Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2327 Who is the murderer 13

The reason for doing this is because, with many years of mission experience, An Ran directly sensed something was wrong. After all, the original body and Mrs. Wu had no reason. Why did she have to die? The guide said that because the original body Now it seems that if the original person is Li Changxin's granddaughter, and the Crown Prince's daughter is a fake daughter of Mrs. Wu, then it will naturally infringe on her interests, and it is normal to want to get rid of her. .

As long as the original body is removed, even if Li Changxin finds Ye's mother, Ye's mother is too old to have children. In order to inherit the property, she feels that Li Changxin may have to bite the bullet and recognize her daughter, the fake prince's daughter. Well, after all, her daughter was looking for a son-in-law, and the child she gave birth to was still named Li.

——I don’t know why she is so confident. She thinks that Li Changxin will recognize the murderer’s daughter as her own. Maybe Yan Ling gave her the courage? Anyway, An Ran felt that the possibility that someone like Li Changxin would recognize the daughter of the murderer who occupied the magpie nest and killed her granddaughter as his daughter was almost zero, but revenge was possible. After all, even for property inheritance, it was necessary If he is an heir, then he can find one from his family instead of continuing to admit the murderer's daughter. Would Li Changxin be such a stupid person? He doesn't want the Li family who has his own blood, but he wants the daughter of the murderer who is not related to him by blood? Unless he's out of his mind.

But...if the story of the real and fake daughter that I guessed is true, then this old Mrs. Wu is really amazing. If it weren't for her own fault, she would have accomplished this.

Of course, it was probably because the blood types of the prince's daughter and Li Changxin's husband and wife matched, so they did not suspect that the prince's daughter was not their daughter. If the blood type was wrong, they would definitely do a paternity test immediately.

I just don’t know how Mrs. Wu replaced her original mother back then. You know, An Ran feels that in novels like the one where real and fake daughters are exchanged for children, she doesn’t think that the biological parents have to see their children, and they still To be able to admit mistakes, unless the two people look very similar, otherwise as long as they have seen their own children, they will not admit their mistakes. After all, she has given birth to children in many missions, and she knows that parents generally will not admit their children wrongly.

In this way, the most likely thing is that Li Changxin and his wife were replaced before they even saw their child.

This is also possible, because according to her investigation, although Li Changxin is the second generation of X, he was decentralized back then. The couple lived in the countryside in the 1970s, and they were also in the country when they gave birth to children. If someone does something like this, it is also It works.

The reason why I say this is because Mrs. Wu's mother was the midwife in the countryside. If Mrs. Wu wanted to exchange her daughter with the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Li Changxin, it would be too easy for her mother to be the midwife.

Soon An Ran's fourth accident happened, and An Ran escaped again. Of course, Mrs. Wu was also found at the scene again.

Although the results of the paternity test have not yet come out, An Ran has basically determined that Mrs. Wu is the secret spirit teller - even this spirit teller is too good. With such great ability, she can only use it to deal with an ordinary person. people.

After escaping the fourth accident, the paternity test results came out.

Sure enough, as An Ran thought, the original mother was the real daughter of Li Changxin and his wife, and the prince's daughter was the daughter of Mrs. Wu.

Seeing that things developed as he thought, An Ran decided to contact Li Changxin and tell him about the matter to see how Li Changxin planned to deal with it.

If Li Changxin doesn't plan to do anything, then she will deal with Mrs. Wu herself; if Li Changxin can handle it, then she can save some trouble. After all, Li Changxin has great power, and having him help in revenge will make her feel much more relaxed.

It is not difficult to contact Li Changxin, because she will search for Li Changxin's whereabouts, and then find a way to meet Li Changxin secretly.

The reason why they had to meet secretly was to avoid alerting Mrs. Wu, so as not to let Mrs. Wu know about it, and not to harm Li Changxin who already knew the truth - Mrs. Wu wanted to find out that Li Changxin knew the truth, so in order to prevent the truth from being exposed, she might Li Changxin took action. In that case, if Li Changxin died, the Li family would be in the hands of her daughter, and there would be no loss at all.

Soon An Ran found an opportunity to meet Li Changxin.

That day, Li Changxin was discussing cooperation with Enron Company. An Ran took advantage of Li Changxin's opportunity to go to the bathroom and had a brief encounter with him.

Because it was safe in Enron Company, Li Changxin went to the restroom without anyone around him. Of course, there were people outside the restroom, but this did not affect An Ran's brief contact with him.

Because the time was short, An Ran naturally didn't have time to say anything to him, so she just gave him a note.

An Ran believed that even if Li Changxin would not believe the note given by a stranger, he would still meet with him because of the importance of the matter.

When Li Changxin received the note, he thought that modern young girls were too unrestrained and wanted to date him. This kind of thing happened often. Although he was already in his seventies, he was still too rich and powerful to let him go. Many women came and went.

But when he saw what was written on the note, Li Changxin knew that he had thought wrong.

There is only one paragraph on the note: "Your daughter is not your biological child. If you want to know the situation, please go to a certain place at a certain time to describe it in detail. Please do not investigate in person for the time being. The enemy has supernatural abilities. If you don't know the situation, a sudden investigation will alert the snake." , bringing life-threatening consequences.”

This paragraph alone was enough to shock Li Changxin.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, Li Changxin planned to go to the appointment to see what was going on.

So Li Changxin immediately went to that place according to the time and address given by An Ran.

An Ran had arrived a long time ago. Seeing that Li Changxin had actually arrived, he knew that his action was half successful.

When An Ran saw Li Changxin coming, he didn't waste any time. He put the information he had on the table one by one and said to Li Changxin: "Everything is here, you take a look first. I never thought that you would He is my grandfather, but recently, the biological mother of your fake daughter has been trying to kill me. I am lucky and have escaped several times. Then I think my luck cannot be so bad. I often encounter it. I felt that there was a danger, so I conducted an investigation and discovered this matter. And judging from my constant accidents, your fake daughter’s biological mother should have some kind of super power. That’s why I remind you not to act rashly. , after all, she has such ability, if she finds out that you know the truth, I'm afraid she will be detrimental to you."

Naturally, An Ran would not say that he found out that Mrs. Wu had the ability to speak through the system, he would only say this.

Li Changxin listened to what An Ran said and read the information.

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