Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2359 Substitute Marriage 19

This is because Aunt Li has good cooking skills. Even if Aunt Li has no cooking skills, An Ran can explain it to the fact that she learned from watching the chefs cook in the kitchen, which can also be explained.

Precisely because she knew that doing so would not expose her to the public, An Ran showed off her cooking skills, not to make people have a good impression of her, but for the sake of the future - in the future, if she was not used to the food of the palace, she would cook something herself. For food, if others know that she is a good cook, it will not make people feel strange.

Lunch soon ended, and the group was ready to take a walk, enjoying the beautiful scenery and digesting their food.

Because the royal guards have surrounded a large area around this place, there is no need for everyone to shout and crowd like before on the road. They only need to be protected by a few loyal servants. That is the emperor. Only a dozen iron guards were left to protect them.

Since there were not many people, there was no need to worry about walking like that on the road before. If someone cleared the way ahead, Mr. Wang would be alarmed and huddle up. In this way, a small group of people would wander around without disturbing anyone. An Ran thought this was an opportunity, so Then he followed King Qi to the road of Wang Gongzi and Zhuangzi.

This guidance is not difficult. Just ask what is on that road when you are at the intersection? If you run over and look at the beautiful flowers in bloom, you can lead people to the road leading to Mr. Wang's Zhuangzi.

There was no way, as soon as she passed, King Qi would definitely follow her, and then the emperor, who had been walking with King Qi, would also follow her.

As for the other people, some were walking with them, and some were going to other places to enjoy the scenery. After all, this was not a journey, but a trip. It was impossible for everyone to get together and walk on the same road like when they were on a journey, especially those who walked on the same road. Those men and women who have their own hearts are eager to avoid the large army and go to the place full of flowers as a couple to play alone.

So after several forks in the road, An Ran and his team didn't have many people left.

An Ran looked at this with satisfaction. She was also afraid that too many people would startle Mr. Wang and not catch him.

Seeing that he was getting closer to Mr. Wang's Zhuangzi, An Ran used the excuse that there was a farm ahead and wanted to find a place to go to the toilet, so he asked King Qi if he could go to the toilet. This was also a normal request. After all, they were all noble ladies and could not be settled in the wild.

King Qi said: "What's wrong with this? I'll go with you."

Immediately he reported it to the emperor.

The emperor then said: "I am tired from walking, so I will go over and have a rest."

King Qi hesitated and said: "I don't know whose Zhuangzi is in front of me. Does he know how to pick up the driver..."

Before he finished speaking, the emperor waved his hand and said: "What's the matter? Am I the kind of person who puts on a show? More than a year ago, where didn't we rest? Just go and don't think about the red tape."

The emperor had said so, so King Qi had no choice but to let the emperor go with him.

After knocking on the door, the door was opened soon. I saw the large group of people outside the door, and looked at the leader wearing a dragon robe. Even if I didn't know the emperor, I knew who the person was, and I couldn't help but be shocked.

Just as An Ran thought, because there were not many people in this group and they arrived suddenly, Mr. Wang and others did not notice it. They just wanted to do their own thing behind closed doors. It was nothing. There was no need to be afraid that the emperor was nearby.

In the end, who knew that the emperor would come to this place while walking?

Although he was stunned, the disciple certainly did not dare to block the emperor from entering. After all, he dared to block the emperor. The swords in the hands of the iron guards around the emperor were not ordinary. If he dared to block him, the iron guards would definitely stab him through a hole with one sword.

So at that moment, the disciple hurriedly shouted long live the mountain and let everyone in.

The emperor said with a pleasant expression: "I don't know who the master is, so you might as well call him and have a look, and I might as well say something to you."

For ordinary people, it is a great joy to be able to see Tianyan. Besides, if the emperor comes suddenly and disturbs the master's family, there will be some reward.

But when Menzi heard this, his body trembled slightly. He dared to say that the master was Mr. Wang. How was Mr. Wang still fighting in the yard behind him at the moment?

What kind of person the emperor was, he was from a grassroots background, he had seen many scenes, and how much concentration he could have, so although he tried his best to hide it, something strange appeared, which made the emperor wary.

At this moment, he heard what seemed to be screams coming from behind.

Without his instructions, several iron guards immediately shot towards the back, fearing that something was wrong with Zhuangzi.

Other Iron Guards also surrounded the emperor, and another Iron Guard launched fireworks, asking other guards to come to the rescue.

Soon, the iron guards who ran to the back to inspect the situation carried a young man wearing only a middle coat with a look of unbearable expression on their faces, and threw the man to the ground with a heavy hand. The man who was thrown He screamed, and then reported: "Your Majesty, it was this guy who whipped the woman from behind. I checked and found that there were many women imprisoned in the backyard, many of them were beaten crazy, and some were beaten half to death. According to those who just came in, The injury was okay. This guy's surname was Wang. He was said to be Wang Shangshu's nephew. He was violent by nature. They were all poor women he bought to kill and play with. He said he killed many girls and buried them in the house. On the back mountain."

These guards, who followed the emperor on his expeditions to the north and south, were all from poor families. They had the most sympathy for the women of the poor. When they saw those women, they thought of the women in the family in the past. When they thought of the rich and powerful buying their own women, this way Bullying, many people were just like those women when An Ran first met them, and almost killed this Wang with a sword.

After hearing this, the emperor couldn't help but look ugly and said: "Is there such a thing?"

When Mr. Wang saw that the person he was looking for was the emperor, he was so frightened that he wet his pants. Unlike when he saw Tiewei before, he arrogantly asked who was coming, saying that his uncle was a minister and he dared to intrude on his territory, right? I don’t want to live anymore.

At this time, he was so frightened that his teeth were chattering, he couldn't speak, and he didn't dare to defend himself.

After listening to the emperor's inquiry, Tiewei nodded and said: "I saw it with my own eyes. Moreover, when this guy saw me just now, he also reported his family name and said that his uncle was a minister. He should be Wang Shangshu's nephew?" wrong."

After hearing this, the emperor said to the iron guards: "Bring those women here, I want to see them."

After thinking for a while, he said: "The situation is not good, please have someone carry him over."

Then he said to the few ministers and others who were following him: "Look, is this Wang Shangshu's nephew?"

Naturally, someone among them knew Wang Shangshu's nephew, and they immediately nodded and identified him.

The emperor was sure that this man was indeed Wang Shangshu's nephew. Although he hadn't seen the women yet, he was already getting angry. When the iron guards brought the women over, he asked the female officials around him to come forward to check their injuries and concluded that They were indeed beaten with bruises all over their bodies, and some of them were beaten crazy. They could no longer hold back their anger, and immediately threw a tea cup at Mr. Wang and said angrily: "The new dynasty has only been established for a few days, and there are people like you. What a beast!"

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