Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2451 The maid who can’t help herself 56

Fortunately, these concubines did not take action, because An Ran kept staring here, fearing that someone would frame the imperial concubine Zhou, which would affect Si Yan's decision to establish the heir. After all, once the imperial concubine Zhou was framed, harmed the emperor's heir, and was executed by Ling Chi, then It is impossible for Si Yan to succeed to the throne.

Because no one was involved, Concubine Zhou successfully gave birth to a prince.

Concubine Zhou gave birth to a prince, which was naturally not good news for the concubines in the harem. After all, one more prince means one more person fighting for the throne.

Although Zhou's son is still just a baby and has many years to go before he grows up to be an adult prince, who stipulates that an adult prince must succeed to the throne? If the emperor has not established a heir, after the emperor dies, there will probably be many ministers who want to support him. A young child becomes the emperor so that he can be controlled easily.

What's more, the emperor is in good health now. What if the emperor can live for many years and live until Zhou Concubine's son comes of age? If the emperor values ​​this son so much, it is possible to pass the throne to him.

But this news is the most unfavorable for Concubine Zhou, because she was originally the family's only hope, but now she is no longer, because Zhou Concubine also has a son, and the Zhou family has a choice. Naturally, the one who listens to the family the most will be chosen. .

In the past, Concubine Zhou was not very polite to her family because of her favor. So after everyone had their choice, except for Concubine Zhou's parents and brothers and sisters, who both prospered and suffered loss, many others stood aside. When they arrived at Concubine Zhou's side, they were ready to stand in line with Concubine Zhou.

Oh no, instead of calling her Zhou Concubine, she should be called Zhou Fei.

After Zhou Concubine successfully gave birth to a child, Emperor Longyan was delighted. In recognition of her meritorious service in giving birth, he promoted her to the title of Concubine Zhou and praised her natal family. Concubine Zhou's family was already quite glorious for a wealthy family. For a while, Concubine Zhou's family became more prosperous than Concubine Zhou's family. Seeing this, Concubine Zhou's family and Concubine Zhou herself were filled with anger and hatred, but they couldn't do anything about it. No, there is no way. People who rely on others' charity to achieve prosperity and wealth can only stare blankly when others don't give charity.

By this time, Concubine Zhou's attention was completely attracted by Concubine Zhou and her son, and she was no longer in the mood to force Si Yan to marry.

As for the Zhou family, most people were only concerned about Concubine Zhou and Concubine Zhou's son, the Tenth Prince, while Concubine Zhou's parents and brothers were concerned about Concubine Zhou's situation in the palace, and no one was in the mood to care about Si Yan's marriage issues. , so for a while, the problem of forced marriage was finally solved, which made Si Yan feel a lot more relaxed.

Of course, by this time, Si Yan would not be able to marry a good wife. After all, firstly, he was old, secondly, he had the eldest son of a concubine and a favored concubine, and thirdly, the Zhou Emperor's concubine and Si Yan were no longer favored. The new favorites are Concubine Zhou and the Tenth Prince. When combined, it is impossible for Si Yan to marry a good wife, not to mention a stunning one, because there are many good-looking ones who are snatched away. How can it be Si Yan's turn?

Si Yan didn't take these changes seriously at all. He had said before that if he wanted to marry, then marry a stunning woman. If he didn't have one, then he didn't want one. This was still his idea now.

Now that no one is putting pressure on him, he is happy and at ease, spending time with his son An Ran every day, taking care of the children, and tasting the delicious food An Ran makes.

An Ran felt that the food in the Prince's Mansion was not good enough. Sometimes when he was in the mood, he would cook it himself. Once he met Si Yan, and after one taste, he became addicted to it. From then on, as long as he was not playing with friends outside, he would cook it at home. I pestered An Ran to cook three liang of delicious dishes.

Fortunately, An Ran is more willing to eat what she cooks. Plus, if Si Yan wants to eat, he will get all the ingredients she wants without having to pay for it herself, which is good, so An Ran sometimes can't help but pester him. I will also do it.

An Ran was so good-looking and her cooking skills were so good. Si Yan couldn't help but fall in love with her more and more, feeling that he had dug up a treasure. At the same time, he despised Young Master Wang more and more for his lack of vision, mistaking pearls for fish eyes, and doting on that poisonous woman of the Wang family. , Conniving the other party to fight such a good An Ran is very clever.

But he said that the emperor was old after all. Although he lived longer than his original world, his health gradually became worse as time went by.

Seeing that the emperor's health was getting worse, the court became turbulent again.

While the various forces began to compete, some ministers began to bring up the matter of establishing a reserve.

Although the emperor was unwilling to establish a heir, seeing that his health was not good, he began to consider the matter.

There are too many sons. In addition to the second and fifth sons who have been eliminated, there are also eight princes. He really doesn't know who to appoint.

When a man comes to have a son, he is most pleased with his newly born son. Naturally, he wants to raise a younger son, but the younger son is only over a year old. He has just learned to walk and call his father, and cannot speak clearly. Even if he wants to raise a younger son, The former minister was probably willing. After all, it is easier to control a young child if he takes the throne. However, no matter how much he likes his youngest son, he also knows that he cannot make him a prince. This is not a good thing for him and will kill him. There are many young children in history who were A powerful minister proclaimed him as emperor, but in the end he was poisoned to death when he was a little older, and someone else took the throne; or when he reached an age and wanted to marry the daughter of a powerful minister as his queen, he gave birth to a child and lost its use value, so he was killed by the powerful minister. Anyway, it was rare. There are those who make a comeback, but there are very few who live well into old age.

Naturally, he didn't want his most beloved son to be killed like this in the future, so no matter how much he loved him, he didn't dare to make him the prince.

Moreover, he was also afraid that if he established such a young child as emperor, something would happen to the country, and his ancestors would scold him, so he did not dare to do anything like this.

Thinking of this, the emperor couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, thinking about why he couldn't live for more than ten years. As long as the youngest son was more than ten years old, he could pass the throne to him. After all, he was more than ten years old. No matter how young he was, others wanted to control him. It's not that easy for him.

If you don't make your favorite youngest son, then you have to choose a son with outstanding ability as the prince. After all, this is the best for the court.

But the son with outstanding abilities... To be honest, the previous second son was actually quite good, but it was a pity that the tampering with him was discovered.

Even if someone discovered the second child's tricks, it would be considered good, let alone the abilities of other princes.

Especially the third child, who cares about his beloved son and beautiful concubine despite being incompetent. He would be the first to exclude such a person. In his opinion, Si Yan only deserves to be a rich man, and the country has handed him over. It was going to end on his hands.

——He probably forgot that he himself is such a person. He used to dote on Concubine Zhou and Si Yan, but now he dotes on Concubine Zhou and the tenth prince.

The third prince was unworthy, the second prince and the fifth prince were eliminated, so the emperor turned his attention to the eldest prince, fourth prince and other adult princes, but it seemed that there was no one he could like, and he couldn't help but feel troubled.

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