Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2418 The maid who can’t help herself 23

Just as everyone was talking about it, Mr. Song woke up on the bed, but he was obviously still a little confused. He sat up and touched his head, not knowing why.

Many of the people who crowded in to watch the fun did not know the third prince. After hearing what the servants of the third prince of Song Dynasty said, they preconceptionally thought that this was the third prince. They couldn't help but make comments at the moment, saying: "This is the third prince." Prince? Didn’t the third prince only look like he is sixteen or seventeen years old? He looks like he is in his twenties. Why, is the third prince so mature? "

Someone who knew the eldest son of Song said, "Where is the third prince here? This is obviously the eldest son of Song from the Yongning Marquis Mansion. The third young master of Song is obviously your brother. How can your servants say that this person is the third prince?"

Young Master Song was still confused. He glared at the servant who said he was the third prince and explained: "This bastard said that my date was with someone else, so I came over to take a look. How could I know that he was the third prince?" As for my eldest brother, I thought he was really the third prince."

The female slaves of the brothel are also kept and raised. During the period of keeping and raising, they are not allowed to serve others. This monthly slave was kept by Young Master Song San. Although there was a national mourning, he never gave up. Today, I heard from my confidants It is said that Yuenu went to the inn with a wild man and was unhappy, so he came to catch him. In the end, he caught his eldest brother on his head, and he also fainted.

The onlookers couldn't help but marveled after hearing this. They all said that the eldest son of Song Dynasty was a bit too much. They are ordinary people and have little to do with the Queen Mother. It's okay if they don't mourn honestly. The Queen Mother is your direct aunt, and you haven't been around for too long. For a long time, you have been hanging out with a female branch girl, and you are also hanging out with a female branch girl arranged by your brother. Is this too much?

Moreover, this servant of Third Young Master Song, even though he hadn’t seen the person on the bed, he immediately said that the person on the bed was the third prince. This is also very interesting. After all, how did he decide that the person on the bed was the third prince? ? Now people are just afraid that something might happen.

——An Ran also didn’t expect that not only did he help Si Yan catch out the pests around him, but he also helped Third Young Master Song catch out a pest around him, which was also a feat.

Young Master Song had already woken up at this time. Seeing Third Young Master Song leading a group of people to watch him, and then seeing the female branch daughter Youyou waking up next to him, he couldn't help but be speechless.

Anyone who thinks he is smart and makes a plan that harms the third prince and his younger brother at the same time without the other party noticing, and just when he is proud of his ability, suddenly finds out that his plan has not succeeded, and on the contrary, has been reversed, will be shocked.

Before he could say anything, he saw the girl beside her who was waking up. She looked up and saw the people crowded at the door. She didn't forget what Mr. Song told him. She didn't look at the people around her at the moment. Regardless of her disheveled clothes - when An Ran threw her and Young Master Song on the bed, she had almost stripped them of their clothes. After all, they had to follow the script they arranged for Si Yan - she rolled down from the bed and lay down. When he got to the ground, he acted step by step and begged for mercy from the third young master of Song Dynasty in tears: "Third Young Master, the slave family is not voluntary. It was forced by the third prince. The third prince is a noble man from Tianhuang. The slave family dare not disobey. I beg the third young master for mercy." The slave family."

The wrongly accused third prince: I’ll knock your mother! If you dare to frame me, believe it or not, I will kill you? !

Yue Slave acted too fast and had no time to stop Young Master Song from the bed:...It's over...

Onlookers: I believed your lies!

If everyone hadn't seen clearly that the person on the bed was the eldest son of Song Dynasty, and if it was really the third prince, everyone might have really thought that what this woman said was true, but it was not the third prince on the bed at all, so this woman was blatantly framed Put the blame on me! Still putting the blame on a prince! He's really brave!

So, these people just set up a trap to frame the Third Prince, right? Otherwise, why would the people around Third Young Master Song call him Third Prince before even looking at the person on the bed, and then this daughter-in-law, without looking One look at the person on the bed and he said that he was forced by the third prince.

You are so courageous. You dare to frame the third prince. It seems that the royal family is in chaos.

Young Master Song really couldn't stand it anymore. He was afraid that Yue Nu would say more bad things, so he quickly took off his clothes and got out of bed, came to Yue Nu's side, and said: "...Stop talking!"

Yue Nu couldn't help but be stunned when she saw Young Master Song coming from behind.

At this moment, Si Yan's eunuch also woke up. When he first woke up, he couldn't figure out the situation or what was going on with him. He just looked at the crowd of people around him, and then Young Master Song He Yuenu was also here, a little confused, and couldn't help asking: "What's going on?"

Then he heard a voice from outside the door that frightened him: "Yes, I also want to know what's going on."

When everyone looked back, it was Si Yan who walked in from the door with a face as deep as water, followed by a group of guards.

It turned out that after watching the show, An Ran let Si Yan down.

Si Yan found his bodyguards and came over to deal with these people.

"I was drunk, and you and Song helped me to this female branch girl. I said what do you want to do? It turned out that you wanted to frame me and force Song Sangong to marry the female branch girl! You wanted to use this to make me stinky. His reputation is really vicious! Come, take my name card and take these three people, as well as the servant next to Third Young Master Song who identified me on the bed before, to Dali Temple. I want to interrogate them personally. I want to see what tricks you are up to!"

As soon as Si Yan appeared and said these things, the crowd couldn't help but burst into an uproar, and at the same time they couldn't help but start talking. After all, the eldest son of the Yongning Marquis Mansion had reached out his hand into the third prince's house, and together with the eunuchs around the third prince, he was committing harm. Third Prince, no matter what you say, this is too scary. Can everyone stop talking about it?

The eldest son of Song Dynasty couldn't help but be confused when he saw that the third prince told him clearly what he had done. He immediately thought that the third prince was scheming and had already seen through his ruse. He was pretending to be drunk before - otherwise he would not be able to do it now. You can't help but feel a little drunk - now that you've caught yourself, you can't help but regret that you shouldn't have done things for the people behind you. Not only did you not harm the third prince and third son of Song Dynasty, but you also lost your own future.

But there was no point in regretting it now. Before he could argue with the third prince, the third prince had already ordered people to arrest them all. He only had time to order people to find his grandmother and father. He had no time to explain more. many.

Now that we know the cause and effect of the matter, no matter how stupid the third prince is, he can still figure it out.

What's more, when Emperor Zhou's concubine and the Zhou family heard about this, they knew that the third prince was being plotted by people around him. They almost died of anger, fearing that the people behind the scenes would reach out and force the eldest son Song and others to not confess truthfully, so they immediately sent I asked a lot of people to help me, so I could keep an eye on whether anyone came into contact with these people.

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