Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2324 Who is the murderer 10

After becoming a regular employee, the time when the original car accident was getting closer and closer, and An Ran's investigation still didn't lead to any clues. This made An Ran wonder whether the direction of his investigation was wrong. Ye's mother's biological parents were not those who had the right to investigate. The rich and powerful, but ordinary people.

But if you were an ordinary person, it would be even harder to find someone in the vast sea of ​​people.

Seeing that he had no clue, An Ran thought about buying another guide.

Thinking of this, An Ran couldn't help but feel distressed. She spent a lot of life points on this task. She spent a lot of life points on asking the system to scan the people around her for supernatural powers. Then she bought two guides and spent a lot of life points. , I have to buy it again. It would be better if it contains the information I need. If it doesn't have the information I want, I will waste a lot of life points in vain. This makes An Ran very hesitant.

In the end, Enron decided to wait until the car accident was over before buying it, and first find out whether the car accident was an accident or was staged.

If it was not an accident, but a supernatural force, see if the system can help detect what kind of force it is.

Soon it was time for the original accident to happen. An Ran went to the street where the original accident occurred and waited to see what would happen next.

This is because of her skill and boldness. If she were someone else, she would never come to that street to avoid an accident.

An Ran holds a high-level defense talisman. Let alone a car hitting her, even if a missile explodes, it will not kill her.

In addition, in the three months since she entered the game, she has become quite good at practicing martial arts. If something happens, she can use her light skills to avoid it.

An Ran waited quietly to see what reaction she would have and whether the enemy was really powerful. Even if she held a high-level defense talisman, she would not be able to escape this disaster.

Logically speaking, it should be impossible. After all, she has been in the world of advanced cultivation and has never encountered such an inexplicable and illogical situation.

Soon, the out-of-control truck in the original memory appeared.

The original person did not remember the license plate number of the car, which also prevented An Ran from searching for who the car belonged to to see if she could find any clues. But it didn't matter. She could write down the license plate number of the car now and wait until she got back. Then do a search and see if you can find anything.

An Ran stood where he once stood, preparing to cross the road.

An Ran didn't stay at home and avoid the car accident like the original person said, because she didn't want the butterfly plot. She wanted to see the first scene and go through the original plot. It was interesting. See if you can find any clues.

The red light turned green, and it was time to cross the road. An Ran crossed the road like the original person, and the truck was parked behind the zebra crossing. According to the original person's memory, when she was crossing the road, the truck seemed to be going crazy. Just like that, he suddenly ran a red light and hit her.

The plot remained the same, and so did the world. The truck suddenly moved and hit her.

At this moment, the system that she had been entrusted to monitor the situation suddenly said: "The will of heaven! There is a will of heaven in this world ordering that car to attack you! Hide!"

The matter was critical, and the system's mechanical voice spoke very quickly, but at the same time, the voice was as clear as ever.

When the system made a sound, An Ran sped up and ran.

She was walking slowly before, but at her previous speed, if the truck rushed over, it would definitely hit her.

But now she started running. Although she didn't use Qinggong, she still reached the level of a world-class athlete. Her body was like an arrow leaving the string, and she quickly ran to the other side of the road. In this way, even if people found her afterwards, she started running. Having escaped disaster, it would not be surprising if she was said to be lucky. I just thought that when people encounter danger, their potential explodes.

The truck, or in other words, Tiandao Will, did not expect her to start running now. Soon, An Ran successfully reached the other side of the road. The truck ran through the red light and broke into loneliness. After seeing Anran leave its range, Tiandao Will probably There was no control over it anymore, so the driver of the truck came to his senses and quickly applied the brakes without hitting anyone else.

It's a good thing that no one was waiting on the road today. Otherwise, An Ran wouldn't have implemented this plan. Otherwise, she would be fine, but others would be implicated and killed by her, and she wouldn't be able to continue.

Soon the traffic police came to stop the truck for questioning, but An Ran knew that the driver of the truck might not understand why he suddenly ran the red light. Asking was in vain. After all, it was the will of God. Can the driver understand the reason?

But...this is interesting.

The will of heaven...

Why does the will of heaven want to destroy the original body? The strategy says that the existence of the original body infringes on the interests of others. What, if it infringes on the interests of others, the will of Heaven will step in for the other party and eliminate that person? Is this Tiandao's biological daughter and son? Otherwise, even if he is the darling of the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao will only take care of him a little bit and make that person very lucky, but he will not do this.

If it was really done by the will of heaven, then it’s no wonder that those previous missionaries were invincible. After all, who can do it better than God!

"Does this mission have to be surrendered?" An Ran couldn't help but murmured.

Not willing to give in, even if you admit defeat, your health points will be deducted twice, and the health points you spent before will be wasted. Can An Ran be willing to do this?

Seeing An Ran's dejection, the system spoke up.

"The will of Heaven does not necessarily mean it is really the will of Heaven. There is another situation, as far as I know, it will also show that it is the will of Heaven."

"What's going on?" An Ran asked curiously after hearing this.

The system said: "I have heard from other systems in the mission space that they have encountered such a person who can follow the rules of speech. On the system side, it will be shown that this is the will of heaven. People with such skills can follow the rules of heaven. People, we call them..."

"Speaking Spirit! Speaking Spirit!" An Ran said without waiting for the system to speak out.

Although An Ran has never met a spirit talker, An Ran knows that there is such a person.

In missions before, I have encountered people who rob others of their luck and then have great luck. Because they have great luck, whoever is said to be unlucky will often make that person unlucky. However, this method of use still has limitations. Like those who speak the spirit, as long as the ability is there, they can speak the Dharma, just like the way of heaven.

After hearing An Ran's words, the system said, "Yes, it's the Spirit Talker."

When An Ran heard this, he couldn't help but clapped his hands, and his fighting spirit rose again, and said: "Let's see if it's the spirit talker first before admitting defeat. I always feel that Tiandao will not help people to this extent, and directly help Tiandao's beloved to kill the other party. . It’s more like those who speak the spirit and harm others.”

The system stopped talking, but An Ran already had an idea in her mind, so she didn't take it seriously if the system didn't speak.

But this time the system helped her a lot. If it hadn't been for the system reminder, she would have given up on this task. After all, how could she have the confidence to defeat Heaven?

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