Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2396 Chapter 2421-2473 The maid who can’t help herself 1

However, An Ran is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, and naturally he will not take the bait easily. At that moment, An Ran was shopping and said casually: "Really? Can you buy immortality? I am not interested in other things. If you can live forever, then I will be a little interested. .”

She would be willing to do that even if she didn't return to the real world. After all, wasn't she practicing in the real world just to live forever? If you can do it in this world, why go back?

Yes, the reason why An Ran chose this mission was because her original body, Gu Anran, was suddenly bound to a belief system one day. As long as her belief value was enough, she could redeem anything she wanted.

So An Ran was ready to come over and see if this could be redeemed for immortality?

At present, she has no points and the mall is not open, so she doesn’t know.

In addition, she also wanted to study the similarities and differences between other systems and her own system.

At present, this system seems to be more intelligent and likes to talk, but... its ability seems not as good as its own system. At least, its own system knows its existence, but it does not know the existence of its own system. This means that the other party It's a fish belly.

The voice in his mind listened to her inquiry, was silent for a while, and then said after a while: "... As long as you have enough faith, it's not impossible, but... immortality may require astronomical amounts of faith, and you may not be able to do it. "

An Ran smiled inexplicably and said, "That's not necessarily the case, just lift it up."

Of course, first she had to earn some faith points, unlock the mall first, and let her see what the price of immortality would be.

As long as she has a goal, she may not be unable to accomplish it given her hard-working personality.

"You don't need to worry about this. All I need to know is that you have the ability to exchange for immortality."

The voice in my head disappeared, no more words.

It wanted to spy on An Ran's thoughts, but the host's mind was very powerful and it couldn't do it at all. Once it tried to probe forcibly, it would be hurt by something that bounced back and hurt it. After several times, it was weakened.

It knew that some people had strong beliefs and indeed could not spy on their thoughts, so it did not find it strange. It did not expect that Anron had another system. Long before entering the mission, Anron had explained his system and did not let the other party spy on his own system. idea.

This is also normal. If the belief system spy on An Ran's thoughts, wouldn't An Ran's secrets be exposed, so she would naturally have to be on guard.

But even if An Ran didn't tell him, Enron's system would do it on its own. After all, it couldn't let An Ran, the host, be exposed. Of course, she also asked her own system - her own system, not the belief value system - if she could cheat to get the elixir. Her system ignored her, so she let it go.

She also asked if she could take the belief value system apart and take a look. She wanted to see how the belief value system developed, but the system ignored her and obviously wouldn't help her. That's right. Everyone is a system. If It helped her dismantle the belief value system and asked her to take a closer look. What if she understood the principles of the system and dismantled it? So it's normal to ignore her requests.

Because the mission was completed, what he wanted to do couldn't be achieved, so An Ran just ate and waited to die.

Such days are always very leisurely.

Sure enough, although she has accumulated a lot of faith points in her life and her lifespan is not low, she still has not accumulated the faith points needed for the elixir of life. Obviously, unless she kills those with extremely high faith values, she will not be able to accumulate immortality. The elixir of life.

And if she wanted to kill those people with extremely high faith values, she might be able to succeed once or twice, but as time went by, she didn't believe that others wouldn't notice something was wrong. By then, celebrities all over the world would be wary, and it would be difficult for her to succeed again.

In the end, either she has to stop and fail, or she continues to seek death until one day she is found out and becomes a public enemy of the world, and everyone wants to kill her.

——Although the system asks her to kill people with high faith, it seems to have nothing to do with ordinary people. Ordinary people should not cause trouble for her, and she will not become a public enemy of the world. However, people with high faith are generally rich and powerful. Yes, if a reward is issued, ordinary people will not be tempted by the high reward? There will be no safe place in the world by then. Even if she has a belief system and props such as disguise, she may not be able to survive if she becomes the enemy of the world.

In addition, even if there is no reward, ordinary people may not be able to tolerate her existence if they know that there is such a person who specializes in killing famous people. After all, if one day he accidentally becomes a famous person, he will be on her list to kill. What should I do? This kind of thing is not impossible. After all, these days, the Internet is developed and one can become famous accidentally. As a result, ordinary people may not be happy to see Enron's existence.

Therefore, although this method is a shortcut to accumulate faith points, it is not so easy to obtain. Maybe you will spend all the faith points you earned in order to escape the pursuit, and in the end you will not be able to buy the elixir of life, and your work will be in vain. field.

It was with this in mind that An Ran became a salty fish. After all, if she couldn't get the elixir of immortality despite all the hard work, it would be better not to bother and live a leisurely life. So even if the system kept tempting her to kill people, An Ran Not tempted either.

Another shortcut is to be Neptune, which is equally difficult to handle.

Therefore, the elixir of life is not so easy to obtain, even if there is a shortcut.

What's more, these shortcuts are more poisonous, and each one is more dangerous than the last. If the host actually does it, it will feel almost like the villain in the novel.

Because An Ran didn't take the bait, the system had no choice but to follow An Ran's lead. He couldn't help but think that there are still people in this world who are not interested in immortality. Anyone who sees himself getting older can only live. He will pass away in a few decades, or at most over a hundred years old. He will definitely be unwilling to give up. He wants to live forever. This person is not tempted at all. This kind of perseverance is too rare.

Because An Ran did not take shortcuts, the faith points she earned throughout her life were naturally not enough to exchange for the elixir of immortality. Although she exchanged some life-extending drugs, she only lived for more than a hundred years before passing away.

Back in the real world, I was still in the tent in that secret place.

An Ran checked it and found that the task was completed very well, and the original person also gave it a five-star rating.

There is no unfinished story in this world.

That's right. It turns out that I later accepted the arrangements of the Faith Value System and embarked on the road of accumulating Faith Value. Because of the plug-in of the Faith Value System, my life was relatively smooth. I just regretted that I didn't help Wei Qianzhong in advance. , and also, I have never figured out what the shortcut is to accumulate faith points, so I sent such a task to the tasker.

It's normal that the original person didn't find a shortcut to the faith value, because she has never encountered any big dangers in her life, so naturally she has never killed anyone, so it is normal that she doesn't know that killing someone can deprive the other person of the faith value.

After An Ran came back, he continued to practice.

The secret realm has no time and no one interferes with it. Three months passed quickly, and she needed to continue her mission again.

This time the original identity is a bit miserable.

In previous missions, the original person was usually a noble, or at least a free citizen at worst, but this time, the original person was not a free person.

She was originally a little maid from a large Zhongming Dingshi family. She was not the kind of maid with a shocking life experience. She just acted as a maid for a while and then transformed into a maid of a noble lady. She was a real maid. , the kind of maid whose life contract is in the hands of others.

She was good-looking and was born into the family. She was obviously much more reliable than the maid she had just bought. After all, my mother and her family were in the house. Such a person was not reliable. Who else could be reliable? So she was a little older. She was sent to wait on the eldest young master in the mansion. When she reached the age, under the arrangement of the master, she made a marriage arrangement, and prepared to treat the eldest young lady as his aunt when she came into the mansion.

The original parents were working as stewards in the house and had some status. It would be a good thing for their daughter to become an aunt.

And such an arrangement is normal in this era. As a native, she naturally doesn't know that being a concubine means being a mistress. After all, concubines are a legal existence in this era, so she naturally follows the master's arrangements and asks her to do whatever she wants. Just do whatever you want.

However, man’s calculation is not as good as God’s calculation.

Soon the eldest young lady entered the house.

Gradually, the eldest young master fell in love with the eldest young mistress, but the eldest young mistress did not love the eldest young master. She said that the family marriage was a last resort and she could accept it, but love had a different price, unless the eldest young master was devoted to her. , treating her as "a pair for life", and dismissed the concubine.

The eldest son really did what she said and sent all his concubines away.

For a young lady like the heroine, this is naturally a happy ending of "happily ever after".

But for those concubines who were sent away, it was a painful thing. After all, they had already followed their masters and were driven away again. They were both broken and old. How could they get a good marriage?

It doesn't matter if they are just dismissed. Although the original person is unlucky, he can just marry another person.

However, in the process of the eldest son and the eldest mistress falling in love, just like what is written in the film and television novels, many misunderstandings occurred, and some concubines made trouble. Every time, a concubine died because of this, and became the eldest son and the eldest concubine. The young lady’s cannon fodder on the road to love.

Although the original person did not cause any trouble, he was beaten several times due to the misunderstanding between the eldest son and the eldest mistress, causing physical injuries.

When he was finally sent home, he died within a few days of being brought home.

This is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that the original person also gave birth to a child. You can imagine what will happen to her child after the original person dies with the eldest mistress and eldest son who do not want to see his existence.

All this makes the original person naturally full of resentment, especially as a mother. When she thinks about the miserable end that her child will end up with, it's strange that the original person doesn't have any resentment.

So after the original person came to the mission world, she sent out the mission, wanting to live a good life and take revenge on the people who killed her.

But the original person specifically added a request, saying that he had read her information and knew that she knew martial arts, so she couldn't practice martial arts as soon as she entered, and then punched the people who killed her to death one by one to complete the task.

An Ran saw this additional request and thought to herself, even if there was no such requirement, she would not do this. At most, she would practice martial arts to protect herself.

However, the original body did not ask her not to solve this problem with her wisdom, but only with her ability. This is normal. After all, if it was all based on the original body's ability, what else would she do? The original body would find a way to be reborn on her own. Is it not good? She's not a puppet.

Of course, the original person probably felt that she could not solve such a complicated matter with her own abilities. After all, the marriage contract was in the hands of the master, and she was a low-status maid. With her own abilities, even if she let She is reborn. Let alone revenge on those who harmed her, she probably won't be able to escape from this prison, so there is no way to solve the problem.

That's why she issued a task and asked the tasker to complete it. She wanted to see how the tasker broke out of the prison and successfully took revenge on those scum.

This contract of sale is indeed a bit troublesome.

In this era, without personal freedom, you have to die if others want you to die. It is such a terrible thing.

Even if she saves money and redeems herself, if people don't want to let you go, no matter how much money you have, you can't redeem yourself.

And once you can't regain your freedom, everything will be nonsense after that.

Even if she regains her freedom, it will be troublesome to separate from the eldest son, because the original family is in the house, and she probably doesn't want her daughter to not be the eldest son's concubine. In this way, if she wants to leave the eldest son, Going home is also very difficult, so this task is indeed not easy to accomplish.

Yes, An Ran came in at a very bad time. She had already become the eldest son's mistress, and the eldest mistress had also entered the house. Next, there would be a bloody storm.

Fortunately, the original person did not let her wear it after giving birth to the child.

It is estimated that the original person hated the eldest son to the extreme and did not want the child to be born, so the time for letting her enter the mission was before she was pregnant with the child. This would also make it easier for her to retaliate against the eldest son in the future. After all, she had to have It is a bit inappropriate to retaliate against the father of the eldest son's child, but without the child to tie him down, An Ran can take revenge as he pleases.

An Ran thought about how to deal with it in the future.

There is no need to worry about sleeping with the eldest young master. Ever since the eldest mistress came in, she has been attracting the eldest young master’s attention day by day. The eldest young master basically no longer looks for concubine Ji. Even if he does, he will not look for her because the original Pretty, pretty, but a little dull. Wooden beauties are boring. The eldest son prefers the lively and agile ones. When he has no choice, he naturally likes the most beautiful person. But if other women are also good-looking, but have personalities that please him more. If he likes it, then he naturally prefers people with lovable personalities, so the original person has never been very favored.

As a time-travelling girl, the eldest mistress is the kind of lively and cute person with a personality like a little sun that the eldest son likes. The eldest son has always said that she is like the sun and warms him. God knows that he is a grandnephew of the queen mother, and she has been holding gold in her mouth since she was a child. A person who grew up in a spoon or a honeypot, no matter what suffering he suffered, still needs someone to warm him.

Yes, An Ran could tell at a glance that this eldest mistress was a time-travelling girl. After all, someone who could say something like "two people for a lifetime" that was not found in this world, what else could she be but a time-travelling girl?

There's nothing wrong with wanting to pursue love, but if it harms people, and kills a lot of people, that's a bit disgusting.

The number of people who died due to this beautiful pair of love could not be counted on one hand. There were maids and servants who were beaten to death, concubines who were killed, and even pregnant children and children who were born, etc.

You can do whatever you want, but don't harm anyone.

Thinking of the bloody storm caused by this pair in the original body's memory, An Ran felt disgusted and didn't want to look at the memory.

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