Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2434 The maid who can’t help herself 39

However, unlike the third prince who was happy when he saw that Young Master Wang didn't like An Ran and thought he could come over, Concubine Zhou thought that Young Master Wang didn't like An Ran, so she decided to give away her concubine, which ultimately led to her own son being killed like this. She couldn't be happy when the vixen fell in love with him, and she even became extremely dissatisfied with Young Master Wang, feeling that it was his fault that caused problems in her plan.

If it wasn't the right time to stir up trouble, otherwise she would have to teach this young master Wang a lesson that had caused her trouble.

The more she saw such a stunning beauty, the more crisis-ridden Princess Zhou felt. She thought that if she didn't deal with her son's matter quickly, her son would be deeply in love. She would not marry a wife then, and she would spend her whole life guarding the Sun family. Well, that would be bad.

Not to mention men falling in love with each other, there are still infatuations in this world. When she saw those men in history who loved their wives for the rest of their lives, she envied and looked forward to them. But when it was her son's turn, she couldn't envy or look forward to them. I got up, fearing that my son would lose his soul by such a goblin.

Not only was she afraid that her son would be lost in the fascination of the goblin, but she even did not dare to continue summoning the Sun family into the palace. She was afraid that the emperor would accidentally see it. Don't have any thoughts that you shouldn't have. Don't think that such a thing will happen. It happened. In history, there were cases where the emperor attacked his daughter-in-law because his daughter-in-law was too stunning. We had to guard against it.

Thinking of this, when the imperial concubine Zhou opened her mouth, she went straight to the topic and said: "Ms. Sun, His Highness looks like he is in his early twenties. At such an old age, let alone marrying a wife, he has not even engaged in a wedding. Those brothers are all going to have children. If he doesn’t marry a wife, will he be able to have children every year? Besides, you are older than His Highness, and you don’t want to have children at an early age, right? That’s why I came to you today to persuade you. Persuade the third prince to agree to the marriage. As long as he listens to your advice and is willing to choose one of the candidates provided by me to get married, I will mark your first merit and promote you to the side concubine immediately. In addition to the obvious benefit of me being my concubine, you can also give birth to a child, which is a lot of benefits. What do you think, are you willing to help me?"

An Ran also didn't expect that the Imperial Concubine Zhou couldn't persuade the third prince and actually decided to target her. She couldn't help but feel funny at the moment, so after hearing what the Imperial Concubine Zhou said, she wholeheartedly agreed and said, "I can help the empress share her worries. It’s my blessing, so of course it’s okay.”

Concubine Zhou Huang originally thought she was going to persuade An Ran. After all, the other party was favoring her and asked her to push him away. She was afraid that Sun would not be willing, so she planned to say something more heartfelt to coax An Ran into agreeing.

Unexpectedly, An Ran agreed without hesitation at all, which surprised Concubine Zhou. Thinking about such a good thing, this woman agreed so easily?

How could she know what An Ran was thinking? An Ran was thinking, Concubine Zhou Huang asked her, how dare she not agree? Since you have to agree sooner or later, then just agree. If you agree and fail to do it in the end, that's another matter. What are you afraid of? It hasn't been done yet, so I told Concubine Zhou Huang that she persuaded her, but she didn't. That's success.

The Imperial Concubine Zhou didn't know that An Ran was a master of fooling her, so she couldn't help but feel relieved when she saw that An Ran agreed. She thought that this was the case. This Sun family is so old, but because her son has not married, she has been unable to get pregnant. She must have been pregnant early. She must be anxious, after all, if she keeps going around for a few more years, she will be thirty! It was difficult to have a child, so she said it herself and the other party agreed. She thought that when the mistress gave birth to a legitimate son, she would be able to have a child, right.

What's more, she also gave the other party a guarantee that she would help the other party upgrade to a concubine in the future. With so many benefits, she thought that the other party would work hard, so is it normal for her to agree?

At that moment, Concubine Zhou Huang had forgotten her surprise. In order to make An Ran wholeheartedly help her, she even made An Ran sit next to her. She pulled her with a smile and talked for a while, and finally rewarded her generously. She bought a bunch of gold, silver, jewelry, clothes, and jewelry. The purpose of being so courteous was to win over An Ran and make An Ran help her complete this matter wholeheartedly.

After a pleasant and hypocritical meeting, An Ran returned to the Third Prince's Mansion with a large cart of things given to her by Imperial Concubine Zhou.

Seeing that An Ran had brought back so many things, Xiao Lan and Xiao Lu were so happy that they couldn't help but smile and said, "Wow, there are so many things. Your Majesty is rich."

Although An Ran now acts as the mistress, they see a lot of good things, but those are all from the house. An Ran's own monthly money is not much, and An Ran basically does not shave oil, so An Ran's The money was not much, at most the third prince would give me something if he was happy.

But no matter how much he gives, the third prince definitely doesn't have as much as the Zhou Emperor's concubine, so what he can give is limited. As a result, although An Ran has more money than he did in Cheng'en Palace, he doesn't have much. This is why After a while, Xiaolan and Xiaolu were happy to see that Concubine Zhou gave Anran so many things.

In fact, An Ran does not have much money on the surface, but secretly she has a lot of money. Otherwise, how would she develop her power? However, all the money she won from gambling houses, disguised as men, and left in the space, Xiaolan Xiao Green didn't know.

An Ran smiled and said: "Exchange the unused jewelry for money when you have time. When you have enough money, buy some fields and make a long-term plan."

In the past, I never had much money on the surface, but now I have saved some, and I can buy some land. This way, if I have money on the surface, it will be easier to do some things, because I don’t have money on the surface, and I can’t do some things. There's no way to do it openly, and it's quite troublesome sometimes.

Xiaolan couldn't help but nodded after hearing this, and said: "If the empress replaces some of the unused things on hand, plus what she has saved before, it will not be a problem to buy three hundred acres of land. Then she will have a fixed income every year, which is very good." ”

Xiao Lu said: "My queen is really good at saving money. She only saved a fortune of three hundred acres of land within a few years of leaving Duke Cheng'en's mansion."

——If Xiao Lu hadn't been one of her own, An Ran would have thought she was making fun of herself, because these things were too few for An Ran.

But for Xiaolan and Xiaolu, she may think that it is already impressive that she can buy three hundred acres of land in just a few years.

No, Xiaolan on the side nodded and said, "That's right. Fortunately, we left Cheng'en Gong's Mansion, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to save so many things."

Xiao Lu said: "More than that, not only can't I save so many things, but I'm afraid I might even lose my life - I heard that Grandma Wang beats the concubines at every turn, and many of them were beaten to the point of being bedridden."

After leaving Duke Cheng'en's Mansion, everyone called Grandma Wang again. Naturally, they would not call her Grandma as before, but instead took their surname to show their distance.

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