Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2476 Evil System 17

At that moment, An Ran took out all the betrothal gifts and rewards given to him by Princess An Le, and estimated the price, which was about more than 20,000 taels. An Ran bought some of the unused jewelry, such as those old-fashioned red gold jewelry, In addition, there are other miscellaneous items that are not used. Not only do they take up space, but if they are left for a long time in the future, they will break down and become worthless. The manager will find someone to sell them.

Then he took some silver from the pressing box, collected 20,000 taels, asked someone to buy the land, and then put the name of the second young master Zhao on it.

You don’t need to use Master Zhao’s name, you can’t use her name, because it will default to hers. Although in this era, women are dependent on men for their existence, but generally for those who want to be proud, the husband’s family will not use the daughter-in-law’s dowry. In other words, it will default to the woman's, and the system obviously thinks so, so An Ran's dowry was not counted on the second young master Zhao, otherwise the total property would have been over 50,000 taels, because the second young master Zhao had revealed it The betrothal gift given by Princess Anle plus the dowry given by Princess Anle in private, as well as the dowry given by Yongxing Houfu, add up to this amount.

The name on the land deed required Master Zhao to use his seal and fingerprint. When he saw An Ran buying the land for him, he couldn't help being shocked and said, "What are you doing?"

An Ran said: "Seeing as you don't have any money, buy some land. You can make some profit every year in the future. It can give you some money to use. It will also save you from making your mother angry again one day. If your mother doesn't give you money, you will have no money to use."

Young Master Zhao couldn't help but be moved after seeing it, and said: "We are all one family, just put your name on it."

An Ran said: "I have some, and I'll buy you some too."

She really had it. As soon as she married into the prince's palace, she used the packed silver to buy fields, leaving only a little money for spending. Now she has spent all the money to buy fields for the second young master Zhao. She will have no money to spend in the future. No matter what, don't worry, the future of her fields will come soon.

If Princess Anle hadn't told her not to tell anyone about the betrothal gift secretly given to her, lest the eldest son would be unhappy, otherwise she would have told Young Master Zhao that it was a betrothal gift given to her by his mother.

After hearing this, Young Master Zhao couldn't help but feel more and more moved.

To be honest, no woman has ever bought him such a large sum of money.

In the past, he was cut off by Princess Anle. Some women heard that he had no money and would provide some, but the amount would definitely not be much, at least not as much as 20,000 taels.

At that moment, the second young master Zhao said: "Wait a minute, you can't pay for everything, I will also pay for some."

Since becoming engaged to An Ran, Princess Anle has lifted her financial control over Young Master Zhao, allowing him to pay money from his account.

But Second Young Master Zhao has always spent all his money as soon as he gets it, never keeping it.

At this moment, Second Young Master Zhao said that he would provide some money. Where would the money come from? It was just an advance from the account.

Although Princess Anle has loosened her financial control over Young Master Zhao, the amount of money that Young Master Zhao can spend each time and the amount he can spend throughout the year are both limited. It is impossible to allow him to withdraw money unlimitedly. Unlimited withdrawal of money, so why not?

Therefore, if Young Master Zhao wants money, he can only advance it.

To be precise, it was borrowing. He explained the situation to the accountant and said that his wife was going to buy him a field. It was all paid for by his wife, but he didn't pay. He was sorry, so he planned to borrow some money to make up for it and wait for the interest next year. When it comes, it is returned to the account. It is not called an advance, but called a loan, so as not to use it in the name of an advance. Then he will be in trouble if he runs out of money.

——It is said to explain the situation, but in fact it is just to show off, to show off that his wife spends money on him so that others can envy him.

Sure enough, everyone present heard that the Second Mistress actually gave 20,000 taels to buy land for Young Master Zhao. They couldn't help but feel envious and jealous, which made Young Master Zhao feel satisfied. In fact, everyone felt that the Second Mistress was stupid and had that kind of money. , What’s wrong, buy a field for Young Master Zhao, silly, isn’t it wrong to buy a field for yourself?

However, out of envy, the second young master Zhao borrowed five thousand taels, but the accountant did not dare to make the decision, so he reported it to Princess Anle and wanted to ask Princess Anle for her opinion.

Princess Anle naturally heard about An Ran selling things.

She was a controlling person, so it was good that she didn't care much about An Ran. But now she heard that she had sold a lot of things, and the accountant also asked about it, so she couldn't help but call An Ran. I came over and asked her if this was the case.

An Ran didn't hide anything from her. He took out the land deed written on the second young master Zhao and said: "My husband is too prodigal. I'm afraid that the family will have more people in the future. Even if the house provides food, clothing, housing and transportation, there will always be money needed." We are in a place where we don’t need money when the time comes, so we sold some unused things and added some cash to buy these fields. I will make some profit in the next year and won’t be short of money.”

Princess Anle saw that An Ran not only bought the land, but also wrote her son's name on it. She was a good steward of the house, so she couldn't help but think more highly of An Ran. She immediately agreed to Master Zhao Er's loan.

Of course, in case the eldest daughter-in-law was unhappy, she also told her that if they wanted to buy a field, they could borrow five thousand taels.

With the 5,000 taels borrowed from Master Zhao, An Ran bought 2,500 acres of land.

With this calculation, the amount of Mr. Zhao's property has risen to more than 30,000 taels, which is still less than 10,000 taels. An Ran can only leave it there for the time being and prepare to see if there is any way to increase the money. , if it didn't work, she would replace the field she had bought for herself with the name of Master Zhao Er, and complete the task first.

Soon, Duke An Guo's Mansion held a flower appreciation banquet to find marriages for several young men and girls of the right age. An Ran was also invited because he was related to Duke An Guo's Mansion.

Although it is a blind date banquet arranged for unmarried men and women, it is officially a flower viewing banquet. Naturally, not only unmarried men and women are invited, but some married ones are also invited to warm up the scene.

At this banquet, An Ran also met an old acquaintance, Zhang An.

This is normal. There are only so many people in the upper echelons of the capital, so it is easy to encounter them. Furthermore, the Zhang family came from the Duke Anguo's mansion. It is normal for the old master's family to invite him, a new rich man, to attend a banquet.

An Ran checked and found that Zhang An currently has a seven-star rating in the system.

This is also normal. He married the daughter of Marquis Zhongyong, and Marquis Zhongyong's son is gone, which is equivalent to inheriting the military resources of Marquis Zhongyong's mansion.

He is in great power, he is married to the daughter of a marquis, he is rich, and his own rank is not low, so he can naturally be rated as a seven-star.

When Zhang An saw An Ran, he felt very complicated.

Originally, it seemed that An Ran was married to him, but the second young master Zhao was really not a thing. After getting married, he ignored An Ran. Zhang An had also felt sorry for An Ran. Just think of him and say, the second young master Zhao is not a good person. What else could An Ran say? He can change for the better, and Master Zhao Er can also change for the better. How is that possible?

So he thought that after a while, if An Ran wanted to jump out of the fire pit, he could help her.

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