Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2460 Evil System 1

You said that with this system, if the original person was asked to hook up with the prince of Anguo, then the original person might be willing to do it, but if the original person was asked to hook up with a servant in the house...she is out of her mind, can she do this? You must know that in this era, if you lose your innocence, you have to be with that person. Could it be that the original person will marry a servant in the future? After all, the family she traveled through was also a noble family like An Guofu. The original person never wanted to climb high, but at least she couldn't marry into such a poor family, right?

Besides, it was impossible to marry her. If her family knew that she was dating a servant, they would only let her die of illness in order not to bring shame to the family.

The original person didn't want to die, so naturally he didn't want to do this ridiculous task.

Besides, this is an evil system. After dealing with the servant, the system will not let her marry that servant. It will assign new tasks and ask her to hook up with new men and achieve good things. In other words, every task I'm afraid they are all different men. How could this original person do it? Naturally, he would rather commit suicide than do it.

The original body didn't want to do it, but after waiting for the system space, the original body wanted to see if anyone could complete these tasks in this era without dying and living a good life. After all, if they didn't live well, So why are you still doing that task just to lower your own standard of living?

In fact, this task is not difficult on the surface. As long as you regard yourself as a tool to complete the task, it doesn't matter if you achieve good things with different men.

But there is a difficult thing here. This era is not like modern times. If you do this in modern times, it will be fine. At most, people will know about it and you will be scolded for being frivolous. But in this era, if people know about it, you will definitely die of illness. , if this is directly clicked by the family, the task will definitely not be completed, so this is the difficulty.

In fact, the people selected by this evil system are not randomly selected, but selected with a purpose. Otherwise, there must be so many people in the house, it must have a selection criteria.

First of all, the mission target does not have a wife or fiancée - this is quite consistent with the three views.

Secondly, the people chosen for the novice tasks are all easy to get started with. After all, if it is difficult to get started, how can you do the novice tasks?

Thirdly, the task target cannot be too ugly or too frustrated. First of all, it must be a strong figure. Xiaoqiu Wen, how can the male protagonist (one) not be in good shape? This figure, including that thing, is not as thick as a carrot or a baby's arms, and you would be embarrassed to go out.

So the system selected this new person as the target of the mission, Zhang An. First of all, he is good-looking and has a strong build.

Secondly, because this guy is good-looking and has a good figure, he is the dream lover of all the maids and daughters-in-law in the house, so he is very flashy, and he is easy to get started with - after all, so many servants can get his hands on him, and he is originally a rich lady. Can you get it?

In modern times, if the target of the mission is such a person, it is not aggrieved, and the original body did it. However, in this era, the original body is afraid of death and does not dare to do this, so the mission is judged to have failed by the system and is punished. punish.

I thought that the novice mission had failed, and the rearranged mission might be easier to do. At least I didn’t have to mess around with anyone, or if the targets of the mess were changed to a few young men in the house, the original person would be able to accept it.

As a result, the novice mission was indeed a failure, and the mission was indeed rearranged, but the new mission still required accomplishing good things with someone, and the target was not a few young men in the mansion, but the grandnephew of Mrs. Anguo's natal family - although she was older than Zhang An Such a servant is better, but it is not a good thing either. A playboy who sleeps in flowers and willows every day is similar in nature to Zhang An who messed around with the maid in the house, and is not a marryable person at all. So when the original person saw such a task target, he was naturally unwilling.

Moreover, even if Mr. Li is not as promiscuous as Zhang An, he is not someone that the original family can agree to marry - the conditions of Mr. Li's family are also not good.

Although Mr. Li is the great-nephew of Mrs. Anguo, the Anguo mansion was made in the hands of the old lady. When he made his fortune, the old Anguo was already old and had already married a wife and had children.

Because she married before she became rich, Mrs. Anguo's natal family's conditions were very average. Although she later became a little more prosperous thanks to the Anguo Duke's government, she was still far behind her original family because the other party was just a wealthy family. And the original family is a noble family just like Anguo Gongfu.

This is also normal, because by the generation of An Guo Gong, the Zhou family had already become prosperous, and naturally he married a girl from a well-matched noble family. Therefore, the original family’s family status was only slightly worse than that of An Guo Gong’s family, but it was still One of the best families in Beijing.

The girl from one of the top two families in Beijing is still the legitimate daughter, so naturally she will not be allowed to marry Mr. Li.

The reason why An Ran did this task was because, firstly, it was an easy one among the orange tasks; secondly, she also wanted to see how she could get rid of the system without cultivating to the Nascent Soul stage, which would also have reference value for her own system.

Although her system is good and not being so deceitful would do her more good than harm, but if one day she needs to get rid of the system, wouldn't it be a good thing if she can know how to get rid of it early? Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Well.

Returning to the novice mission, An Ran looked at this novice mission, pondered in her heart, and decided to try the dream props first to see if they were useful.

Dream props can weave dreams for people. She wanted to see if she had not done it, but by making this up in Zhang An's dream, would it be regarded as the completion of the novice task? If it could be done, she would never encounter such a task in the future. After doing this, she would not do such an evil task unless absolutely necessary.

Of course, if it really doesn't work, just do the task, she's not afraid.

The original person wanted to marry well, so he didn't want to do such a task. In the end, he couldn't stand it and committed suicide.

But in An Ran's view, committing suicide is death, being discovered by the family is death, and everyone is dead. Do it first and then talk about it. You can live for one day at a time. At least you don't have to suffer the pain of being punished for failing the mission before you die.

Thinking of this, An Ran immediately went out, passed by in the garden, and met Zhang An face to face to let him have an impression of her - without meeting An Ran, An Ran was afraid that Zhang An would not have an impression of her. Then she would not need the dream props. When he got up, he used the dream props at night to make him a spring dream, making him think that he and his cousin had a tryst last night.

Zhang An himself didn't realize at all that he was having a dream. He really thought that his cousin's maid came to see him last night, and that his cousin had a tryst with him in a remote courtyard, and he was very excited.

Although he had married many maids and daughters-in-law in the house, he did not dare to have any sexual feelings towards the young ladies in the house, lest the master of the house would find out, and he would not be able to be a good young lady, and would even be kicked out. Go abroad to the palace.

But if the ladies came to his door, there was no way he wouldn't want them.

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