Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2343 Substitute Marriage 3

No way, when she came to this world, she was already sixteen years old. If she showed any amazing medical skills or advanced martial arts, it would be a bit OOC. Otherwise, if she came early, she would definitely learn medical skills or martial arts, so It is also helpful to resist Su Xinran.

But now, it is extremely difficult to change one's own ability. There is no time, and Su Xinran will have to marry her again soon. In this way, if she cannot change herself, she can only change it from the outside.

At least one, Su Xinran, cannot be allowed to marry herself to that scumbag.

Although she is not afraid of scum and can deal with scum, she doesn't want to marry that scum anymore, so she naturally has to find a way to solve the problem.

Now that we want to solve it, we need to find someone else to marry.

An Ran decided to find this marryable person among the people who were cannon fodder in Su Xinran's world. She wanted to find someone who had a certain level of strength and not bad character but was a cannon fodder as her marriage partner.

The reason why she wanted to find someone who was cannon fodder was of course not because she was afraid that if she found someone who was not cannon fodder, she would bring trouble to that person. After all, she was confident that she could deal with Su Xinran, so how could she bring trouble to that person.

The main reason is that people who don't have cannon fodder will most likely have their own significant other in the future, and An Ran doesn't want to rob someone else of a good marriage.

Not only is the marriage of the cannon fodder harmless, but it can also save the women who have become cannon fodder with their husbands, which is equivalent to doing a good deed.

In addition, if Su Xinran is defeated in the future, the cannon fodder will no longer be cannon fodder. Saving the cannon fodder is equivalent to doing another good deed.

It couldn't be better to do two good things and solve the major issue of my own marriage. Kill two birds with one stone.

Is this difficult to say? It's not easy to say it's easy either. After all, it's not that easy to find someone who likes you, and then the other person also likes you, and is willing to propose marriage to you before Su Xinran makes a move. Things require luck.

There is no way, time is tight, Su Xinran will marry herself soon. If you want to find such a suitable person to get married in a short time, it is difficult in the modern era of free love, not to mention that in this era, women cannot go out to meet people at will. In ancient times, the difficulty was not ordinary.

Because this matter was difficult, An Ran decided to take his time and let the situation take its course. The most urgent task was to find the letters between Su Xinran and the former Zhizhou Master.

When Su Xinran eloped halfway, when she came back, An Ran thought that all of her own things would be destroyed, but there must be letters, tokens, etc. from Mr. Zhizhou's side, especially since she was about to elope with Mr. Zhizhou. She must have sent the letter in advance and got the consent of Mr. Zhizhou before she dared to run. Otherwise, she would not have dared to run if he had not agreed.

In other words, there should be a letter from Mr. Zhizhou that Su Xinran planned to elope with him.

Although in the original world, no such scandal happened, which made Su Xinran unlucky, An Ran speculated that it was because the former Zhizhou master's family did not dare to take out those things to cause trouble for Su Xinran, so as not to displease the emperor and not punish him. For their family, that was not good, but she was different. She would definitely cause trouble for Su Xinran at the critical moment.

For example, if she was not in her original world and was accused by Su Xinran of finding the right person before marriage, when the time came for Su Xinran to propose marriage, in order to delay this time, she would let the matter out and let Su Xinran busy cleaning up her own mess. Go, don't have time to cause trouble for her.

Therefore, collecting evidence against Su Xinran is one of the ways to save his own life, and it is necessary.

It is not difficult for An Ran to collect these things. As long as she has practiced martial arts to a certain level, she can steal these things from Mr. Zhizhou.

The key is that there is not much time left for her. She is not sure how far she can practice in a short period of time and whether she has the ability to steal things.

But fortunately, the former Zhizhou Gongzi family has been defeated. Now it is an ordinary family, not a wealthy family. It is easier to steal things. If it is a wealthy family, it is really not easy to succeed.

After figuring out what to do next, An Ran would practice martial arts diligently at home as long as she didn't go out with Mrs. Su to meet guests.

It's really not easy to say, because before, the Su family was just an ordinary businessman's family and didn't receive many guests. But since becoming the queen's natal family, it has become very prosperous. People invite them over for dinner every day, and because Su Da Madam still doesn’t know that Su Xinran can’t stand Aunt Li’s family, so she treats An Ran and others well. She often takes An Ran and other girls she thinks are pretty good (mainly because she likes them) out to meet guests to see if they can Find a suitable marriage for these girls, especially the older girl An Ran.

Since An Ran had to go out almost every day, if An Ran wanted to practice, she had to take advantage of the evening time, otherwise she would not be able to find the time to practice.

Although going out every day is not conducive to cultivation, it is quite good for getting to know people.

These days, An Ran has gotten to know a lot of people, and has also met a few people who had become cannon fodder in their original world. However, some of these people are already married, and some are not married, but their character is often not very good. Yes, An Ran naturally has no interest in marrying such a person, so she hasn't found anyone to marry yet.

Not only do they have to go out to meet guests, but they also occasionally accompany Mrs. Su to the palace. Because Su Xinran sometimes summons Mrs. Su to the palace, either because she misses her family or because she has something to discuss with her family, so Mrs. Su often goes to the palace. .

Of course, only Mrs. Su often enters the palace, and An Ran rarely enters the palace. Usually Mrs. Su wants to bring her into the palace to see the world, so that she can talk to the boys and girls when she walks outside. He would bring her into the palace for a walk. Normally Su Xinran would not call her into the palace. After all, Su Xinran couldn't stand the An Ran family, so how could she be called into the palace to see her? So when An Ran entered the palace, she was basically Madam Su kindly brought her in.

On this day, An Ran was taken to the palace to play again by Mrs. Su.

Since An Ran came to this world, this is the second time Mrs. Su has brought her to the palace to play. After all, Mrs. Su doesn't go to the palace often. Even if she does, she can't take her with her every time, so in a short time Within a short period of time, he had taken her to the palace twice, which was quite frequent.

After entering the palace, Mrs. Su had to talk to Su Xinran about private things that only the two of them could say and that outsiders could not listen to. In addition, Su Xinran didn't like to see An Ran, so An Ran was treated like the last time by Mrs. Su and Su Xinran was sent to visit the palace, and the nanny sent by Su Xinran would take her there, so she didn't have to worry about An Ran causing trouble in the palace.

In fact, Enron would not do anything wrong at all, because to be honest, when the dynasty was first established, although most of the palace systems were inherited from the previous dynasty, after all, it was the first establishment of a new dynasty, and things were still very chaotic in the palace, which was nothing like Enron. When she was a female official, the dynasty she had experienced was so orderly in the palace. She had no interest in such a place at all.

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