Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2429 The maid who can’t help herself 34

In the end, everyone in the Zhou family reached a consensus and said: "If you really can't find a suitable one, just do what the third child said."

But before that, I still had to talk to the third prince about this matter. No, Zhou Zhou’s family ran to the third prince’s house, pretending to ask him what he wanted, but actually they wanted to make Si Yan have trouble with the imperial concubine Zhou. : "Your Highness, what kind of girl do you like? The empress is urging us to find a good marriage for you so that you can compete with the Wang family. I'm thinking that although it's for marriage, I still have to find someone you like. Ah, so I came here to ask you."

Si Yan didn't expect that his mother wouldn't give up and was still thinking about the throne. He couldn't help but have a headache. He was not opposed to marriage. After all, who wouldn't get married? However, he really didn't want to compete with others for the throne unless he had to. Of course , if there is no need for him to fight for it and the throne will fall directly into his hands, then he will naturally be willing to be the emperor. After all, who doesn’t want to be the emperor? Who doesn’t want to be the most noble person in the world? So it’s not that he doesn’t want to be the emperor, but that he doesn’t want to be the emperor. I didn't want to waste that time - so in order to dispel the Zhou family's thoughts, I immediately called An Ran over.

The Zhou family didn't understand why he called An Ran over, and they looked confused.

When An Ran arrived, Si Yan pointed at An Ran and said to them: "What kind of girl do I like? As long as she is no worse than the concubine. If she is worse than her, why should I marry someone else when I have such a good wife like Sun?" Goods?"

The Zhou family did want to mention this matter to Si Yan so that Si Yan could have trouble with Zhou Huang's noble concubine. However, after hearing Si Yan's conditions and looking at An Ran's stunning appearance, they couldn't help but look at each other and secretly thought that Sun Anran's appearance was , even prettier than her... They still want to find a girl like this! The question is how is it possible?

Among the noble ladies in the capital, some naturally rated her as the most beautiful in the capital, but that beauty was completely incomparable to Sun's! She can only be considered the first among noble women. If she is included in the ordinary people, it is not enough. Many beautiful concubines of princes and nobles are prettier than the other party.

This is also normal. After all, the base of ordinary people is large, and the base of noble ladies is small. Can the person selected by the noble lady be more powerful than the most beautiful woman selected by ordinary people, or even the most beautiful woman selected by the ordinary people? It is impossible. .

But it is impossible for Si Yan to choose an ordinary person as his concubine. After all, the empress has spoken out and wants to choose the daughter of a high official.

How is it possible that the daughter of a high official should be stunningly beautiful!

Even if there is one, others will rush to grab it, and it is unlikely that it will be the third prince's turn!

So next week, the family members said awkwardly: "Then let's look for it slowly."

Secretly, it seems that he wants to throw the blame on Si Yan and make Si Yan have trouble with the Zhou Emperor's Concubine. He can't do it. No, the blame is back on him again. After all, Si Yan didn't say he won't get married, he only said that the person he wanted to marry was better than An Ran. Still beautiful.

He said he was looking for it slowly but couldn't find it at all. Si Yan also knew this, so he immediately said: "I'm not in a hurry, you guys take your time."

After the Zhou family came out of the Third Prince's Mansion, they discussed: "I can't find it even if I look for it. How should I deal with this matter?"

"How else can we deal with it? Let's talk to the empress in the palace. Just say that our nephew wants to find someone as beautiful as Mr. Sun. There is nothing we can do. How to deal with it when the empress sees it? We'll talk about it after she handles it."

"That's okay, this way it can be postponed for a while. However, as the empress said, it is better to settle the marriage earlier, so as to clean up the Wang family earlier, lest the Wang family is in trouble. There is nothing we can do against them."

"Yeah. It needs to be faster."

"Oh, these mother and son are really a family. If you don't want a daughter who is not a high-ranking official, even the second-class daughter will look down on you. If you don't marry a daughter who is not a stunning beauty, why don't you go to heaven?"

"Okay, okay, stop complaining and do your best."

At that time, Zhou's family went to the palace and told Concubine Zhou about the third prince's request for his wife.

When the Imperial Concubine Zhou heard that Si Yan wanted to marry a stunning woman, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Ignore him! Who doesn't marry virtuous wives and take concubines for sex? Who would ask for a wife as stunning as the concubine!"

In fact, virtuous and beautiful are not incompatible. After all, who said that beautiful people cannot be virtuous? It’s just that rich and powerful people mostly marry well-matched people, and how many noble girls can be stunning, so You can only comfort yourself by marrying a virtuous wife and taking concubines to satisfy yourself. If you marry a wife who is both virtuous and stunning, that would be the best.

Hearing what Concubine Zhou Huang said, the Zhou family looked at each other and then stepped back in agreement. They decided to search first as Concubine Zhou said and wait until the third prince was dissatisfied when he found it.

Just when the Zhou family was helping Si Yan find a match, Si Yan came to Cheng'en Palace to express his condolences.

It turned out that Mrs. Wang suffered a stroke and was bedridden for such a long time. After all, he couldn't bear it anymore and passed away.

Although Grandma Wang's father-in-law, Grandma Wang, has inherited the title, Grandma Wang is not happy either.

Because first of all, the title of Duke Chengen is not hereditary, but inherited by demotion. Therefore, after Mrs. Wang passes away, Mr. Wang can only inherit the title of Marquis of En, and Duke Chengen cannot be called Duke Chengen. The mansion is now called Chengenhou Palace. This means that his status in the capital has been reduced. So can Mr. Wang be happy? At any rate, when the old man was alive, their house could still be called the Duke's Palace, unlike now, it can only be called the Hou's Palace.

Secondly, after the death of the old man, the relationship between the family and the royal family became further estranged. His father was the emperor's uncle, and he was just the emperor's cousin. This relationship was completely different.

There are few capable people in the Cheng'en Palace who serve as real officials in the court. They just rely on their close relationship with the royal family to get some benefits. If this doesn't matter much, what future will they have?

Therefore, Mr. Wang, and even the entire Chengen Palace, were in a low mood when the old man passed away.

Many people are thinking about strengthening contact with Grandma Wang's natal family. After all, her natal cousin is engaged to the fifth prince and is very likely to become the queen or queen mother in the future. Even if Wang Chief Fu retires, he will After coming down, I can rely on the Queen Mother to continue to be prosperous. In this way, if the Cheng'en Palace wants to continue to be prosperous, doesn't it have to strengthen contact with Grandma Wang's natal family?

Since it is necessary to strengthen the relationship with the Wang family, when the Wang family's future son-in-law and future emperor (in their opinion) the fifth prince comes, the Cheng'en Palace will inevitably be very flattering to the fifth prince, while it will be very flattering to the eldest prince and others. They were generally enthusiastic, and the eldest prince and others couldn't help but feel very uncomfortable. You must know that before the Wang family took sides, the Cheng'en Palace didn't know which prince would be in power in the future, and it still had the same attitude towards every prince. Now it is known that they cannot be in power. Now, the attitude has changed. Will this make the eldest prince and others happy?

This was true for the eldest prince and others, but everyone's attitude towards the third prince, who might be cannon fodder, was quite cold. They were afraid that being close to the third prince would lead to him being disliked by the new emperor in the future.

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