higher and higher, so she wanted to show off and show off to others.

It was a pity that others would not invite an aunt to the banquet, so she thought about it and had no choice but to go to the temple. At least there, she could meet many rich, powerful and prestigious people, and let them see that despite her background, It's not good, but he can do as well as them.

Who knew that she would meet An Ran, and then her master would be embarrassed and send her away? If she had known earlier, she would definitely not have gone out, not even if she was beaten to death. At least that way, her glory and wealth would not be lost, let alone driven away.

However, Aunt Wang was naturally unwilling to be kicked out like this. Thinking about Zhang An's coveting of An Ran, she secretly thought that if she had a chance, she would find Prince Yongkang and let Prince Yongkang know about it so that he could cause trouble for Zhang An and Princess Yongkang. .

Yes, she now knew that the empress she met that day was Princess Yongkang.

The reason why she dared to do such a thing and harm Zhang An with her son in Zhang An's hands was because she was a selfish person and would not consider what would happen to her son if Zhang An fell. She was watching her return to Zhang An. After losing hope, he just wanted to take revenge on Zhang An and An Ran.

When An Ran heard that Aunt Wang was driven away by Zhang An, she couldn't help but secretly thought that this was in line with Zhang An's previous image. He was such a cold and cold person.

However, An Ran sent someone to keep an eye on Aunt Wang who was driven away. The reason for this was because she knew how terrifying a person with nothing would be.

Aunt Wang has ambitions, but now that her ambitions cannot be realized, she may want to take revenge, so naturally she has to send people to keep an eye on her.

It's okay if the other party won't harm her. Once he wants to harm her, she will naturally fight back.

Naturally, Aunt Wang didn't know that her every move was being monitored and there was no way she could succeed, so she was still planning secretly there.

It is not mentioned that Zhang An drove Aunt Wang away, nor that Zhang An left the Zhongyong Hou Mansion and became more and more difficult to do, but it was said that An Ran continued to save money after giving birth to her second child in order to complete the tasks assigned by the system. Task.

Enron also asked its own system about the elimination of this evil system.

"Can you let this thing go?" An Ran asked.

Her system said: "As long as you use your life points to buy something, I can make it leave."

Then he showed Enron the prices of those things.

An Ran saw that each one was expensive and exceeded the reward of the orange mission. In other words, it was meaningless to get rid of this evil system by this method.

"Besides buying these high-tech props, is there any other way? For example, if I don't rely on you, can I make it disappear?"

"That is unless you have cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage or above."

This is similar to Enron's idea.

But there is no spiritual energy in this world. You have to buy spiritual stones from the system for cultivation. If you pile them up, you don’t know that you will have to practice until the year of the monkey to reach the Yuanying stage or above. Moreover, it will take so many spiritual stones to cultivate to the Yuanying stage. I guess the price is about the same as buying that high-tech tool, and it's not usable either.

"Besides this method, is there a better way?"

"No, if there is, you can find it yourself."

Enron also asked the evil system what to do before it would leave.

The system said: "After completing the ten-star mission, I will leave."

She couldn't guarantee that she could complete the ten-star mission, so An Ran naturally wanted to strip it off in advance, and this should be more in line with the original idea. After all, if all the missions were completed according to the system's requirements, then the system would leave. It is equivalent to surrendering to the system. Even if it is completed, the system leaves, and the original person admits that the task is completed, I am afraid that when evaluating, he will not give five stars.

So although Anron got the answer from the system, he still planned to find a way to see if he had the ability to make the system disappear in advance.

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