Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2399 The maid who can’t help herself 4

It was normal for the house to not take care of it. Aunt Wang was disciplining the concubines in the courtyard, so it was difficult for them to interfere. Besides, Aunt Wang's background also made it difficult for them to interfere.

As for the reason why Young Master Wang didn't care... Young Master Wang is becoming more and more fond of Grandma Wang now. Seeing Grandma Wang jealous for him will only make her happy, but he won't cause trouble for her.

Seeing this, An Ran felt that she had to find a way to leave this devil's cave quickly, otherwise, if Grandma Wang didn't like her next time and found any reason to beat herself up like she did to Aunt Fang, that would be terrible It's really depressing. After all, in these mission worlds, every time she does a mission, sometimes someone targets her, but it has never happened that they directly hit her dozens of times.

And such a thing really happens, and the reason is very simple, because she is the most beautiful among these aunts. Although she does not like Young Master Wang due to personality reasons, she is jealous of others who are prettier than herself, but there are many Everyone has this mentality, and Grandma Wang is no exception.

Seeing how beautiful the original person is, she has long been dissatisfied with her, so even if the original person is very honest, she will find reasons to beat her.

Since Grandma Wang did this to her original body, I believe she will do the same to herself.

The original body never thought that Grandma Wang beat her because she was beautiful. She only thought that Grandma Wang was jealous and did this.

Because he didn't know that it was his appearance that caused the disaster, he didn't think of putting on make-up to hide from the disaster.

The original body did not expect to put on ugly makeup to avoid disaster, and An Ran also did not intend to deliberately put on ugly makeup so that Grandma Wang would not be jealous of herself. After all, she would still cause trouble to Grandma Wang in the future. If she deliberately put on ugly makeup, Butterfly would Without the plot of beating her, she will cause trouble for Aunt Wang in the future. Others will say that Aunt Wang didn't do anything to her, but she actually caused trouble for her like this, which is a bit excessive. But if Aunt Wang had beaten her, She, she will have a reason to trouble Grandma Wang in the future.

Therefore, although she wants to find a chance to leave, she doesn't plan to cut out all the plots about being beaten. It would be fine to be beaten once and then leave. But she can't stay and be beaten all the time. That's not what she wants to experience.

An Ran didn't think of the opportunity to leave, so she immediately decided to go to the garden to get familiar with the environment of the house, and then contact her parents' family to see if there were any opportunities.

Although they are all there in the memory, you have to see them in person to match the memory.

When Xiaolan heard An Ran say that she wanted to go back to her parents' home, she naturally wouldn't stop her and immediately followed An Ran out.

When passing by the garden, I saw a group of people approaching. The person walking in front was a young man in a red robe with a stern look on his face. He looked a little irritable. He walked very fast, and his robe sleeves moved as he walked. Flying forward, the others saw him striding ahead and quickly trotted after him.

An Ran looked at it for a moment and then knew who this person was from his original memory.

Although she was originally a housewife, due to the close relationship between Cheng'en Palace and the royal family, she often saw people from the royal family, so she watched from a distance and knew some of the royal family members.

The young man in front of him is a member of the royal family - the third son of the emperor, Si Yan, the most beloved concubine of the emperor today, and the son of the noble concubine Zhou Huang.

Because his mother was a favored concubine, he was lawless and had a bad temper. According to rumors, he had a violent temper and was a crazy person who had done many outrageous things. Although the emperor was troubled by his various behaviors, he loved the house and the bird. For his mother's sake, he was always very tolerant and never punished him seriously.

Recalling this person's memory from his mind, An Ran quickly pulled Xiaolan and stood on the side of the road, so as not to offend this crazy critic. If she was unhappy, she would be dragged down and beaten to death regardless of the situation. If her mission failed like this, then she would have nowhere to cry.

Si Yan saw An Ran from a distance. This was normal. Her original beauty was obvious to all. But before, she was just a wooden beauty and lacked a sense of style. But after An Ran came, not to mention the charm, but An Ran Her temperament is completely different from that of the original body, giving people a bright and mysterious feeling that makes people want to explore. Coupled with the beauty of the original body, the attraction is fatal and it is difficult for people not to notice. That is to say, Young Master Wang only I like lively, charming and naive women, but don't like such mysterious and confusing women, so I'm not interested in An Ran.

However, Si Yan only looked at it for a while and then stopped looking because he saw that the other person was dressed as a woman, which meant that this person had a master.

Although Si Yan was lawless, no matter how beautiful he felt, he would not rob someone of his wife, let alone a member of his grandmother's family, so he only looked at her for a while and then stopped looking.

An Ran waited for him to pass and then continued walking to her parents' house.

But he said that although his mother-in-law was a servant of the Wang family, because she was in charge, and she was an aunt to her eldest grandson, and the Duke's mansion was a big place, so the treatment was pretty good. She was a servant in the west. There is a separate set of yards, and a building is also purchased outside.

It sounds good, but the deeds of the whole family's sale are in the hands of Cheng'en Gongfu. If they want to deal with you, even if it is against the law to kill a slave, they can always sell you, and all the property is said to belong to their family. Yes, but if Duke Cheng'en's house confiscated their home, they would not be able to find a place to reason with him, because he belongs to the master's family, and all his property naturally also belongs to the master's family.

Therefore, it seems that you are very decent and live a good life, but without freedom, everything is illusory and can be lost at any time.

Her parents, brothers and sister-in-law could not help but welcome her with joy when they saw her return.

The daughter is the aunt of the eldest grandson of the family, and their family's face is also glorious. After all, in this way, she can be regarded as half a relative in the family.

Although the concubine's natal family is not a relative, it is in name only. In private, if the concubine has a good relationship with her master, she will also recognize her natal family, just like when a concubine is favored, her natal family will also be honored.

And because the original person is now the concubine of Young Master Wang, the original person's family is naturally very good to her.

In fact, the original person's family treated her pretty well, but she was a servant after all, and there were some things that they had no control over. For example, when Young Master Wang and Grandma Wang fought against the original person, the original person's parents and brothers also felt sorry for her, but they were just subordinates. What can people say? They didn't dare to argue with Young Master Wang and Grandma Wang. They could only hold her and cry bitterly when they came to visit her after she was beaten and saw that she was badly beaten.

Therefore, you must leave this place as soon as possible, otherwise this will not be a human life.

I met the original person’s mother-in-law’s family and found that she had similar memories to the original person. She was not bad to the original person, but she didn’t love her so much that she was willing to risk offending her superiors and subordinates at a critical moment to beg the government for mercy and let her out. That's why what happened in the original memory was that she was beaten and her family felt sorry for her, but they didn't go to Mrs. Wang to beg her for mercy and let Mr. Wang write a concubine release letter and let her go.

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