Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 241 Interstellar Waste 5

Regarding An Ran's words, Qiao Na almost turned into a puffer fish with anger.

Of course she didn't really invite her. Just like the last time she invited An Ran to the engagement party, she just wanted to show off. She didn't really invite her. She just wanted to find a topic and ask about An Ran's location. Now An Ran was blocking her like this. , which made her originally think that An Ran would agree to come. Then she casually asked where An Ran was. It would be inappropriate for her to send someone to pick her up or book a starship ticket for her. After all, with such a stiff atmosphere, how could she continue to ask? .

Although it’s not easy to ask, it’s not okay not to ask, so Qiaona regained her composure and continued: “Okay, okay, I won’t force you if you don’t want to come. Where are you? I’ll send you some wedding candies. .”

Qiao Na felt that there was nothing wrong with what she said. At most, An Ran felt that she was showing off. Anyway, she was indeed showing off, so it didn't matter if the other party thought so.

An Ran did not think that those people were sent by Qiao Na, so as Qiao Na thought, he thought that Qiao Na was just showing off when she said this, but even if she didn't know that Qiao Na wanted to find out where she lived, , so that she could send people to cause trouble for her, and An Ran would not tell her whereabouts. After all, she didn't even tell her father and mother, how could she tell outsiders, so she ignored Qiao Na's words and directly sent the communication Bye.

Seeing that An Ran had hung up her communication, Qiao Na was so angry that she wanted to grit her teeth and call again, but she couldn't get through directly. Qiao Na knew that this was probably because she was blocked by An Ran, which made her even more angry, but it was useless to be angry anymore. After all, she Is it possible to get into her personal terminal and connect the communication again?

An Ran hung up Qiao Na's communication and began today's mental strength recovery.

After more than a year of cultivation, An Ran has reached the state of Dzogchen in the Qi Refining Period - the reason why her talent is similar to that of the cultivation world, but her cultivation speed is faster than that of the cultivation world, is mainly because she has almost no distractions in this world. She concentrates on studying and does not draw the talisman, so her cultivation speed is naturally faster - although foundation building is not a matter of one sentence, the state of Dzogchen in the Qi refining period also makes her repair work much easier, unlike at the beginning , her spiritual power was too little, and she couldn't repair anything every time. Now that she has used up her spiritual power, she can finally repair a few more places. She thinks that at this rate, it will take less than a year for her spiritual power to be fully restored. By then, not only will she have restored her original mental power level, and she will no longer have to worry about anyone causing trouble for her, but she will also be able to continue to practice spiritual power. In the future, when she cannot practice in other mission worlds, she will be able to practice spiritual power if she has the talent for spiritual power. Strength, one more means of self-protection.

Thinking of this, An Ran couldn't help but feel happy, and immediately decided to retreat and build a foundation. After all, after building a foundation, he would have more spiritual power and repair it faster.

Although seclusion takes time, sharpening the sword does not waste time chopping wood. After all, she is not building a foundation for the first time, but has built a foundation twice. In this case, building the foundation will be much faster.

Sure enough, just as An Ran thought, she only stayed in seclusion for half a year and successfully built the foundation. It was not like the first time she spent several years building the foundation.

The reason why she built the foundation quickly is because she has practiced many times and is already familiar with it. She will not have any problems that newcomers will encounter when building the foundation now. It is naturally much faster than building the foundation in that world of cultivation. .

After building the foundation, it is indeed much faster to repair the spiritual power sea. Compared with the first level of Qi refining stage, the speed can be said to be a thousand miles.

So within three months, An Ran's mental strength was completely restored.

An Ran, who had only partially repaired before, could feel the energy, but because it was not completely healed yet, the energy could not circulate. When his mental power was completely restored, An Ran felt a pure energy flowing through his body instantly. , I just felt a "buzz" in my head, and I felt that my brain was particularly refreshed, and I felt like I had been reborn.

It turns out that this is mental power, which is completely different from spiritual power.

Although he knew what mental power was from his original memory, knowing it was one thing, and truly experiencing it was another. Now that he felt it, An Ran had only one thought: no wonder people like the feeling of being powerful. Yes, the powerful feeling is really fascinating.

But now her mental power has recovered, allowing her to be promoted from a weak chicken state to a master state in one fell swoop - before the original accident, her mental power was almost level 30, which in terms of cultivation would be almost at the golden elixir stage. Dzogchen is about to break through to the level of the Nascent Soul stage. Such a high level is not what a master is. This is the S-level potential. Only when you are in your twenties can you reach almost level 30. Otherwise, if the potential is low, there will be many No one can cultivate to this level in his lifetime, so for people with high potential, it is really enjoyable to cultivate.

Such a rapid change makes people feel the strange feeling caused by the gap in ability.

With such good potential and such a high level of mental power, the original person didn't even like it. She wanted to be an ordinary little woman, but she was asked to do it, and she couldn't do it well. She was really struggling.

At this moment, An Ran was feeling this pure mental power, and couldn't help but feel happy. Thinking that her mental power was so high, she wanted to see if the man in the dark still had the capital to cause trouble for her. You know, Among mercenaries, if you want to find someone with a mental power of over level 30 to help, you have to spend a lot of money, otherwise you won't be able to hire someone at all. After all, people who are over 30 levels are not as good as those who are in the teens or 10s. Easy to find.

She can estimate the enemy's strength through the other party's behavior - if that person sees that he is level 30 and can find people over level 30 to cause trouble for him, it means that the other party has a certain amount of energy or a lot of money. ; If that person is not causing trouble for himself, it must be because he doesn’t have enough money to afford it or he doesn’t have enough energy.

Of course, there is no need to do this test for the time being. She has just recovered. She still needs to practice her mental strength and master the cultivation methods. When she is familiar with the practice, it will not be too late to expose it. After all, although the original body has the cultivation methods in her memory, but An Ran has never practiced it himself. If he only remembers it, it always feels like he is separated by a layer, so he has to practice it himself before he can master it.

Although I only have memory and no practice, it feels like I am separated by a layer, but there is memory after all, so An Ran started to practice and got started very quickly, and because his original body had S-level potential, he cultivated his mental power. It’s much faster than cultivating spiritual power, and it feels like you’re making great strides with each passing day. Sure enough, good talent is good.

So An Ran started practicing.

After practicing for several months, An Ran was almost proficient in the spiritual cultivation method and moved up one level, successfully reaching level 30. An Ran saw the news in the entertainment section of the main star of the Yanhuang Alliance, which said that the daughter of the Qiao family and Cheng With the news that my young master was about to get married, I couldn't help but secretly thought that this was a good opportunity to make a debut.

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