Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2488 Evil System 29

On the surface, Zhang An is really passionate about her. He even went to get a substitute if he couldn't get her. In fact, not only did he scumbag her, but now he also scumbags Grandma Zhang. She is completely the scum among scum. .

It's okay to be a scumbag to her. She doesn't care about him anyway, but Grandma Zhang obviously cares about him. She is the benefactor's sister and has children for him. As a result, this is how he treats others - —Giving her a bastard, but also treating the substitute because she looked like him, doting on him, and allowing him to bully Grandma Zhang. Just thinking about it makes her fist harden.

No wonder Grandma Zhang looked gloomy before. She probably found out that her husband was a scumbag and she just let it go. There was also an ancestor who bullied her every day and confused her. It was also unlucky.

Fortunately, Grandma Zhang didn't know about her past with Zhang An. If she knew that Zhang An liked her, found a substitute for her, and bullied her, she would probably hate herself.

Although she was innocent in this matter, after all, she was not the one who forced Zhang An to find a substitute. It was Zhang An who was a scumbag. He couldn't help his benefactor's sister and insisted on finding a substitute. It had nothing to do with her, but some people were hurt. After getting into trouble, he didn't think that the person he should take revenge on was a scumbag, but he would turn his attention to Bai Yueguang, thinking that it was all Bai Yueguang's fault, and wanted to take revenge on Bai Yueguang.

As for An Ran, she didn't want anyone to stand in her face and let Zhang An bully the sister of Zhongyong Hou Shizi for her own sake, causing her to be resented for no reason in the end.

No matter from which aspect, she couldn't stand it.

Firstly, she didn’t want others to deliberately imitate her to gain favor. Secondly, Prince Zhongyong sacrificed his life for the country. Even in modern times, he was a martyr. The family of a martyr should not be treated like this. He received all the benefits and all the resources of the Zhongyonghou Mansion. Finally, But he bullied his benefactor's sister.

Although she couldn't stand it, An Ran still had to think carefully about how to help the sister of Prince Zhongyong Hou. After all, she had to at least understand first what Grandma Zhang wanted. She wanted Zhang An to treat her well and not let Aunt Wang bully her. She was fine, but she still wanted Aunt Wang to get out, and even... told Zhang An to get out.

Yes, if An Ran wants to do it, let Zhang An get out.

First, let Zhang An give the title of Marquis Zhongyong to Grandma Zhang's son, and then make peace with him and let him take his beloved Aunt Wang and go away to see if the other party can't rely on the power and connections of the Marquis Zhongyong Mansion. How good it is.

All in all, Zhang An should not be allowed to get the benefits, and then Aunt Wang would follow suit. As a result, the other party not only did not appreciate Grandma Zhang, but also showed off her power in front of her.

The reason why Aunt Wang dares to show off her power in front of Grandma Zhang is because she thinks that everything she has comes from Zhang An, not from the Zhongyong Hou Mansion and Grandma Zhang. As long as Zhang An is good, she can naturally be as crazy as she likes.

But she forgot that in fact, everything she had was given by the Zhongyong Hou Mansion. Without the Zhongyong Hou Mansion, she was nothing.

She was ambitious, but she didn't understand this, so An Ran wanted to prevent her from getting all this from the source, so that she could no longer bully Grandma Zhang.

Of course, in Aunt Wang's opinion, even if Zhang An leaves the Zhongyong Hou Mansion, he can still do well with Zhang An's ability, so she is not afraid of offending the Zhongyong Hou Mansion and lets Zhang An leave.

However, things in the world are not like that. Zhang An does have some ability, but his ability is not greater than everything else. Otherwise, he would not have developed through An Guo Gongfu and Zhongyong Houfu. It is his own responsibility. Only when it becomes developed.

Since the other party thinks that she can be arrogant with Zhang An, but Zhang An does not suppress her, and allows her to bully Grandma Zhang, then let’s solve it from the source. The source of allowing her to bully Grandma Zhang, that is, Zhang An will solve it. Well, when Zhang An is no longer Zhongyong Hou and gets out of Zhongyong Hou Mansion, even if Aunt Wang is arrogant, she will not be able to be mad in front of Grandma Zhang after leaving Zhongyong Hou Mansion. At least she can make Grandma Zhang feel more comfortable.

Zhang An dared not give up the title to Grandma Zhang's son, so he had people spread rumors about Zhang An in the capital, saying that Prince Zhongyong saved him, but in the end he took the title and did not intend to give it to the descendants of the Zhongyong House.

Then ask Grandma Zhang to change the child's surname back to her own, so as not to bear the surname Zhang An, and still make a wedding dress for the other party.

When the time comes, the title will return to the descendants of the Zhongyong Marquis Mansion, and Zhang An will have nothing to do. In addition, the forces of the Zhongyong Marquis Mansion will no longer help him in his official career, and may even hinder him. Will he be able to continue to prosper? But not necessarily.

Of course, this is what An Ran thinks. It depends on whether Grandma Zhang is willing to do this. After all, she can't ask others for her own ideas. If Grandma Zhang doesn't mind this, then wouldn't she be a dog? Rats are nosy.

An Ran soon posted a message inviting Grandma Zhang to come over to play. Naturally, Grandma Zhang would not refuse and came right away.

As soon as Grandma Zhang arrived, An Ran, after a brief greeting, stepped back and said to Grandma Zhang: "To be honest with Mrs. Zhang, the reason why Mrs. Wang looks so similar to me is because Zhang An liked me back then in order to improve her status. After marrying me, he went to the border and prepared to earn military merit. However, he was in danger while going to the battlefield. Your brother saved him. In order to repay your brother, he decided to marry you. Although he married you as his wife, He still had thoughts about me, but it was definitely impossible for me to be his concubine or concubine, so I naturally didn’t agree with his idea. I always thought that this was the end of things between us. Unexpectedly, this person actually found someone who looked like me, took him as his concubine, and made you humiliated. This is what I don’t want to see, and I don’t want you to be hurt indirectly because of me, so I I want to ask you, what do you think about Zhang An? If you just want him to return to the family, then I can find a way to deal with the Wang family; if you are disappointed with him and don't plan to live with him, I can also help you. The child is coming, put it in your name, and drive them away as a couple of bitches."

An Ran only talked about this matter and did not mention the fact that she had dated Zhang An. After all, it was too shocking.

The reason why An Ran told Grandma Zhang about this was because she wanted to be honest with her, so as not to explain the situation clearly and for no reason, making it difficult to explain why she was willing to help her.

Then one day when the other party heard about him from Zhang An, he would feel disgusted with him, so he simply told the matter first.

Grandma Zhang also didn't expect that there was such a past between An Ran and Zhang An, and she couldn't help but be shocked.

Thinking that Zhang An had betrayed An Ran and married himself, he married Zhang An with someone who looked like An Ran. The reason was because of An Ran, and he no longer disliked An Ran so much.

Otherwise, if you don't know the past and suddenly hear that Zhang An accepted the Wang family because he likes An Ran, which makes you angry, you may not be happy with An Ran.

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