Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2432 The maid who can’t help herself 37

Because the evidence Si Yan investigated was conclusive, it was easy to deal with Mr. Liu who proposed to establish the throne. After all, in the face of conclusive evidence, no matter how powerful Wang Chief Fu was, it was difficult to confuse right and wrong. Who made him not yet? One hand covers the sky, so as long as the emperor throws out the evidence, even if Wang Shouxu wants to confuse right and wrong, some people will not allow it.

After Mr. Liu who proposed to establish the fifth prince as the heir was punished, the issue of establishing the prince was temporarily stopped. After all, all those who advocated for it were punished. If we don't stop temporarily and wait for Wang Shoufu to recommend the next person, what else can we do?

Because the emperor gave the evidence to his own forces, Wang Shoufang did not suspect Si Yan, and only thought that the emperor asked his forces to investigate.

Although he did not doubt Si Yan and felt that it was the emperor who did things, the emperor's actions were enough to make Wang Shouxu vigilant. Thinking about it, the emperor was still a bit capable. He knew that he could not shirk the matter of establishing a prince, but he knew how to use roundabout ways to solve it directly. The person who made the suggestion fell into a passive position.

The reason why I say I am passive is because if the emperor continues to do this in the future, he will investigate whoever dares to raise the issue of establishing a heir, and then deal with that person. In this case, who will dare to do things for him in the future? After all, the dynasty is running smoothly. For more than a hundred years, there has been a lot of official corruption. It can even be said that one check will be accurate. If the emperor has no choice but to use this method to save himself, it will really be effective, because he will be sent to jail or even beheaded. There are too many people who have their heads cut off. If he encourages people to raise the issue of establishing a prince, I'm afraid no one will dare to do it. Even if he gives the other party a guarantee that the emperor will not chop off their heads, even if they are demoted, when the fifth prince comes to power, it will not happen. They will be restored, but these guarantees may not be useful sometimes. After all, most people only believe in the present and not the future, so their guarantees are useless.

After this situation occurs, if he still wants to stand behind the scenes and encourage others to propose the establishment of a reserve, he may have to threaten others to help, but this is very dangerous, because once the person being threatened escapes from danger, he is afraid that his side will immediately There will be one more enemy, one that will never stop fighting.

If you don't threaten others to help, you have to find someone with a very innocent background who is not afraid of the emperor's investigation.

But such people are hard to find, and even if there are, people with such character may not be utilitarian and won't get involved in Conglong's affairs. They just want to be pure ministers. After all, they will get involved in Conglong's affairs. Most of the people are utilitarian. How can such people resist corruption?

In other words, when the emperor began to attack those who made suggestions, Wang Chief Fu began to run into trouble.

Thinking of this, Wang Shoufu couldn't help but frown and muttered to himself: This emperor, you are an emperor after all, how can you be so mean in your methods? I haven't seen you deal with the people who made suggestions before, why has it become like this now? It's really just to not establish a reserve. , and started to do everything possible.

In fact, Wang Shoufu was right. The emperor had never thought of using this trick before. After all, he still had some power. Couldn't he find out that the person who made the suggestion had committed something wrong? However, this dynasty basically would not deal with those who gave advice. Minister, that’s why the emperor didn’t take action.

But now, Wang Shoufu is pressing harder and harder, and the emperor has to give up the idea of ​​not reprimanding the ministers. Although this is against the unspoken rules of the dynasty, the emperor does this, and the courtiers can't say anything. After all, it can't be done. If a person makes a suggestion and then commits a crime, shouldn't he be punished? After all, punishing those who break the law and commit crimes has nothing to do with whether they make suggestions or not.

And since the emperor gave up the idea of ​​not reprimanding the ministers, why did he not take action himself, but agreed with the third prince to take action? It was naturally because it was better to let his own forces investigate for him, and it was naturally better not to have his own son investigate for him. After all, the third prince He still trusted him, at least more than his own power, so it was normal for him to agree to the third prince's investigation.

It is normal for him to trust the third prince more than his own power.

When he asked his ministers to investigate, he also had to worry about whether the other party was an undercover agent and whether they would betray him and make him fail.

But letting the Third Prince investigate, he no longer has this worry. After all, as Lao San said, among these people, Lao San is the one who most hopes nothing will happen to him. In other words, they are in the same boat. In this case, if you don't trust him, who can you trust?

Because Wang Shoufu discovered that the emperor's move would bring trouble to him, he did it three more times. After Mr. Liu and the other three people went in, Wang Shoufu planned to go dormant and no longer planned to send anyone to encourage the establishment of a prince, because The emperor took care of the three people, and now he was looking for someone else. As he thought, many people were unwilling to come forward, so he could only stay dormant for the time being.

Wang Shoufu planned to wait until the emperor was ill before making this suggestion. Many people would definitely mention this matter by then. The emperor couldn't put everyone in jail, right?

Wang Shoufu planned to hibernate until the emperor fell ill. Of course, if he was not in good health, the hibernation might end early. After all, if he died before the emperor, he would naturally have to act in advance. He could not hibernate until he died. , he hasn’t accomplished what he wanted to do yet.

Some people may say that if Wang Shoufu's health is not good, he must act in advance. Since there is the possibility of acting in advance, why not act in advance now?

This is also normal, because it is something that would only be done as a last resort, and there is no guarantee that it will succeed.

Therefore, Wang Shoufu naturally did not want to take too many risks unless it was absolutely necessary. He wanted to play steadily and steadily.

But it was said that after Wang Shoufu temporarily went into hibernation, the capital became calm, including An Ran.

No one was looking for trouble, and Si Yan's life became more comfortable.

The only thing that made him unhappy was that Concubine Zhou asked him to marry.

Si Yan had said before that it wasn't that he didn't want to marry a wife, but that he didn't want to marry someone uglier than An Ran. However, if he wanted to have a high status and be prettier than An Ran, he really couldn't find one, so Emperor Zhou's concubine arranged a blind date for him. , all have good backgrounds, but are not as good-looking as An Ran, and some are even ordinary.

All this made Si Yan very uncomfortable, and he had several quarrels with Concubine Zhou Huang.

If it weren't for Si Yan's fierce protection of An Ran, the Imperial Concubine Zhou would have killed An Ran long ago, so that her son wouldn't have to talk about An Ran's appearance all day long and still dote on her.

It can be said that Imperial Concubine Zhou was gradually dissatisfied with An Ran, and now she is becoming more and more dissatisfied.

Fortunately, An Ran didn't care whether the Imperial Concubine Zhou liked it or not. She only knew that after Wang Shoufu stopped making small moves, she was much more relaxed and could do more things, such as further expanding her power.

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